23 Apr - 6 May 2017
The Empire is still reeling from Miras's Adabrene poison - and no part of it moreso than Song-Lu. While the Kralspitzer parts allowed a good number in Koben to escape the worst of the poison, Songluans had no such access. But now that Miras has dismantled their sea fortress and the Empire has time to breathe again, help is on its way.
It is too late to treat victims with Kralspitzer parts - by now they're of no great help other than soothing the pain... but this is no reason to stop trying. There are hundreds more remedies and techniques to attempt. Many Kobener healers now have some experience with the poison and its after-effects, and have risen to the Chancellor's call for support. Many healers from elsewhere are keen to lend a hand as well. Under the Chancellor's watchful eye, they assist at local clinics and raise pop-up medic stands for the injured.
In return, Songluans bring their helpers small gifts of food and comfort - rice cakes, blankets, teas and all sorts of lucky trinkets. Together they will overcome the tragedy with hope.
Features: Healers and medics of all kinds gathering in Song-Lu, makeshift stands at shrines and public halls, small gifts for healers, sharing of healing knowledge and war stories