Event 12
11 Oct - 5 Nov, 2016

If things have seemed quiet on Kingdom soil, it has been deceptively so. The reign of Silvan Lucilius has not been standing still in the face of surging disquiet over Miras's inaction - and neither have the North's former leaders, Gideon Eaves and Aliswen Eiragarth. Under the muted decorum of diplomacy, they have toiled diligently on plans to take back their rightful land. Under the general gesture of military posturing, Miras has been readying itself for action. Ships, airships and military equipment have been bolstered with waves of new spending. Military exercises have intensified. Ranks have swelled with new recruitment. When all this will come to fruition is just a matter of time...
... And that time has finally arrived. The Empire is staggering under furious turmoil in its south - and Miras has not missed this. The shocking new warfront with Reluir is a golden opportunity for the Kingdom, with attention dragged far away from the North.
As dusk falls on the 12th Rains, the buzz of military activity in Amedra, Miras and Valevo cannot be missed. Fighters drill with a fervour rarely seen, and come and go from military airships in droves. Come morning light of the 19th Rains, it is the surprised colonies of Valsk and Belport that awake to the Kingdom's forces at full might - and by their side, Northern fighters ready to claw their stolen home back. It is time for justice, honour, glory... and blood.
Taking advantage of the Relan warfront, the Kingdom unleashes a combined force to take back their lost North from the Empire’s grasp. Can the Empire cling to their newly settled lands and repel this new attack? Or will the lands be ripped from their clutches by its rightful owners?

Event Details

On the 12th Rains, while the Empire is still distracted with Reluir, Mirian airships slip a military vanguard across the Circen sea by cover of night. Troops are secretly deployed north of Belport's outskirts to run covert interference with the two cities - stopping needed supplies from reaching Valsk and any information from entering Belport. Further north as autumn sweeps across Valsk, select Royal Guards and Helvarg set about sabotaging the colonisers’ stranglehold. They infiltrate the believed-to-be impenetrable city and secretly push plans with the subdued populace to stage an uprising from the inside on the day of the attack. By the 19th Rains, all the pieces are in place. The preparations are done, and the larger forces lie waiting for the signal to start. Like clockwork, the Kingdom’s fight to take back their lost land strikes across the North Continent.
The Armada and Mirian airships surge towards Belport from the rocky waters of its surrounds. From the sea they launch a ferocious assault against the harbour in an effort to pierce it, while from the air they rain magical bombs upon the city and its walls. The sea churns, the sky trembles and flashes terrifyingly. The colony’s formidable defense forces scramble to initiate their own counter-attack - something they have planned for rigorously if not thought they would need so suddenly. Yet while they pour their efforts into defending the harbour, the Mirian soldiers dropped north of the city descend upon Belport from the other side, determined to break the Empire’s grasp at long last.
In snowy Valsk meanwhile, things to don’t go as planned for the Kingdom. Just before the dawn of the attack, its saboteurs are discovered and plans for inside support during the strike go awry. Viceroy Aeron Rotherzog quickly punishes those caught with characteristic, unflinching cruelty and, long terrified of his notoriously savage wrath, the locals abandon their uprising. Now aware of the surprise strike, the Viceroy loses no time in initiating his own well-honed plans for keeping the Northern stronghold. Attack after attack beat against the city - but its famously strong walls do their job and the colony’s defenses stand firm against Miras’s onslaught. Valsk falls into a siege.
The Empire mainland sends what it can - a naval onslaught of its own from Linhythe and a respectable fleet of its Air Force - but with so much of it moved south for Reluir and airship fuel in dangerously low supply after the crisis just months ago, its resources are terribly limited. The reinforcements are met by waiting Kingdom forces as they arrive. The ships of the newly christened Agate Alliance - made of former Corsairs who have pledged true loyalty to Amedra - now defend their new employers against their old ones, and Mirian airships meet Koben in their first air battle.
All over the North and its seas, battle rages - yet with so many things that could change its course, no-one can say when or how it will fall. Will the Belport colony hold against the furious two-pronged attack? Will the captive Valski rekindle the dashed uprising and Miras break the siege in Valsk? Will the Empire reinforcements break through and deliver much-needed help or will Miras’s line hold? All that can be said for sure is that blood will flow.


Event Outcomes
The event outcome will be determined by vote to either Liberate (Return the North to the Kingdom) or Defend (Keep the North as the Empire's). Each member will receive by default one vote; extra votes can be earned by art entries and game participation.
❖ Vote Here ❖

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in either liberating the North of its Empire's occupation or defending the Empire's rightful claim from the Kingdom. Finished art or literature entries will receive a bonus 30 EXP and 4 extra votes on the event outcome (sketch or drabble entries will receive half this amount). Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and outcome votes.

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
There are no special roles or quests for this event/interval

For twenty bloody days battle tore through the North - neither Kingdom nor Empire ready to lose its territory (again) to the other.
In Belport, the Armada and Flight Regiment together hammered wave after wave of attacks into Belport. Terrified citizens hid behind closed doors as the fighting refused to fall in anyone’s favour. What had seemed at first a simple battle became more and more difficult thanks to the canny tactics of Regent Bertram Diefenbach - until a Kingdom task force captured him and, without their head to lead them, Empire forces lost their footing. The tide of the battle swiftly turned. After nine days of fighting, Koben and its military surrendered - though not before one final act of spite. The flood tunnels of Belport were detonated just before Koben’s defeat, making the victory a steep one as buildings collapsed into the ground below, crushing scores of civilians.
Further north, the strong walls of Valsk stood firm against Miras's attacks. Between military assaults, the Kingdom worked frantically to rekindle the fire of rebellion within the city - and on the 28th Rains they succeeded. Vicious riots broke out behind the walls, dividing the Empire’s attention between two threats, and the Kingdom seized this chance. They struck down the first gate and flooded the city within. Yet even with their main defence broken Viceroy Aeron Rotherzog’s orders to counterattack remained steadfast, forcing his soldiers to face almost certain death. Four days later, when all hope of victory was lost, the order to retreat was finally given. The Empire abandoned Valsk, but by then the routes out of the city were severely crippled by Kingdom forces as well. The Koben airships could not carry all its people safely back to the mainland, and thus the Viceroy gave a second order: to kill everyone who could not be evacuated but who knew dangerous information, especially their many researchers. The Kingdom returned to a city filled with scarred civilians, fallen soldiers, prisoners of war and the countless bodies of Kobeners slaughtered by enemies and allies alike.
On the Circen Sea, explosions rocked the waves and lit up the water as the Armada and Agate Alliance intercepted the Empire’s reinforcements with perfect timing. The battle there was short but intense, and the Kingdom successfully demolished the Empire’s numbers before they could break through the line to aid the Northern Colony.
The Kingdom’s victory was complete. Miras stands triumphantly now over its bloodstained and hard-won northern continent again, and the Empire is forced to take this crushing defeat.