Trouble in Paradise
14 Sep - 26 Sep 2015
The Templars have arrived in Amedra, and have already set to work purging the port city of spies. The Amedrans welcome their guests at first, but soon begin to see that the aid from Delverne is not what they expected. Many of the Templars have attacked their duties with a particular zeal, interrogating and detaining people on the most fleeting suspicions. If any member of a ship's crew comes under investigation, the ship itself is trapped in dock, every sailor presumed guilty until proven otherwise. The air is thick with accusations, as less scrupulous Amedrans seek to get rid of enemies or competitors. Travellers and merchants who frequented Koben, or are from Koben, are immediate suspects; if they happen to worship the wrong gods their plight is much worse. Although some of the Templars urge their brethren to take a more even hand, the mission begins to resemble something of an inquisition. Amedrans and foreign merchants become resentful. They learn that they must trust no one, and focus only on self-preservation.
Simultaneously, the mutinous Corsairs have begun to feel fettered by their new Amedran patrons. They find that the limits imposed by the Kingdom are far more extensive than what they are used to. Certain crews resist these new constraints, and prowl the waters just beyond Amedra - which provokes further Templar aggression and scrutiny. Some ships begin to leave the safety of Kingdom waters all together to haunt the Jewel Sea once more. The piracy in the region begins to pick up, after a lull in the previous months.
Features: Templars swarming Amedra, suspicion, accusations, people dragged from homes, distrust, angry merchants, ships disappearing between ports, increased piracy, unrest among corsairs