One Hundred Lost Souls
13 Mar - 26 Mar 2016
It started quietly, but strange and disturbing events on Spectre Day have gripped Bratkowice - namely, a series of disappearances wrapped in mystery. At first they were locals and vagabonds - a few citizens, some of them wanderers, a local noble of an unremarkable family - so days passed before the strangeness became obvious.
Witnesses say they simply up and left with vacant expressions, heading north... To the Molvahain forest, claimed some, to atone for the sins of general Strashanov who once sent a hundred soldiers into its darkness never to return. A site of many tragedies, Molvahain is also known as the forest of suicides, as many who travel there to lighten their hearts by confessing their sins become overwhelmed when the forest begins to whisper back. To this day, no one ventures too far in - where the whispers grow loud as a waterfall and one’s mind might break.
Whatever the explanation, Bratkowice will not simply bow to this curse. Two weeks after Spectre Day the Serdar calls the great hunt, where every noble house must contribute their best and every township their brightest, and sets out northwards on the tracks of the missing. They indeed lead to Molvahain, which the great hunt descends upon like wolves. They seek the missing with determination - among them the Serdar's own small son.
Features: Hunt for the lost in Molvahain, superstitious whispers