Characters can earn badges from story participation and special achievements. These are collectibles displayed on the profile page, and act as a visual marker of character achievements.

About Badges
Badges are collectibles for display on a character's page, which mark various achievements. These can be story-related (e.g. hosted roleplay badges) or meta (e.g. Alva Awards), and vary in seriousness. Some are made / managed by you, and some are made / managed by us. What badges exist are entirely at the discretion of the owning mod or member.
To earn a badge, a character must:
Meet the requirements for the badge
Have a completed wix profile - as that is where badges are displayed
Submit a Claim via the usual form if required
Badge Types
There are three types: official badges, casual badges and player badges. Official badges also come in a few different types, all of which are described below.
Official Badges
Official badges are made and awarded by mods, for achievements related to the group plot or group meta. They general reward participation in an official group activity. Below are a few types to know:
Event Badges
Event badges are awarded for participation in an event - which means making an event submission affecting the outcome. They are available to main characters, and will become available to side characters when the Heroic Quest is launched.
Event badges are awareded by mods from event submissions when the badge is released.
Roleplay Badges
Roleplay badges are awarded for participation in a mod-hosted roleplay, usually one that takes place during an event or interval, or one that otherwise has story importance. Whether or not there's a badge for any given roleplay is entirely up to the hosting mod; sometimes there may be no badge but just EXP, or vice versa.
The requirement for earning a roleplay badge is the same as that for earning EXP - at least 3 posts contributing towards the main aim of the roleplay. Purely personal roleplay and spectator posts don't count.
Roleplay badges are awarded by mods from sign-ups when the badge is released.
Arcana Badges
Arcana badges are awarded for meaningful story pieces, usually contributing towards a Legendary Quest. For more details on Arcana badges and how to earn them, please see the Legendary Quest page.
Arcana badges must be claimed via the submissions form.
Luminary Badges
Luminary badges are a special version of Roleplay or Arcana badges (i.e. in practice you could have a Luminary Roleplay badge or a Luminary Arcana badge), awarded for especially valuable story contributions. Earning one is a special achievement requiring some combination of:
Judgement (i.e. making the right call at a crucial moment)
Brave action (e.g. taking a big risk, making a hard choice, doing the hard work)
Impact (i.e. changing the course of the group plot somehow, in a positive or helpful way)
Luck (this is acknowledgement that there is an element of chance in being in the right situation)
There is no guarantee that any given roleplay or Arcana will have Luminary badges given (indeed some are simply better suited to it than others), nor is it reasonable to expect that any given character will earn one in their lifetime.
Luminary badges are very highly valued for the Heroic Quest, and simply a gift of appreciation from the mods otherwise. Those who have earned a Luminary badge will be announced when the badge is released or earned, whichever is later. They are awarded as per the rules for the original badge.
Meta Badges
Meta badges are awarded for meta achievements of various kinds, e.g. for Alva Awards prizes. They may be awarded by mod or require a claim - instructions will be given whenever they are released.
Official badges usually become available at the end of the activity they're earned from - e.g. event badges are released after the event conclusion.
To get an official badge, submit a Claim via the normal Submissions Form:
Casual Badges
Casual badges are made by mods or members under mod supervision and self-awarded. They are light acknowledgement of general IC achievements, such as eating a potato in Bratkowice or training under an icy waterfall in Valsk. Guidelines for these will be released in future.
Player Badges
Player badges are made by mods and members and awarded by the maker. These are awarded for achievements related to the maker's character - you can think of them as something like a reverse heart chart. Please note though that they are strictly for character specific achievements! l I.e.:
Player badges can be for:
Developing a certain kind of relationship with the maker's character, e.g. friends, enemies, frenemies
Having a certain personal experience with the maker's character, e.g. dreamwalking, getting drunk with
Player badges cannot be for:
General things, e.g. having a nice butt, being blonde
General experiences. e.g. being in the same roleplay, having a regional experience
As a rule of thumb, think about whether you have the right to make decisions about what you're trying to reward. If it's not something that you have ultimate control over, then it's not appropriate for you to make the reward and/or decide who gets it.
For instructions on adding Player Badges, see the Character Profiles page.