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Throes of Change

31 Jul - 13 Aug 2016

In the chaos of the coup that overturned the old Yazgur regime, Shirin and her close council are scrambling to implement radical new structures, while dealing with fire from all sides. Especially the merchants, local Kobeners and the Tusar upper class feel threatened, despite Shirin’s continued appeals to the Tusar values of respect and compassion. Traditionalists, startled by the sudden change, try to rally against the newest Yazgur, but are generally met with rotten vegetables from civilians. It’s a time of great insecurities, but also of hope and future possibilities, and in that spirit, the Yazgur has extended invitations to Estran, Relan and Iadlish officials to renew trade agreements with them.

All throughout the city, people come together to repair damage to the city from the past months and elect representatives for the new government - a Parliamant. There are 26 Boroughs, of which each is to elect 4 mabeuth - representitive speakers for the Borough in Parliament. Each of the city’s 6 districts can elect 2 wasi, who are responsible for collecting local data and reporting to the Parliament, the yet-to-be-announced Minister of National concerns and the Yazgur.

If you would like your character to be a member of this Parliament you can check here for eligibility and chose a District/Borough for them to represent.

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