

Flag of Song-Lu
Situated on its westernmost point, Song-Lu is the only “neutral” city of the Koben Empire. Dominated by a multitude of resorts and hot springs, the city is vast, lively and much sought-after by travellers from all nations as an indulgent holiday retreat – and in turn, the locals happily welcome the commerce. While Songluans accept visitors of all races and persuasions, they are clear on who belongs there and who does not.
Frequent earthquakes and high waves have pushed the city’s spread landwards, and made the unique local architecture flexible to the motions of the earth. Colourful shrines dedicated to all the gods and many local spirits scatter the city, but while superstition is common, religion is not.
Songluans themselves are mostly pale-skinned and black-haired, though some bear blue eyes that attest to a long-faded heritage.

Song-Lu Peacekeepers
The Peacekeepers are a guild of investigators, originally founded to prevent exploitation of tourists but now sought after everywhere. Known for being sharp of eye, masters of dissecting behaviour and dedicated to solving crimes, their expertise is often called upon in reaches of the world far from their base in Song-Lu - calls which the Peacekeepers, ever hungry for knowledge, are happy to take.
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