Sky Tide
6 Jun - 18 Jun 2016
On the night of the 9th Flowers, those on the Pell Strait coast notice warning signs - enchanted buoys begin to lift as if invisible water were rising. Soon alarm bells begin to clang urgently all along the seaboard - a sky tide has arrived.
People rush to make sure their neighbours know and bring their families to higher ground, a task made all the more difficult in Nisalvini by the great numbers bedridden with Ash Fever. The quarantine district calls on all available help to move the sick up - it's a long night of work and they must keep climbing as the tide ascends, but it's a matter of life and death for those too weak to walk.
Come morning, the tide reaches its peak and everyone can stop to see the result - an aquarium city (or village in the case of a few Cantish fishing towns). Fish and sea creatures of many colours and kinds swim through the streets on invisible 'water'. Fountains and wells flow up-wards, and objects with liquid float around if not tethered. Those who can take advantage of the event - some walk in with breathing spells or aids, others sail boats enchanted to float on the tide over the rooftops. There'll be a mess left after it recedes in the next couple of days or so, but until then may as well enjoy what can be.
Features: Fish in streets and buildings, enchanted boats and breathing spells for the adventurous, crowded temporary camps