Adel Belrose

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Adel Belrose
23rd Thawing, 8246
5'8" (173 cm)
Light Elf
Ex..noble, heir to Vidame Belrose
Delvan Arches Courts
Light Blossoming
Order and cleanliness
Riddles, doublespeak
Butter and cream
Chummy strangers
Bleeding hearts (he's weak to them)
✓ : spirited, confident, reliable
x : proud, a know-it-all, spiteful
Adel's confidence lends to an assertive (if sometimes cocky) presence that is as forceful as it is reassuring. He's a natural leader who seems well-suited to his birthright, but he works hard to make he doesn't let anyone down. His greatest desire is live up his own expectations (hype), and to that end he approaches life's difficulties with a no-nonsense swiftness that often looks like bravery.
On the flip side, Adel's identity and capabilities are inextricable from one another. He takes challenges personally thanks to a desire for perfection, but is liberal with his critiques because he expects everyone to be of a similar mind. Beyond that, Adel is used to having his way and hates being wrong...or admitting to it. Though not unreasonable, that emotional attachment to his decisions makes Adel prone to digging his heels in long after he should have let go.
Born the heir to old nobility, Adel was raised on a strict diet of magical science, delegation, physical conditioning, and everything in between. Outside influence was unusually present in his family, and a few trips abroad during his early years encouraged an interest in the rest of the world. This, of course, meant that his investment in the known and familiar began to wane over time. He was determined to have his croissant and eat it too, but a gradual degradation of his studies corroded his enjoyment of his hobbies in a vicious cycle.
The magical tutelage he'd been receiving under his father suffered the most. It was a simple case of incompatible affinities, but Adel was too proud to divulge just how much he was struggling. The frightful possibility of being a failure prevented him from being honest with anyone, much less his father, and their declining relationship was the icing on the cake of negative formative experience. Even after his Mirian relatives unearthed his talent for summoning, Adel had, apparently irrevocably, become more high-strung and unforgiving. What had looked a teenage rebellion was truthfully a lethal blow to his self-esteem, and he threw himself headlong into his duties to prevent it from happening again.
In other words, he never resolved that chapter of his life. Adel's new passion was a quiet relief to all and implicated his abilities as heir, which is all he cared about. He had hit a stride, and in the following years would embark upon a promising road to the Templars - his father's second legacy, the crowning glory, and the end to all his troubles.
Current Story
The human war of 8291 was a blip on the map until Cantor’s sudden annexation mobilized half his family and invited a shower of dragon-fire upon Delverne. Shaken by his brush with the now very real war, Adel began to harbor doubts that he decided not to heed. This would prove disastrous after he joined Leywood mission and was attacked by a creature who fractured his right leg, but thankfully didn't take his life.
Still, it was too close a call. Forbade by his parents from further participation, Adel was marooned at home as the Templars were called to march and fight and die for their Goddess. When She rose and gathered arms to meet Atros, he yet again stayed to manage the estate, until his clan returned ill-laundered but accompanied by Aurea's generals of yore - a sure cause of celebration. Adel performed partook with only the required fervor; his thoughts were instead occupied by his diminished responsibility in the war, which he had taken to be an unfavorable evaluation of his abilities. Even then, uneasy whispers reached him before Mirian infiltrators launched a chemical ambush that only preambled everything to follow.
The earth rumbled before it shattered. Those fortunate enough to be around were shuttered underground, while the land above split down ancient seams in Therras' wrath. Ignorant of the reckoning, Adel nonetheless had no illusions that the humans would afford his people mercy when they had received none. Delverne as they knew it was lost.
Additional Info
Blossoming: glowing hair/eyes/skin, dude's a whole chandelier
He's an avid reader and haphazard collector, so shopkeepers like to market their expensive inventory his way. This has worked more than it should, even as he's wised up over the years.
Adel dresses appropriately for all occasions because he represents his family. It will shock no one to know that he judges others based on their grooming. His current ensemble is lightweight, breathable, and stretchier than it looks. so if he needs to go to town on a mf he can do it while looking expensive, u never know in wartime
The Leywood expedition was meant to induct him into the Templars, but it didn't work out as planned. His arranged mentor graciously accepted this hiatus without fuss, although the decision left Adel pretty distraught. Whatever flak he's been catching for not leaving with his father's unit has been met with a noble indifference that just disguises his own shame.
Since his travels and cultural experiences were both uninteresting to his peers and the main source of his childhood anguish, Adel's interest in the Kingdom has cooled considerably. It has given him a tiny bit of perspective on the war, and leaves him uneasy now.
Adel walks with a small limp favoring his right leg, and uses a staff to help him balance when he has to Appear Infallible. he probably still needs a brace but i'm too lazy to draw it