Camille Delacroix


Basic Information
Camille Delacroix
Birth Date:
17th Seeds, 8249 (Ursus the Bear)
Light Elf
Optimistic | Sociable | Compassionate | Naive | Prejudiced | Impulsive | Spoiled | Stubborn
An unstoppable force of optimism and cheer, Camille is a wellspring of positivity. With a beaming smile and easy affection, he is always able to offer a kind word or thoughtful compliment. He adores helping others, and will quickly jump to offer a helping hand; holding open a door, lifting a heavy load, retrieving a dropped item... Having lived a sheltered life, Camille sees nothing but the best in any person or situation. A hopeless romantic, he easily crushes on and idealizes anyone he encounters, to embarrassing and (for him,) heartbreaking results.
He is hopelessly inexperienced, and is socially and mentally immature. Though endearing, his well-intentioned naivety can at times be tiresome. While he is at heart a genuinely caring and compassionate individual, he has ingrained within him racial and societal prejudice that he does not even recognize as such. Notions of elvish superiority, Aurea's righteousness, and such related thoughts. He views everything with an idealized gilt, ignorant of the complexities and nuances that define the world around him. For all his amiable ways, he is surprisingly bullheaded, and it is not easy to budge him once his mind is set. For those he treasures, he would sacrifce anything to keep them safe and whole.
Camille is poorly equipped to cope with difficulties when they do arise, falling easily into wilted dejection if his usual confidence fails to solve a given issue. He is impulsive and bad at handling responsibilities, quickly succumbing to the pressure to do well by those counting on him.
Camille's childhood could be described as nothing less than blissful. Spoiled and doted upon by wealthy, loving parents, he wanted for nothing and never knew of hardship. His parents did their utmost to raise their child to be upright and noble, and instilled in him compassion and kindness. Indulgent as they were, Camille's parents encouraged him to follow the path that would bring him the most happiness. He attended a variety of lessons, learning not only of Aurea's wisdom, but of magic, history, and music as well. The only thing that truly stuck were his vocal lessons, as he proved to have a wonderful singing voice, and an affinity to harmonic healing as well.
Having not yet found his true passion (though he entertained thoughts of seeing the world and becoming a full fledged healer like his brother), Camille floated carefree through his days. The future seemed an age away, inconsequential and intangible, and he paid little mind to the events occuring outside his peaceful daily life.
His childish views on the world and his place in it were quite abruptly shattered when the Kingdom razed Delverne's capital with a fiery draconian assault. For the first time, he saw firsthand the chaos and malice that humans could be capable of, cementing the seed of prejudice within him. Now enlightened as to the state of the world, a new resove bloomed within him as he reflected on his idle childhood days of privilege. He was determined to aid in the creation of a new era of peace, uniting everyone under Delverne's banner of wisdom and knowledge.
It was with these intents that Camille volunteered to join the Delvan expedition to the Leywood. However, young and sheltered as he was, he failed to realize the dangers lurking beyond Delverne's gilded city. Witnessing a close friend's injury in the woods further drove Camille to despair over the inherent injustice and cruelty past Delverne's walls, and his own inability to do anything about it.
Never again did he wish to feel so helpless. With thoughts clouded by guilt, Camille threw himself into a rising religious fervor. Seeking solace in Aurea's wisdom and strength, he takes an Oath and joins the ranks of Her devoted. Perhaps now, with Her blessing, he could protect those he cared about.
His newfound pride and confidence was immediately dashed to pieces as the Delvan forces moved on Cantor. It was with shock and horror that Camille witnessed land's razing, and subsequent burning. The sight of Cantor's smoldering ruins felt all too much like how Delverne had burned just a year ago. If the Delvan cause was so superior, how could it be that their means had dealt as much--no, even more destruction? Deeply unsettled by the loss of life and land, he retreated back to the city, shaken and questioning once again his place in this world and whether there was truly such a thing as right and wrong.
Current Story
Camille is fearful and disillusioned by the Delvan crusade. Trapped within the obligations of the Oathbound, he joins with his people to follow Aurea into Her war.
Additional Info
Has a lovely singing voice, yet is hilariously terrible with any kind of instrument.
The proud owner of a small army of fluffy rabbits that he dotes on.
His Oathbound aurora looks suspiciously like a round bunny.
His father is a wealthy merchant, specializing in fabric and textiles.
His mother is a designer who assists with his father's work.