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Soothsayer's Spring

25 Feb - 11 Mar 2017

The first ten days of spring in Beginnings, Therras's year, have been special in Cantor since time immemorial... so much that even the churches accept it as part of the odd tapestry that is Cantish spirituality. It's mostly harmless, after all. Shrines to Therras are laden with gifts. Animals are treated especially well. Locals flock to the 'old folk' who have kept the native traditions alive - the hermits, wisepeople and soothsayers - to know their fortune and what they can do about it.

This year the occasion is unusally intense. Some are growing more zealous about the practice's deviant pagan roots, while others are more adamant than ever about following it after last year's ill omens... a split that betrays a deeper division - between those who believe Cantor is better off closer to Delverne than an uncaring Miras, and those afraid of Delverne subsuming their culture and autonomy. It's early days yet so few can see it, but with a recent shuffle of roles at the Abbey and unease around the region, change is coming... and the least a Cantish can do is consult a hermit's tea leaves to make sure it's good.

Features: Visits to Therras shrines, pampering pets and livestock, divination from tea leaves/animal entrails/etc., ensuing strange stunts

Find your character's fortune here!

▶ Your Cantish Fortune ◀

This is a shindan and yes, some answers are silly. Have fun with it!

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