Ilham Rostami


Basic Information
Ilham Rostami
Hammy, Zahir, Moss man
Birth Date:
19 Frost, Paths - 8055
6'2''ft - 187cm
Male (he/him)
Wood Elf
Herbalist | Medic for hire
Hibiscus tea | Plants | History | Books | Magical research | Syrup-based desserts
Parties | His smoking habits | Prosthetics | War | Cold weather | His relatives
+Passionate +Altruistic +Loyal +Insightful
-Obsessive -Slow -Insecure -Reserved
When one first meets him, he's likely to not talk too much but rather values the silence as a form of speech. He never really tries to get out there or make himself very noticeable by others and prefers to keep to himself and it makes him somewhat of a hermit despite liking a sort of quiet company. Being reserved makes him appear aloof and as a result a bit misunderstood. He does put people before himself, with his job demanding it but also how he likes to just view himself as someone in the crowd who would rather act selflessly than selfish. He wants what is best for others and tries to do so as best he can, thinking more often about the people around him than the well being of himself and as a result can make him a rather loyal person to have at your side. As someone who is rather loyal, he finds himself trying to be of service to those closest to him, care for them and aid them when needed. He values friendships made with those who are trustworthy people, who mutually respect one another. He is a passionate man, someone who believes that following your heart and being reasonable about your dreams can make you go a long way. However, he is passionate about his work and perhaps a little too much, having sleepless nights pondering and reading over textbooks and readings rather than eating and spending time with other people. But with the right tools and mind, it can become a positive outlook and healthy motivator. He tends to views himself negatively and is not as thick skinned as one might think, comments about his reaction time and appearance make him feel vulnerable. He's someone who struggles to accept the way he looks, disliking his appearance due to the loss of his arm which causes him ghost pains and he feels overall that his work ethic is the only way for people to accept him and see him as hardworking, since it took him a long time to grasp what he knows. At the end of the day he just tries to be there for people.
Ilham Zahir Rostami, is the youngest son of Sumaya Rostami and Zahir Semann, two mages who set out to make magical wares accessible for common people. The pressure to become a mage began early for both Azir, the eldest, and Ilham. It took Ilham longer to understand and grasp the skills necessary to draw ether, this discouraged him and made it more difficult to convince the family to allow him to pursue studies in healing magic just as his great-grandfather had been. Azir spent a lot of this time protecting Ilham from the torment of their families as they grew up together.
He managed to save enough money working at the family business to attend Tusa University where he was able to pursue the craft. There he spent his time studying ether, healing magic and the use of flora in medicine. He made many friends throughout his studies, some who encouraged him to strive to do well and others who may have encouraged his slight cocky attitude in his youth. He took an interest in some of the Faldrish history on the side of his studies, or what had been written.
During his time, he became acquainted with Ali Ishtar and their friendship blossomed to romance the longer the two spent time together.
In his final year of being an Acolyte at the university, he began to look into properties of herbs and plants. Making it his sort of hobby to pass the time as they had the resources to do so through texts and research papers. Eventually giving him some small research opportunities in the University that were well encouraged by the Yazgur at the time.
After an incident where he let his ego get the better of him, he used the wrong study tome to demonstrate the reparation of healing magic on an injured arm, instead the ether backfired. To prevent the spread of the infection, the clerics at the University removed Ilham’s arm. The university temporarily suspended him while he was in their care, graduating much later. During his recovery, Bennu had been born on the 11th month of Thawing in 8253.
Ali and Ilham were sometimes separated for lengths of time as new power rose in Tusa and the industrial movement began. Ali supported the protests and was killed while attending. In his grief, he briefly returned to Estraude and entrusted Bennu’s care to his family friend, Boloma. He left promptly and hadn’t written for a few years before finally beginning to write. He entrusted the shop to Bennu to take care of while he was away. After having spent time assisting as a medic for various conflicts along the borders that surround Tusa, Ilham finally returns to Tusa to properly be there for Ben; however, nearly 2 decades have gone by since he last saw her.
He worked to mend the bridges between his daughter, and has since been far more present in her life than previously. He returns to his home in Tusa frequently now.
Current Story
+World's Wrath
Upon learning of the events going on around Alva, one event caught Ilham's attention. The Citadel of Crowns. With most areas attention drawn to it, he went at his own accord on behalf of Tusa to look for anything of value. The journey was long and when he arrived, he made sure to make the Greenhouse his focus. As he searched through the various plants for something, anything. He stumbled upon a crown which revealed The World Seed. The crown turned into a ring which he keeps on himself as a means of luck. He returned home safely and planted the seed in his personal garden.
+Playing Gods
Ilham had helped the Torcs, thanks to a new friend he made who had traveled into Tusa and would help him change his mind about the rebels. He helped smuggle people in and out of the city and across the borders. He had done so in hopes to reunite with his friend for fear of anything bad happening to them but returned home after to find they were safe in letters they had written back.
+War of Ancients
He helped in the search for Iridus as someone who would aid in representing the college. He never encountered Iridus but had found a sense of discovery in himself from the voyage across the desert. His blossoming slowly begins during this time in his travels across the desert, blotches of green on his face resembling moss. He lands into Koben, presenting himself as a medic without borders and goes off to search for his friend from before, when things begin to go chaotic. He does reunite with her before the time seems to stop in Linhythe.
+Sin and Sacrifice
After the loss of a friend, he continues on with the Iridus questers to Hangman's. Running into an unprepared Oriad and meeting a group of people from various walks of life. They did not find the godchild, but rather he spoke with an ancient goddess, or rather, a monster to obtain 2 generals of Atros and Aurea. After an encounter with Ursus, along with Seth and Xan, he finds himself changed and questioning the bet made with Dunor. Dunor lied. She played all of them. The journey to return home came with new found discoveries and more loss. So he sings in hopes to be carried home.
Additional Info
Left-handed, he has no right arm.
His favourite tea is hibiscus.
Wears a prosthetic (here) based on gloved prosthetic limbs.
He is far-sighted (Hyperopia)
He wears many rings (commemorate The Citadel of Crowns trip, his wife's wedding band, Kindel rings)

Bennu Ishtar Rostami
"She deserves better of me, I cannot forgive my past but I can mend the future for her sake."
Only child to Ilham, she is his pride and he feels guilt for abandonning her. He has since reconciled with his past mistakes and is more present for her.
Ali Ishtar
"Talented and bright, probably one of the strongest mages I know..."
His late wife, a native of Tusa. He fondly remembers her in his mind from when they were both younger.
Boloma Intira
"Sometimes, the family we chose are the strongest bonds we have."
Auntie to Ben and a good friend. He thinks highly of her and has put a lot of trust into Bo's hands to keep Bennu safe while he went through trying to regain his footing after the passing of his wife. He feels like he owes her a great deal for everything she has done for his family.
"She helped me see that there was more to life than simply searching for answers."
Having met in Tusa, Zenzi and Ilham spent an enourmous amount of time together. Often writing letters when one would be away. He had traveled to Linhythe to look for her and it was the last time he saw her.
Seth Karlsson
"I would suppose guardian to the boy is most appropriate..."
An unexpected friendship from the journey to the Circles. Ilham has gotten to know the young man better on the battlefield and off it. The journey within the general and the talk in the end enlightening him that it is fine to rely on others. He feels fatherly towards him.
Xander Duvarian
"He is also my responsbility, as a friend-a guardian."
An unexpected friendship from the journey to the Circles. He does not know of Xander's degree of separation to Boloma or Tusa but knows he can trust the young man. He cares for him, finding much of his younger self in the Xander. He feels fatherly towards him.
Griffin Morris
"A friend I have not written to in a long time...I do miss writing to him."
They've exchanged letters throughout the years, mostly regarding magic, plants and research.