11 Sep - 24 Sep 2016
For five days and five nights from the 29th Harvest, the mages and healers gathered there work feverishly to weave the spell that could save Nisalvini. In a constricting ring of magic they push towards the centre of the island, destroying the black thorns as they advance. Many fall from exhaustion but many are there to step in and let the weary rest - together they will conquer it. The unearthly glow of high magic fill the skies until finally, on the 3rd Fire, a final burst of light shatters above Nisalvini. The spell is complete.
The rest of the Kingdom waits with baited breath for confirmation of its success. On the 12th Fire, the message comes - the black thorns are truly eradicated. Relief and jubilation sweep the nation. Those who fled the island for safety return home in droves. In every city from nearby Cantor to the northern tip of Miras, sympathy and fashion for anything Nisalvinian surges. A grassroots movement also grows from the hearths of homes - families and communities chip in to make care packages of food, clothes and above all seeds to help Nisalvers and Nisalvas in their ravaged home. With goodwill from all over the Kingdom, Nisalvini's restoration has begun.
Features: Nisalvian things (food, customs, dress) suddenly in fashion, care packages, lots of letters and travel to and from Nisalvini