Heroic Quest
Side characters can complete a Heroic Quest to earn a promotion to main character. This is done through Merit Points (MP), which only sides can earn and hold.

The Heroic Quest is a way for side characters who make meaningful story contributions to be promoted to main character, on their own achievements, without tokens earned from another character. These achievements earn Merit Points (MP), which are a simplification of EXP and badge rewards combined. Note that this means art for side characters now earns MP rather than EXP.
MP is:
Limited to side characters. They disappear once the side is promoted to main.
Specific to individual characters.
Rewarded with side-to-main promotion once it reaches a threshold.
MP is not:
Transferable between characters, even in case of death.
Reflective of character wealth. Like EXP, it is a meta reward.
Convertible or translateable to EXP, as it accounts things that do not earn EXP.
Read on for more about...
Earning MP
Like EXP, MP can be earned by general participation - e.g. gallery submissions, memes, resources - and story participation - e.g. event participation, playing in mod-hosted rps or games.
MP is, however, simplified and weighted by story contribution. The two main differences are that:
Because it's simplified, it does not have the scaling used for EXP - like the art calculation.
Because it's weighted by story, some story achievements earn far more MP than normal achievements.
The types of achievements that can earn MP are detailed below:
Normal Merit
For normal contributions in either general or story participation, the MP amounts earned are:
Mod-hosted roleplay participation:
20 MP
Comes with earning the RP badge
Event submission:
60 MP
Once per event
Interval / Prompt submission:
20 MP
Once per interval / prompt
General gallery submission:
5 MP
Must be finished piece, no doodles or sketches
Guild badge:
20 MP
Must be current member at time of promotion
Special Merit
For valuable story contributions rewarded with a Luminary badge (see Badges for more detail on what this is and what qualifies for one), the MP amounts earned are:
Luminary Roleplay badge:
200 MP
For impactful actions within a mod-hosted rolelay
Luminary Arcana badge:
200 MP
For impactful actions shown via art
The Luminary amount replaces the normal amount, and is earned once for a particular action - e.g. if it was earned in a hosted roleplay, this 200 MP will replace the 20 MP for the rp badge, but any subsequent art of it will be counted normally.
MP can be earned retrospectively for:
Mod-hosted roleplays
Arcana badges earned on old art
Gallery submissions which have not yet been awarded EXP
MP cannot be earned retrospectively for:
Gallery submissions which have already been awarded EXP
Submitting for MP
The submission process for earning MP is the same as that for EXP and badges - i.e. use the normal Submissions Form. For side characters, MP will be awarded instead of EXP. There is a separate MP tally alongside the EXP tally.
Note that like claims, MP for a badge will only be available when that badge is released.

The Quest
The Heroic Quest consists of accumulating MP past a set threshold, which varies by class tier as detailed below. Once the relevant threshold is passed, the character then becomes eligible for promotion to main character.
The Heroic Quest is open to:
Active side characters only
Members with no official warnings only
Each eligible character may complete one Heroic Quest each.
Completion Criteria
To complete the quest and earn a promotion to main, a character must accrue the following MP amounts:
Base tier side > main: 250 MP (200+50)
Intermediate side > main: 300 MP (200+100)
Final tier side > main: 400 MP (200+200)
Note that the thresholds include a flat component representing general character contribution, and a scaled component reflective of class tier. You may also notice that the Special Merit rewards are scaled to meet the flat component in one go.
Quest Submission
To gain the side to main promotion, please submit a Claim via the normal Submissions Form.
Can I still grind EXP for a main with my side character, instead of getting MP?
No. Grinding EXP for a main via a side was always an awkward compromise for when we didn't have something sides could earn for themselves. Now that MP exists for that, sides earn MP.
Can I credit a side character for gift art to grind MP?
Yes that's fine - though bear in mind that EXP has art quality scaling and MP does not. It will always earn a flat 5 MP regardless of quality.
Can I still promote side characters via character tokens?
Yes, that still exists and is fine to use if it's better for you. This is an alternative that rewards activity for the side character themself.
Can Arcana badges earned for the Heroic Quest be re-used for the Legendary Quest?
Yes they can!