War Games
9 Nov - 20 Nov 2016
The Empire is reeling. Between a war front still raging with Reluir and a devastating defeat over the North Colony, both its strength and morale have suffered. Concern is on the rise among the populace over their weakened military and the encroachment by belligerent nations - and yet, despite all this, Emperor Artur appears unaffected. Barely a week after the surrender of the north, with airships still limping home, he renews calls to recruit mages, scientists and certain healers for a mysterious, apparently crucial government project with the support of the Wissen Fellowship. Little is explained about it other than its importance.
The move takes everyone by surprise, and for many comes as a slap in the face – countless researchers were just recently lost in the north, and the Emperor calls for more as if it’s nothing? Discontent brews and then spills over as a well-respected military official voices her misgivings and anger over the decision – only to be quickly dismissed for daring to speak out against their monarch.
Despite stern reminders that loyalty is paramount, doubts fester. What will happen to the Koben Empire now, and is it really safe in Artur’s hands? As new recruits gather in the capital with a mix of patriotism and trepidition, everyone watches, whispers and waits.
* If you'd like your character to be involved in the secret government project, please note Streets!
More will be revealed later :3c *