Event 15
23 Apr - 20 May, 2017

The wars have left many scars on the eastern continent. While those in the line of fire bear the injuries and fear, others wear thin under the burden of providing endless support. Deep in the south of Linhythe, bordering Tusa, the Whelcliffe province is quietly crumbling. Although untouched by the battles themselves, this poor and isolated subregion has felt the effects of increased taxes and supply shortages more deeply than its peers. Their tenuous grasp on survival finally slipped when sickness swept through their towns in the month of Thawing, and their attempts at appealing for outside help were waylaid by Linhian corruption. They cannot hold out much longer – annihilation by starvation and disease looms.
Tusa, who once shared cultural ties with the area, catches wind of their situation and is horrified. Whelcliffe, known to them as Orgos, belonged to Tusar clans before Koben handed it to Linhythe centuries ago. The tragedy fuels their bubbling enmity with Koben and, outraged at yet another affront against their own, Tusar all over push for their rescue.
The Southern Federation responds. Within a week, the Federation’s government has aid organised and ready, and dispatches it to Linhythe without delay. They send their military along with it to keep both citizens and cargo safe from the many perils of the area. But this raises a sudden, ugly complication: sending armed Federation forces into Empire territory, for whatever reason, is a breach of their treaty and a threat to the Empire’s national security. Koben, alarmed, slams the brakes on the Federation’s move; the Federation, urgent, presses their mission. And while the two nations are deadlocked in equal resoluteness, the people of Whelcliffe, of Orgos, are slowly dying.
The Southern Federation rushes to alleviate the disease and famine in Whelcliffe but is met with the Koben Empire’s bristling. Do they go on and possibly incite retaliation from the Empire? Or do they stop and risk the deaths – and anger – of their own people?

Event Details
Whelcliffe is a poor fishing province south of Hangman's Cross. Its territory is mostly either barren land or hazardous rocky coasts, and the combination of distance, bad roads and strong headwinds make it hard to access. Monitored only by a few corrupt officials, Whelcliffe has been overtaxed and neglected for months. Starvation set in and then sickness swept through, devastating its weakened population. With their cries for help smothered before they can reach the capital, it now teeters on the brink of destruction.
But someone else has heard them. The Southern Federation, a fresh political player with new found power in hand, received word that trickled across the Tusar border. Its Estran half, accustomed to a charitable culture, is shocked at the cruelty. Its Tusar half is outraged by what they see as Koben's continued mistreatment of their kin. As one, the Federation decides it must act. On 24th Arrival, it contacts the Empire with their concerns and intent to provide aid. Surprised, Koben agrees on the condition that only unarmed civilians cross the border, and finally begins its own enquiries into Whelcliffe's plight.
A small civilian relief force from the Circle of the Wreath heads out within five days. Soon after on the 1st Seeds, the Federation mobilises a larger-scale operation to deliver bulk supplies. Part of it will travel in by caravan across the desert, whiile another will sail in via the Jewel Sea. In both cases, despite Koben's words, the Federation employs its military. The perilous journeys and crime levels in Whelcliffe make it simply too dangerous not to. Confident that they can make Koben understand, they swiftly send their teams of brave volunteers and soldiers off to a grand farewell. Those left at home pray for their safety: the Tusar caravans must face sandstorms, shifting dunes, wild beasts, dehydration and bandits, while the Estran ships must battle stormy weather, pirates and the jagged maze of the Whistling Reef.
But the Federation is too optimistic. While the first civilian group enters without a problem, the larger military-heavy convoys that arrive two days later on the 9th Seeds meet refusal. The Empire will not concede to allowing an armed foreign military within its borders. Koben, aghast and furious, warns the Federation that it is a violation of their non-aggression pact to for them to cross so. Tusa's vocal vitriol and Estraude's history of naval conflict with Linhythe do not help - from the Empire's perspective, the danger is very real.
The two sides argue. The Empire tells the Federation’s convoy to either give up their arms before crossing the border, or turn around and leave Koben to deal with Whelcliffe alone. The Federation rebuts that the Empire cannot ensure the safety of their citizens in the infamous province so the arms are necessary. To them it is Koben who is being unreasonable - the people of Whelcliffe need their aid now, not whenever Koben can spare it. The impasse lengthens. For every day that passes, Whelcliffe moves closer to death the fretful impatience rises among the would-be aid-givers. The Federation must grit its teeth and make a decision.

Event Outcomes
The event outcome will be determined by vote. Each member will receive by default one vote; extra votes can be earned by art entries.
❖ Vote Here ❖

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in either assisting the effort in Whelcliffe or guarding the supply convoy across Tusa’s desert or sailing from Estraude’s port. Finished art or literature entries will receive a bonus 30 EXP and 4 extra votes on the event outcome (sketch or drabble entries will receive half this amount). Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and outcome votes.

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
There are no special roles or quests for this event/interval

The Southern Federation stood its ground. For three days, they persisted in their emergency negotiations, laying assurance upon argument to the Empire about the necessity of their entry to Linhythe. On the third day, Koben finally relented – their own resources were stretched too thin to provide for Whelcliffe immediately, and their attentions too occupied with other matters to afford this extra quarrel. Deciding to believe the Federation’s poor manners were simply due to their inexperience, the Empire allowed the armed aid contingent into Whelcliffe.
Once in, the Federation wasted no time. Ships and caravans were unloaded with military precision, and access to the local infrastructure quickly secured so that supplies could be distributed. Within days, they had swept across the majority of Whelcliffe’s villages. Grateful locals received food, healing, basic necessities and even defence against roving bandits, thanks to the Federation’s equipped soldiers. A week passed with all looking well, and the Empire finished organising its own contingent to send to Whelcliffe. They contacted the Federation to inform them of this and arrange a handover, but received no clear answer: the Federation instead replied that there was still a lot that must be done for Whelcliffe before they could safely withdraw their help. When Koben asked again, the Federation held to this stance – they would not abandon Whelcliffe while it was still in need.
The Empire’s contingent arrived in the province on the 25th Seeds, ready to take authority away from its corrupt governors, investigate the wrongs, and restore order. Instead they found the Federation’s people ensconced more deeply than they had originally intended. They had commandeered almost every governmental position – law enforcement, finances, transport, records. Even if this was to facilitate their aid efforts, it was still essentially a takeover of Whelcliffe.
The Empire confronted the Federation, telling them firmly they must leave. Again, the Federation disagreed and then resisted the Empire’s attempts to escort them to the border. A conflict broke out – one small in size, but staggering in consequence as each side leapt too quickly to defence, leaving an Estran healer and two Kobener soldiers dead. Outrage flared on both sides. Livid at this betrayal of their trust but outnumbered, the Empire’s troops were forced out. Victorious but burning with grief and righteous fury, the Federation firmed its hold on Whelcliffe. It didn’t take long for the ramifications to unfold - the Federation had seized the province from the Empire, the treaty between them was now void, and a new warfront had opened.