Calendar & Zodiac
Standard Calendar
Alva uses a standard calendar identical to our own solar calendar, but with different names and traditions. Below is information on the year cycle, the months, the holidays, and the zodiac.
Year Cycle
Years are counted in a four-year cycle, each of which is associated with a particular god and is traditionally considered to be suited for different kinds of activities. This doesn't stop life going on as normal, but it is a small indication of luck.
The current year is 8295, Year of Souls.
Year of Beginnings
The first year of the cycle, a good year to plan, build and consolidate. It is associated with Therras.
Year of Paths
The third year of the cycle, a good year for travel, fresh starts and new ventures. Associated with Iridus.
Year of Coins
The second year of the cycle, an auspicious year for business. Associated with Mareus.
Year of Souls
The fourth year of the cycle, a leap year. It is considered a 'fate' year, when the gods' influence is the strongest and when luck is volatile. Associated with the twin gods Aurea and Atros.
There are twelve months which split each year identically to ours. The long names are in the form 'Month of Frost', while dates are parsed as, x-th month name, e.g. 1st Frost.
Zodiac Signs
Alva has a standard zodiac that is equivalent to ours. The signs themselves are tied to different, Alvan constellations, but the characteristics denoted by each sign are identical.
The Otter
21 Frost - 18 Mirrors

The Albatross
22 Seeds - 21 Flowers

The Double Tree
24 Fire - 23 Rains

The Leviathan
19 Mirrors - 20 Thawing

The Selkie
21 Flowers - 22 Sun

The Snake
24 Rains - 22 Gifts

The Stag
21 Thawing - 20 Arrival

The Hunter
23 Sun - 22 Harvest

The Lantern Bearer
23 Gifts - 21 Stars

The Bear
21 Arrival - 21 Seeds

The Scroll
22 Harvest - 23 Fire

The Hippocamp
22 Stars - 20 Frost

Songluan Calendar
While Songluans acknowledges the standard solar calendar, they take great pride in following their own lunisolar calendar as well, which has been a significant part of their culture for over two and a half millennia.
The calendar consists of twelve lunar months, each named after a zodiac animal, plus a thirteenth which is inserted in leap years. Month lengths alternate between 29 and 30 days (the first day of the cycle having 29 and the last 30), with the leap month always being 30 days. Years themselves follow a 60-year cycle (currently in its 41st cycle since the arrival of the people to Song-Lu).
Every Songluan year has an aspect, a luxury, and an associated zodiac animal. It is commonly believed that these attributes give hints as to what will occur during the year, and that they determine a lot about the personality and life of a person born in the same year.
Aspects are the influence of the two gods, Aurea and Atros, whose heavenly embodiments of sun and moon shine down upon Alva. They influence the temper of a person or year.
Associated with Aurea, this aspect can represent the searing heat of the sun on a hot day, but also the life-giving warmth of the sun in the middle of winter. An aspect of extremes, the incandescent are given to great variation in their tempers.
Associated with Atros, this aspect represents the soft moonlight reflected on a restless, dark sea; shedding light on dangers in your way but also creating an illusion of safety. An aspect of grace, the lambent are even-tempered, but rarely straightforward.
Luxuries are precious commodities associated with each of the five gods. They influence a person or year's area of power.
Luxury of the Moon, the most precious of crystals are clear, tinted with faint color but allowing light to shine through. Occasionally marred by cracks or other imperfections, this luxury represents truth and honesty, allowing one’s faults to show as well as one’s intentions.
Luxury of the Sea, this rare treasure mutes and reflects all light, creating a beautiful hint of colors across its surface but never revealing what lies within. Hidden and waiting to be found, this luxury represents secrets and the growth of something distasteful into a thing of beauty.
Luxury of the Wind, this flighty substance reaches far from its source, scents designed to tickle senses and awaken both mind and body. Meticulously crafted according to treasured recipes, this luxury represents great craftsmanship and pleasure, especially that of great accomplishment.
Luxury of the Sun, the noblest of metals shines with a bright radiance that is only dulled by mistreatment. Precious and easily shaped, this luxury represents material and spiritual wealth, as well as a malleable mind.
Luxury of the Earth, these chunks of frozen fire must be shaped and polished before they glow in the sunlight, mottled specks and hints of ancient life occasionally preserved within. Carrying relics of the past, this luxury represents knowledge and artistic ability, as well as bridges to past events.
Zodiac Animal
The zodiac animals are those who have in some way distinguished themselves in the mythos of Song-lu’s creation. Each is associated with a certain set of traits and karma.
First in the zodiac and guardian of midnight, the Cat leads us into the new year as well as the new day on quiet paws, often hiding in plain sight unless wanting attention. A skilled hunter, the cat represents dexterity, the ability to act quickly and to be driven by your instinct, but also possessiveness and the seeking of comfort.
Weekday: Monday night
Hours of the day: 23:00 – 00:59
Third in the zodiac and observer of the quiet hours before dawn, the Horse grazes while waiting for its masters to wake. Powerful, elegant and a hard worker whose life is lived entirely in the service of others, the horse represents strength, obedience and sturdiness, but also bonds of service and being being taken for granted.
Weekday: Monday day
Hours of the day: 03:00 – 04:59
Fifth in the zodiac and caretaker of the awakening flowers, the Bee works ceaselessly during the sunlit hours, flying from one flower to the next to collect their sweet nectar. Never slacking in its duties, the bee represents endurance, dedication and accountability, but also obsession and self-sacrifice in the service of a higher power.
Weekday: Tuesday day
Hours of the day: 07:00 – 08:59
Seventh in the zodiac and guardian of midday, the Snake curls up in the sunlight to drink of its warmth. Admired for its brilliant colors yet feared for its poison bite, the snake represents eloquence, a beautiful exterior and sensitivity to change, but also poverty and the telling of lies.
Weekday: Wednesday night
Hours of the day: 11:00 – 12:59
Ninth in the zodiac and watcher of the rivers, the Otter is known as a playful fisher who shares with its family. Considered a good omen when spotted playing on the riverbanks, the otter represents charisma, light-heartedness and joy, but also childishness and an inability to take things seriously.
Weekday: Saturday day
Hours of the day: 15:00 - 16:59
Eleventh in the zodiac and wanderer of the seas, the Salmon travels far and wide, but never forgets to return home to give life to the next generation. A free explorer, yet anchored to its place of birth, the salmon represents balance, grounded ambition and positivity in the face of adversity, but also stubbornness and excessive self-reliance.
Weekday: Friday day
Hours of the day: 19:00 – 20:59
Weaving through the zodiac according to its whims, the Fox enjoys putting people on the spot. Known to many as an irresponsible trickster, but to others as an insightful riddle-maker, the fox represents the soul, spirits and the unforeseen, but also trickery and uncomfortable questions.
Weekday: Saturday night
Hours of the day: Solar eclipse
Second in the zodiac and watcher over the dead hours, the Owl is patient, rarely seen but always there. Traditionally considered a keeper of knowledge, the owl represents wisdom, silence and watchfulness, but also hidden intentions and a reluctance to step forth when called
Weekday: Tuesday night
Hours of the day: 01:00 – 02:59
Fourth in the zodiac and guardian of the morning light, the Falcon circles high above the busy streets searching for its prey. A proud master of the skies, the falcon represents perception, attention to detail and rising to great heights, but also aloofness and focusing on something to the exclusion of everything else.
Weekday: Wednesday day
Hours of the day: 05:00 – 06:59
Sixth in the zodiac and watcher of the harbors, the Cormorant dives through the waves to provide sustenance for all regardless of the risks below, yet welcomes the world with open wings. Chosen as Song-Lu’s emblem animal, the cormorant represents courage, community spirit and maternalism, but also gossip and emotional reliance.
Weekday: Sunday day
Hours of the day: 09:00 – 10:59
Eighth in the zodiac and wanderer of the lakes, the Crane stands solemnly on guard soon after the sun has reached its peak. Often seen dancing with its life-long partner, the crane represents grace, commitment and letting actions speak for themselves, but also disdain for others and a lack of empathy.
Weekday: Friday night
Hours of the day: 13:00 – 14:59
Tenth in the zodiac and guardian of the evening skies, the Raven speaks with the spirits and serves them as messenger. Distrusted by some and worshipped by others, the raven represents intelligence, skill with magic and the supernatural, but also death and the bearing of bad news.
Weekday: Thursday night
Hours of the day: 17:00 – 18:59
Twelfth and last in the zodiac, found sheltered within its self-made abode, the Silkworm is a creator of opulence and wealth for many. Whether sacrificed for the longer, high-quality threads or allowed to complete its transition in peace, the silkworm represents resilience, wealth and safety, but also ignorance and being trapped by your own decisions.
Weekday: Thursday day
Hours of the day: 21:00 – 22:59
Jade Rabbit
Rare and incredibly fortuitous, the Jade Rabbit is a mythical creature whose legend has attributed to it many different qualities over the centuries. Believed to be living among the stars, nesting in the moon itself, the Jade Rabbit represents luck, healing and freedom, but also exaggeration and forgetfulness.
Weekday: Sunday night
Hours of the day: Lunar eclipse
Everyone understands that the signs only give indications of how a given year will progress, or what a person will be like, but reading and interpreting the zodiac is a favoured pastime in Song-Lu.
The aspects influence the temper of a person or year, both in positive and negative ways. It is never viewed on its own, but used as a guideline for interpreting the rest of the signs.
The luxury represents your area of power, a personality trait or talent which is your main forte. For those who believe in the gods, the luxury also represents the god who is most likely to attend your prayer, or bestow favors upon you. When used to predict the outcome of a year, the luxury represents something that will occur or a course of action which is favored in that year.
Outer Animal
This is determined by your year animal. The sign represents your overall qualities, generally focusing on the positive aspects of the sign rather than the negative. These are believed to be your most visible traits - the ones you allow others to see. When used to predict the outcome of a year, one must view both the positive and negative aspects of the animal sign, and view them in combination with the year’s associated luxury and aspect.
Inner Animal
This is determined by your month animal. It is generally believed that this sign represents your love life. While fairly innocuous, some believe it can also represent various intrigues you will experience, and it can give insights into your family affairs. For these reasons, many choose not to share this sign with others.
True Animal
This is determined by your day animal. Shared only with close friends, if at all, the true animal represents tendencies in how your life develops, as well as your talents for various lines of work. It can also give insights into your health. Experts claim they can track your life from birth to death based on this sign alone.
Secret Animal
This is determined by your hour animal. Usually known only to your parents and yourself, the secret animal represents your innate qualities, which come into play when you are at your most truthful to yourself. Sometimes repressed, these qualities can lead you into trouble or save you from the most dire of situations. The effects of this sign can be highly unpredictable, but some believe it is the most defining sign of them all. It is said that if you don’t know your secret animal, then you don’t know yourself.
Dorel Calendar
The people of Telurea used a different calendar called the Dorel Calendar to track time. It was a mix of solar and lunar timekeeping systems – with solar years and lunar months – and kept diligently kept by the astronomers of Dorel. There was an element of spirituality associated with the calendar, as the spirits of ancestors were said to influence certain days.