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Plenty of Fish

21 May - 4 Jun 2016

Reinvigorated by the coronation of a new king, the mood of the Kingdom is buoyed on the arrival of a much-loved holiday: the Spring Festival. Although the end of planting season has less significance on the rocky plains and cliffs of Amedra, it is celebrated for being the start of a different kind of harvest – as the ocean warms, streams of shimmering summer fish begin to arrive off the coasts.

With this new bounty comes new vigour, and a famous – or infamous – Amedran tradition begins. From sunset on the 26th Seeds to sunrise on the 3rd Flowers, it is said to be the luckiest time of year for love. All over Amedra, hopefuls set off on a no-holds-barred quest for romance, throwing themselves heartily into courting or pampering their heart-throbs. Fragrant flowers of passionate reds, oranges and pinks adorn the streets and music – especially balcony serenades – resound. Every restaurant provides a candlelit air, every romantic boat ride is secured, and jewellers work overtime to inscribe intricate locks and rings with the names of lovers, to be fastened as promises on bridges and fingers. Truly, at this time of year, there is more than plenty of fish in the sea.

Features: Flowers, gifts, music, serenades, ballroom dancing, small boat rides, star and sunset viewing, candlelit dinners, public confessions or proposals, ridiculous stunts in the name of love

Colours: Red, orange, pink – and, of course, the favourite colours of your love interest

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