March of Saints
17 Aug - 29 Aug 2015
Fresh from a resoundingly successful attack on the Empire, Delverne turns to an important national holiday with renewed pride. At dawn on the 23rd Harvest, holy flames spring to life in each of the city's temples to celebrate Cyndril's Respite, an annual festival of redemption. Delvans write down their misfortunes, sins, and fears from the past year on slips of paper, and then cast them into the cleansing fire of Aurea, freeing them from their regrets. Children put on pageants to recount the tale of Cyndril, a mythic figure who famously toiled to redeem an immoral, ancient elf king. Choirs perform on church steps and the streets are draped in twirling white streamers.
While the day is dedicated to examining the past, sunset marks a time to look towards the future. The magical fires extinguish themselves precisely as the sun touches the horizon. Sermons are held throughout the city - one, in the grand square, led by the Dominus himself. Priests encourage their congregations to look foward, to better themselves now that they are no longer weighed down by past mistakes.
This year, however, Dominus Salvai addresses the Delvan people after the service. After the turmoil in the North and its shining successes in consummating its new alliance pact with Miras, a decision has been made to send Templars forth into the Kingdom. Their mission is to root out enemy spies and bolster their allies. As purifying as Aurea's flames, the Templars will purge the Kingdom of any danger or insurrection.
Features: White flames, white clothes, white everything, writing down and burning sins/regrets/misfortunes, children putting on plays, choirs, religious services, reacting to the templars being sent out.
Colours: White