Event 7
Emerald Masquerade
3 Jan - 30 Jan, 2016

The end of 8291 has been a strange and alarming one for Estraude - the disappearance of Consul Akiela Fakhri put its government in a precarious state of limbo. With no leader to ratify government actions or motions, Chamber councillors have been acting in pseudo-legality just to run the country. As the year ends and Akiela shows no signs of returning, this can go on no longer. To prevent potential civil unrest and predation by other nations, the Chamber begins a hefty exercise - the complete overhaul of its political system. Aalok Dalal, a lesser known politician, is appointed to the post of Consul to oversee the process.
All laws and legacy systems are on the cutting table. All treaties and agreements are declared void to make way for new policy. With the dissolution of old treaties with the Miras Kingdom and Delverne, Estraude is now truly neutral.
Emerging from the purge, Consul Aalok takes the opportunity of Estraude's neutrality to call the rest of the world to the discussion table in a lavish masquerade ball. In a surprise move, the King of Miras and Emperor of Koben both quickly accept their invitations. The condition, a temporary ceasefire, is granted by both. Perhaps even more surprisingly, the Queen of Reluir and Dominus of Delverne also accept theirs in the last minute. As per the terms of Aaloks' open invitation, all citizens of participating nations - be they politician or civilian - may attend. All of Alva, it seems, will converge on Estraude. The agenda will be foreign relations between all parties and Estraude; the reward, new allegiances and, on a slim chance, perhaps even a long-term peace treaty proposed by Consul Aalok.
Update - To detail civilian transport to the Emerald Masquerade:
The Koben government will sponsor tickets for free civilian transport to the event by sea ship. The number of tickets made available per city is proportional to the population and given by lottery. Every citizen is entitled to one lottery ballot each, which can be used/put in the draw at centres set up specifically for the event; winners receive their tickets either by collection at the centre or by mail. Ticket holders must make their own travel arrangements to either Belport (for North settlers), Song-Lu or Linhythe. The ships will join to form a single convoy in Linhythe and from there be escorted by the Imperial Navy through the pirate-infested waters of southern Linhythe. Navy patrols will also be increased in the lead-up to the event. A limited number of private ships may be allowed into the convoy by application; these may or may not be open to the public/collect fees depending on the operator and their intentions. The arrangements are widely publicised to deter pirates from approaching. Iadlain is not included due to impracticality given its location and has instead temporarily reopened its airfields for domestic travel to the ball. The heightened cost of airship travel does not apply to Iadlain as a major source of alchemical supplies.
Miras, because they have no travel difficulties, will not provide government-sponsored transport; instead the government will subsidise costs for private travel to the ball. Civilians who wish to attend will make their own arrangements.
Estraude has called an open-invite masquerade ball to determine the future of its foreign policy. Will it fall back in line with Miras and Delverne, switch interest to Koben and Reluir or continue to toe the precarious neutral space between them in an effort to enforce peace?

Event Details
Emerald Masquerade
On the 1st Frost, Estran Consul Aalok sends an invitation to all leaders of Alva for an ambitious endeavour - the event, a week of talks running from the 18th to the 24th Frost and set to the backdrop of a huge outdoor masquerade ball; the agenda, foreign relations and a possible long-term peace treaty; the condition, all attendees must agree to a ceasefire until the end of the event. On the 2nd Frost, both the King of Miras and the Emperor of Koben accept their invitations and call a ceasefire with stunning speed. The invitation is soon opened to all interested citizens regardless of station. On the 10th Frost, just a week before the ball, the Queen of Reluir also accepts to even greater surprise - a highly unusual action for a nation known for its inward-looking attitudes. A day later on the 11th Frost, the Dominus of Delverne mirrors the acceptance. For the first time in many hundreds of years, Delvans and Relans will share a discussion table.
Estran locals and event organisers prepare to welcome visitors with optimistic, festive spirits. The entire city becomes a hive of activity, open for all to explore while its citizens give tokens of peace to their foreign visitors, welcome them into Estran traditions and offer places to stay in testament to a casual and generous culture. Those who accept their generosity should note, however, that it is considered good grace to leave gifts in thanks for hospitality.
From the 18th to the 24th Frost, debates will reign the days - open for five days to all public who wish to voice their opinions and closed for the last two days as leaders, politicians and diplomats work their force on all issues. Evenings are dedicated to an extravagent masquerade ball under the trees - dubbed the Emerald Masquerade - resplendent with music, dance, performances and Estran cuisine. All celebrants are to don masks in a gesture of overlooking race, nationality, religion and old prejudices.
With the ball becoming an event even bigger and potentially more pivotal than originally hoped for, security is a top concern. Estraude's military will be tightly controlling movement throughout the nation and across its borders to ensure no external threats will interfere with the debates. The city guard becomes more apparent to protect citizens and visitors alike from violence borne of prejudice. The debates and masquerades carry a strict policy against weapons and offensive magic; anyone found carrying wepons or using magic with the intent to assault will either be deported or imprisoned.

Event Outcomes
The event outcome will be determined by the actions of your characters in the art entry. Each entry will contribute towards strengthening Estraude's relationship with the Kingdom, the Empire or neither (i.e. remain neutral). Estraude's final allegiance will depend on the number of entries per side.

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in the main event to affect the outcomes! Art or literature entries will receive a bonus 30 EXP. Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and the outcome.

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
There are no special roles or quests for this event/interval

As the day and debates drew to an end on the 24th, the leaders of Alva emerged from their intensive talks with Estraude to announce the conclusion of the Emerald Masquerade: no alliances were agreed upon with either the Miras Kingdom or Koben Empire, leaving Estraude to be a truly neutral state.
The indecisiveness of the discussions extended to the proposition of a long-term peace treaty – nothing was cemented, leaving the Kingdom and Empire still officially at war. Despite this, Estraude’s Consul Aalok remained optimistic in his closing speech, emphasising that even though no treaties were established today, progress had been made and he would continue to pursue his goal of peace.
In the meantime, all in Alva find themselves needing to adjust to Estraude’s newly permanent neutrality. With Estraude’s borders now equally tight to every foreign nation, those from the Kingdom or Delverne can no longer enjoy the previous amenities granted to them – staying in Estraude is subject to a visa application process and limited times. A grace period of 3 months is given to all current non-citizens of Estraude to either return home or secure a permit before they face deportation. This same policy applied to the Empire, however, is an improvement – travel to Estraude, while still not easy, becomes possible, and those of Tusar or Iadlish citizenship in particular are given priority as neighbours.
In response to Estraude’s new position, the Kingdom and Delverne also establish greater barriers between themselves and the wood elf state as a matter of security – although many cultural and familial ties are still shared, Estraude can no longer be counted on as an ally and must be acknowledged as a potential threat. Estran embassies flourish with new relevance across all of Alva, including in the Empire and, in a milestone move, Reluir.
With no alliances to aid them now, Estraude also sets about strengthening its military in order to protect itself and its neutrality. National service becomes compulsory for all Estran citizens: a minimum period of 3 months, during which there is a strong push to join the military permanently. Slowly but surely, with all these new policies in place, the landscape of Alva changes.
Note: This is an outcome with very long-term consequences so, while the changes may seem small for now, further details will be released or occur later. Additionally, all Estran characters now have the option to put ‘Estraude State’ as their allegiance, if it suits them!