

Flag of Delverne
Delverne is the ancient home of the light elves. Although its noble, intricate marble architecture is admired the world over, its most striking feature is its unusual and highly picturesque location – the city rises from the center of a wide river, overlooking a cascade of sacred waterfalls.
The Delvan people are, above all else, highly religious. The devotion to Aurea is etched into their children early and often, leading to an atmosphere of generosity, kindness and propriety. Ancient, strict tradition governs Delvans, with a rigid social structure which exalts the clergy above all else. Most light elves born in Delverne never leave their opulent home, satisfied to spend their lives in the haven chosen by their forefathers. The few who venture out into the world mostly do so to answer the call of missionary work in far-off lands, spreading the love of Aurea to others, but some go simply to explore.

Templars of Aurea
Open (light elves)
The Templars are the military arm of the Delvan Church - though they only raise their hands and weapons for the holy mission. Each member is devoted to their religious cause, and to the protection of their people, their city and their Dominus - or Oracle. Knights and Mages figure heavily, but only final class members have the honour of the Templar title.
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