

Flag of Koben
The capital city of the Empire, Koben is known equally for its grandeur and its technological advancement. It is a lively hub for scholars and artisans of all kinds, but especially for those interested in science, alchemy and gadgetry. The natural resources of the land have largely made way for progress – grand buildings decked out in gold, bronze and cast-iron, hulking factories, and a huge hydropower dam harnessing the Sarl River.
The people of Koben alternately embrace progress and the traditions that brought them stability. The old aristocracy is deeply rooted, but is increasingly infiltrated by new talent rising through the ranks. While the steep yet mobile hierarchy frames life in Koben, it is nevertheless vibrant and fast-moving – Kobeners are lovers of the new and exciting, and in turn the city is awash with peddlers of novelties and experimental things.

Wissen Fellowship
The Wissen Fellowship consists of the top inventors, scientists and alchemists of Alva. Over their long presence, they have become indispensible for Koben and her Empire - senior Fellows feature heavily among the Emperor's advisors, many schools lean on their resources, and their developments are irrevocably woven into both the military and the lives of the citizenry.
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