Event 16
19 Jul - 26 Aug, 2017

While human politics rend Alva, the patient elves are not idle. They have been quiet for long enough. Now as they witness the humans spiral towards oblivion, the time is ripe to move on what they truly desire.
The light elves are just beginning. Their secretive plots have at last become open crusade. They have wrested west Cantor from the Kingdom, and now they prepare to breach the Leywood in search of powerful ancient heirlooms... a quest the Kingdom fears will lead to annihilation. Just past the first half of Sun, it happens - a pillar of blinding white fire erupts from the forest and an unearthly, bone-shaking scream tears through the continent. Birds and creatures all over break into a hysteria that only calms hours later. The barrier to the Leywood is broken. There is no time to lose - if Delverne is to claim the items of unfathomable power hidden within, and if the Kingdom is to stop them, they must move quickly.
The dark elves started long ago. For centuries the Queendom has been gathering power and resources, guarding its plans with jealous secrecy. So close to their goal now and pressed by a poison that could undo their entire race, they decide it is finally time to move. On the 19th Sun, an earthquake shakes the entire east continent and a gaping ravine, impossibly deep, splits open the land between Reluir and Iadlain. Something emerges – a dark, colossal, headless figure of unimaginable power. But something has gone wrong, as Reluir fails to keep it from attacking them too. It is out of control, and everything east of the mountains suddenly faces destruction.
The deepest, hidden ambitions of Alva break the surface. There is now no turning back.
Delverne and Reluir begin to set their long-hidden ambitions in motion - ambitions that spell great power for them, but danger and destruction for their human neighbours. Will they succeed, or will they be stopped?

West Continent

Delverne and Cantor have been engaged in a face-off on entry to the Leywood since the annexation of west Cantor. Delvans have been relentlessly trying to break the barrier raised by the Ley Elk, and Cantish have been readying for a race in the forest and sabotaging Delvan efforts when they can.
For Delverne, it is a matter of destiny. The last expedition proved that relics of their elvish ancestors are hidden in the Leywood - heirlooms that belong to them. Among the relics are items of power far greater than anything in Alva now, which they believe are Aurea's gifts to pave their rise. Blessed with prophecy and divine will, they are determined to save the world from evil and turmoil by assuming rightful control over Alva.
For Cantor and the Kingdom, it is a matter of survival. The last expedition proved that the Leywood is sacred not to Aurea but to Therras, by the discovery of the Ley Elk - an earth deity in their folklore. The fear is very real that Delverne's avarice may destroy the natural balance of Alva... and even if it doesn't, that it will not hesitate to annihilate the rest of the Kingdom if it dares to reject Delvan rule.
The Ley Elk's barrier finally broke to an enormous fire spell on the 16th Sun. The plume of white fire from the spell was visible as far south as Cantor city. The scream of the Ley Elk that came with it was felt as far away as Amedra. Closer to the centre of the continent, it was intense enough to cause fainting and crippling nausea. Further towards the edges, it came as a sudden vibration and dizziness. In all cases it was felt through the bones rather than heard. The effect on animals was similar - nearer to the centre the frenzy was chaotic and lasted hours, while nearer to the coast it led only to noise and a few panicked individuals who soon calmed down. Many creatures have since seemed generally uneasy, especially those in Cantor.
On both sides, the breaking of the barrier was call to action. Both had been preparing for months, and for both it would take another few days to pull together all the people and resources they had been steadily gathering. Come the 21st Sun, the race to find and claim the secrets of the Leywood begins in earnest.
East Continent

Reluir has made little headway into Iadlain’s lands for months, thanks to the stubborn resistance of the Empire. The elvish nation was prepared to outlast their opponents in a siege, until Iadlain struck one of their captured towns with their newly completed Adabrene poison in the month of Flowers. It failed to drive Reluir away, but it did enough damage to convince them that taking Iadlain was not necessary for their goals.
Reluir set to work immediately after the blessings of St Beitris’ Feast. Strange, ornate chests were placed as close to the Iadlish border as they could safely get, creating a massive magical ritual spanning miles. For seven days, palace mages assembled a strange spell around these chests, and on the 19th Sun, it is completed. Beneath every chest, the earth tears open with a terrible shaking, forming a single, gargantuan ravine.
Immense dark energy pours from it, freezing the land and forming thunderstorms overhead. A giant figure rises slowly from the abyss, its body so dark it seems to absorb all light and warmth. It looks almost like a person, except it has no head and only emerges up to its waist, as if unable to leave the crevasse. Even so, it towers into the clouds. As its arms reach out, inky shadows drip from it, and every drop becomes a violent, pitch-black beast.
It is Reluir’s weapon of unimaginable power. Yet something is wrong: the figure seems to have no mind, and therefore cannot obey the commands of Reluir. Instead, it passes its ethereal hands over Relan and Iadlish land alike, indiscriminately covering them with ice, monsters and terror.
Something must be done before everything east of the mountains – and then perhaps west of it too – is destroyed. The intuitive plan is to destroy or seal the chests fuelling the figure, but each one fell into the ravine, making it incredibly dangerous to retrieve them. Iadlain and Reluir have their owns secrets and own plans as well: Iadlain’s Count claims the figure’s mind is in Iadlain’s woods and can be spoken to, while Reluir’s Queen states that if more power is funnelled into the figure, it will find its own mind and come under Reluir’s control. No plan is safe or certain, but action must be taken – and fast.

Event Outcomes
For Cantor, the event outcome will be determined by the success of each side in the Leywood Game, and by art entries in support of the Cantor or Delverne sides. The Leywood Game will set the canon for the expedition, so do play in or watch it if you want to see how it plays out!
For Iadlain, the event outcome will be determined by the support for the following options in the Wispwood Game and in art entries:
Dispel the headless figure by sundering the parts that made it
Convince the figure to retreat by using its mind fragment
Control the figure by feeding it power until it can make itself whole

Event Participation
Leywood & Wispwood Games
There are two event games, one for the Leywood expedition and one for the Wispwood expedition. Signups and more info below:
❖ Leywood & Wispwood Game Sign-ups ❖

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in the main event to affect the outcomes! Art or literature entries will receive a bonus 30 EXP. Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and the outcome.

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
Anastasia Umbrius
Ancient Lineage
Deep in the Leywood, Anya discovers that she has a mysterious connection with the ruined civilisation. Strange recognition whispers to her intuition. Doors reveal themselves before her. Long dormant spells flicker to life in her presence. Along the way, the reason becomes clear - her blood is of the ancients. An ancestor of hers many, many generations ago was an important figure in the Leywood cities, and to this day their magic responds to her as if she were that ancestor. In some cases her simple proximity is enough. In others, blood from her veins is necessary to wake the enchantments.
Special Role
Lylas Moroughnil
Wraith's Bane
As more and more inky monsters spill from the abyss, Lylas makes a heart-stopping discovery - when a wraith touches him or even comes too close, it instantly recoils from him as if stung. Thereafter, although still more violent than submissive, it avoids him as much as possible. This strange immunity opens a realm of possibilities for the elf. He can now move more freely than anyone amongst the monsters, and therefore push more deeply towards any goal - whether that is entering the ravine, searching the forest or serving the Relan crown. But what he chooses, and whether he even makes his ability known, is up to his own whims...
Special Role
Evin Lex Coreum
Evin, after working on the ancient shields of Cantor, wins a breakthrough that will carry throughout the expedition just days before it. With his sagecraft, he has cracked the core of the protection spells used by the Leywood civilisation. What seems like a single key reveals itself to be a master key as the expedition continues; all over the forest valley, locks and shields unravel to his hand. He cannot yet recreate the shields or instruct others on how to break them, but he can now open the secrets of the Ley cities in ways no other can.

An expedition of discovery unfolded before the explorers of the Leywood. Guided by a tapestry map and clues found along the way, they combed through the cities of the Imarion Valley and bore witness to the remains of a mysterious past - a past of riches, divine heroes, great magic and greater secrets. By the twelfth day they all reached their destination Soloros... and there in the heart of Soloros on the 6th Harvest, they came face to face with a divinity of ancient times. Before them stood Tharoneos - the real Ley Elk of legends, puppeteer of the earth sentinels, and worldly vessel of Therras himself.
There was no time for reverence. In a flash of fire and steel, the divine Elk was cut down by Delvans waiting in the wings. Traitors had infiltrated the Kingdom effort from the start, and had been helping the Delverne win the race to reach their powerful heirloom in Soloros. It was only natural and necessary to them to sacrifice a god that was not theirs, for the sake of their own.
But if Delverne was hoping for complete victory, it was not to be. Tharoneos did not relinquish what it guarded - instead it broke it into fragments and entombed itself in its dying throes. Of these, Delverne collected three and the Kingdom nine before the Elk banished all intruders from its presence. In an instant, they all vanished. And in its place, a giant tree of silver-white grows from Tharoneos' tomb in Soloros. What it means nobody knows.
For two long weeks, battles raged around th Wispwood ravine. Those seeking to empower the colossal figure and those seeking to destroy it clashed with both endless wraiths and each other. On the 3rd Harvest, the breakthrough came - an unlikely group of combined Empire and Relan forces pierced the wall of wraiths surrounding the ravine. Together they scrambled into its depths into the overwhelming miasma. Throats and eyes froze. Bones fractured, weapons bent and crystals shattered in the crushing air. Still they pressed on, and found several mysterious chests wedged in the rocky walls.
The dark ether pouring from the chests was so intense they cannot be touched by anything, but after layer upon layer of sealing spells are thrown on they are at last prised out and lifted from the ravine. Then, with three in the hands of the Empire and one with Relan rebels, they escaped. As they spirited the chests away, the colossal figure began to crumble. Waves of black streamed from its collapsing body, into the ravine and over the land, shattering earth. No-one near could survive this - all who could fled.
The tremors slowly dissipated and the storm faded. The Relan rebels disappeared into hiding and the others regrouped in Iadlain town. The colossal figure is gone and the crisis over, yet danger remains. What are these chests and their uncontrollable power? What will the Relan crown do to get them back? Is that really the last of the colossal figure, and what will come of the ravine now? There are more questions than answers but even so, there is a victory to hold onto. The people of both sides battled for survival and, for now, against all odds, they have won.