Memories of Orgos
4 Jun - 17 Jun 2017
Tusa is filled with heady tension from its first big action on the world stage, as one half of the Southern Federation. Their grace period is over - Koben is now a clear-cut enemy and they have taken their first step into a murky yet exciting future.
That this first step was to take back Orgos is poetic and fitting to many. Ceded to the Empire when it joined, Orgos - or Whelcliffe - has been a sore spot for the Tusar for two centuries. Its memory is laden with a history of sacrifice and cultural loss. To regain it from the Empire is the first real cause for nation-wide celebration in years - and Tusa's young administration has no intent to hold back.
The government provides beer and public performances for all. Songs and re-enactments of the heroic actions in Orgos flood the streets with national pride. They also call on Tusar to create care packages for their newly reconnected brethren - for both mundane amenities as well as cultural items. Richly decorated blankets, clothes, toys, crystals charged with Tusar sunlight, traditional pickled desert fruits and other sweets... These packages will ship out with the next relief effort to Orgos, in the hopes of returning their lost province's original culture to it.
Features: Beer and singing in the streets, acting and play-acting of highly variable quality, national pride through the roof, care packages filled with traditional items