Akiela Fakhri


Basic Information
Akiela Fakhri
Birth Date:
7th, Month of Fire, 8169
Wood Elf
Former Consul of Estraude
Snakes | Unwavering Loyalty | Incense | Rain | Songluan alcohol | Twilight hours
Sweet things | Sand | Overcomplicated explanations | Time wasters | Unambitious people
During her time as the Consul of Estraude, Akiela established herself as a strong-willed leader with an iron grip on Estraude’s politics. Her aspirations and dreams for Estraude led her to meticulously control every decision, obsessively planning every action for others to follow - all for the betterment of Estraude and her dream. Using her charisma to tell a tale of her vision of Alva’s bright future, she coyly whips others into a whirlwind of action, bending and twisting others to align with her. Akiela’s staunch dedication to her ideas, she is very reluctant to adjust for others, believing others often do not have the foresight or wisdom that she has. Her obsession with control and the perfect execution of her plans means she holds little forgiveness for those who step outside of line - those who fail her expectations or betray her will swiftly fall out of favour and be replaced with a new fool.
Away from politics, Akiela has little chance to unwind but takes comfort and joy in the kinship she has developed with others. She strives to protect them and open her heart to them in private, letting a softer kindness flourish.
Born to a long line of Senators, the Fakhri family has always been involved with the governance of Estraude. Akiela had her foot in the door of politics before she even realised it, groomed to follow the family tradition. She dreamt of the days when she could help guide her people and shape histories like the grand tales of historical leaders.
Her youth was spent trailing after tutors and church-run school, bright-eyed and hungrily learning all that was offered. During her tenure within the Church College, the world of politics drew her interest, feeling a deep calling in her heart. Keen to spread her wings and see how the world works Akiela raced to become a diplomat - enjoying the close ties and safety of the Kingdom and Delverne state, she was sent to every corner of the world that would accept Estraude’s interests. Akiela worked hard to learn about the finer nuances of politics, foreign cultures, and others’ styles of diplomacy.
Akiela, now resident ambassador to Delverne, spends her time dedicated to understanding light elven politics and its leadership. Each day was a lesson on how to lead, and what to avoid. Akiela looked back on her time here in gratitude, finding the Dominus and the Templars' wonders to behold.
But the call of home brought the woman back to the verdant rainforests of Estraude, never able to stay away from home for too long, an uncompleted destiny awaited her there and she was not one to ignore it. Entering the chamber as a magister, leaving her mark as a firebrand politician, quickly swaying others to her side with vows to deal with the steadily growing corruption within the Chamber. Akiela dedicated her waking moments to the politics of Estraude and when the next election came around, she won decisively.
She purged the Chamber of its corruption, turning the country’s government into a truly accountable and trustworthy body. With one goal achieved, she turned focus and diligently worked away to strengthen Estraude’s relationships with the kingdom, following Dominus’ example.
And the clock starts ticking on that fateful meeting, Coins 8290. Akiela like all other Alvan leaders descend on Song-Lu and starts the history we know today. At the time, she had many many meetings. Some boring. Some heart-stopping. Who would have known such a night would send the world spinning in a new direction…
Current Story
The game of politics spins at a rapid pace, Akiela chases after every thread and threat, slicing useless tail ends from the board. Sensing worse to come, she reaches out to Morven with a word of warning and hopes to stem the flow of events. Her words unfortunately fall on deaf ears.
Not every game can be won. Akiela’s actions catch up with her during the Reign of Fools. Charged by the peacekeepers, Akiela goes willingly in the middle of the night. Far from the safety of Estraude and kept under lock and key in a quiet residence in Song-Lu. Expecting her crimes would eventually catch up with her, she enjoys the time alone, away from the pressures of politics and indulges in pleasant Song-Lu memories.
And night did fall
Executed by hanging
Month of Stars 8292, Year of Souls.
Additional Info
The markings are face paint, not tattoos!
Unsurprisingly skilful with the local poisonous flora.
Former owner of an anaconda, now looked after by Aalok.