Seth Karlsson


Basic Information
Seth Karlsson
Sjür Vinterlund (birthname)
Beansprout (Spencer)
Snowball (Odvar, childhood)
Birth Date:
22nd Stars, Year of Souls 8272 (Salecus the Hippocamp)
5’9” (175cm)
Errand boy
Ochi Simera Iridus
Aurea's Favour
Red, smoked meat, a well made blade, food comas, warm things when it's cold, paychecks
Hot climates, stitches, having his hand forced, his scars, isolation, bland food
Cheery // Loyal // Sentimental // Secretive // Sensitive // Self-deprecating // Strong-willed // Considerate // Driven
On the surface, Seth is generally upbeat and mirrors positive company with a polite smile and helping hand. He keeps his troubles to himself as he wishes not to bother the people around him. Most would find him amiable and collected, though a keener person is likely to pick up cues that there is more to him.
What they see is a peek of his insecurities which, to him, feel like the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is not openly sentimental about simpler times and lost things but in quieter more intimate moments, that melancholy presents itself. Even when faced with great crises he isn’t prone to immediately blowing up, but rather letting his emotions build up until they (often violently) boil over.
He isn’t good with letting people into his inner circle. Being constantly on his toes his whole life taught Seth to be strictly self-reliant, but he cherishes connection. He is fine with being someone others can rely on, but is afraid to step on toes by allowing himself the reverse. However with the growth of his friendship circles this sentiment has faded somewhat and he is becoming less sceptical about the kindness of others. He is slowly seeing more worth in himself and that he needn’t worry about burdening others.
Seth has a weakness towards instant gratification and treating himself when he isn’t spending his earnings on travel tickets and other expenses. Since these are often of an ephemeral nature he is strongly sentimental about the things that are not, inadvertently amassing himself a small collection of keepsakes (and knives) from his travels.
In the wake of the chaos, he has discovered newfound strength from within to press on, casting aside his initial hangups from his superstitious side. What’s a tiny bit more supernatural meddling when the world is crumbling down? It’s his own life on the line, and he now understands it’s worth fighting for.
The Vinterlunds were one of few families who specialised in black market weapons. It was an innocent and idealistic side business of a trader couple at first, providing affordable tools and weapons. Over a couple of generations it had twisted into something darker and corrupt, and the family found themselves supplying arms to a more dubious clientele who had found their services useful.
And this is where we can begin Seth’s story - with his uncle and mother.
Ulfrig, the older brother, was the head of the family business at the time. Jorunrr, the younger sister, had long already established a family with a loving husband and growing daughter, wanting to distance herself from the dubious side of the family as much as possible. If everything worked out, the trade would continue down his lineage and she would escape it.
She received a letter one day that her brother had been assassinated - by a disgruntled client, or so her parents had gathered - and that she had to start taking steps to take her brother’s place as he left behind no spouse or children. Her mother started to pressure the couple to give her another grandchild, should anything happen to her firstborn down the line. Family obligation outweighed her own desires, and after almost a decade away from the business, Seth was conceived.
The boy was raised in relative secrecy, taught to be vague and discreet about himself whenever he was out in the public eye. Like with his older sister, his mother encouraged him to find a way to end the business when he was older so they wouldn’t have to carry on the family’s burden.
It was years later that one of their main clients gained a new and dangerous rival, who decided to cripple them by taking out their arms supplier. And so, Seth's household was eradicated one evening in his 10th year. Seth went to hide, but they found him with his sister in one of the estate's back rooms as they went systematically through the house to burn everything. They were both set alight, and Seth's sister helped him escape at the cost of her own freedom. He ran from the chaos in pain, flames consuming the skin on his back. Presuming he died in the snowy wilds, his enemies left his clan alone for good.
He found himself in the care of a farming couple, having stumbled onto their regular route. It was a long and painful recovery, but with determination and encouragement, Seth was back on his feet within a couple of months. He soon took his leave and hoped the people after him would fail to find these people he was now indebted to.
Seth started with petty crimes for money and survival, diving into perhaps one too many fishy activities than he should have. His description reached the wrong parties and fearing having to deal with a vengeful child back from the dead, they began to hunt Seth down. He wanted nothing to do with his family’s business or name anymore, but they were hellbent on destroying him. He was forced to flee to Belport and began living under the radar. He wandered the North for a while, needing to leave, yet afraid to. What was the world like out there? Could he really run away from unfinished business?
Would his family’s name finally lose its grip on him?
Mustering what little confidence he had, he boarded the next ship out of Belport and left his secrets behind. He landed in Amedra and started over.
He was 14 then. Seth now wanders Alva in search of companionship and acceptance, with an air of paranoia that refuses to leave him, occasionally returning to Valsk as a homesick child. He travels city to city, making an honest living by doing domestic work for paying clients.
Current Story
The war came to his doorstep whether he liked it or not, and since then he has just tried to survive wherever he could. He lived moment to moment, never expecting anything more than just existing. The chaos brought much with it - finding his sister, new friends and old, losing and reclaiming his home. They all took a toll on him both in body and mind, but he emerged stronger for it.
He is changed forever in the depths of the Imarion, presented with a vision from the dying Ley Elk that sets him on a long journey to find Iryneia. He is no longer just existing, but living for something, himself or otherwise. He pushed on through hardships and disasters until it culminated in waking the gods. The world spins and wakes, and he found there was still more to be done.
He finds himself in a contract with Dunor. Two generals, or the questers’ lives in forfeit. There is no other choice. He has promises to keep. He sends Ursus and Velegor to the depths, but a lapse in judgement means he is thrown in after them.
He is soon rescued, and he is finally face to face with Iryneia. Her Child, ripped apart by Dunor and giving Their all to send them home. He sings to bridge the worlds, to come home to Her, to Iridus. Successfully reunited, the goddess bites back against the divine warlords and returns to her rightful place.
His quest finally comes to a close, and he feels freer than he has ever been.
Additional Info
Voice: Kensho Ono (chill performances, like Kuroko and Giorno)
A boyish, gentle tone that takes on an uncharacteristically passionate energy when pushed.
Jacket on/off ref (x)
Has two pets, Tindra (askelhund) and Snezhinka (peryton). Snezhinka has consistently been with Seth as he travels outside of the north continent, Tindra has been in Valsk under the care of her breeders, the Bardwells.
Equally fluent in Valski and Common. Hopeless with other languages. His Common accent is a bastard blend of Valski and Amedran, but depending on the conversation partner it will subconsciously change to favour one or the other.
Very self conscious of the burn scars on his back and along his right arm. Thanks to these he is incredibly body shy and tends to cover up as much as he can. He’s been a bit more confident recently, but is still a prude.
Seth doesn't do well in hot climates. It’s a mixture of the fact he grew up somewhere cold, sunburns easily and has a diminished ability to sweat/cool off. As a result he tends to cover up/seek shade when in warmer cities.
Able to pick locks and lip read fluently from a distance (Valski and Common only, of course).
Born right-handed, but is ambidextrous. Favours right hand for daily use, favours both hands equally in combat. Competent with a range of close-range blades, though favours short to medium length.
Somewhat superstitious, prays to Iridus. The death of Tharoneos and the subsequent vision he received from the Elk set him on a long quest to find Iryneia, which he believed to be divinely decreed. He has seen this through and feels closer to Iridus than he has ever been before.
Formerly paid patronage to Aurea, but after the rising of the Templars and Aurea Herself, he has come to despise Her. He is bitter about his favour with Her as She’s just become a clingy ex he can’t stop texting back.
His belief in Aurea is a mix of mainland Aureanism and Valawr traditions. Aurea seems to want nothing to do with humans, and he took that personally.
Knife enthusiast. He’s well versed in blade weapons, both combat-wise and make-wise. He enjoys showing them off (though he would never admit this) and wishes he had the capacity to own more. Faldrish Pantheon approved to hold upwards of 16 knives :hmph:
He cannot swim. It is also the main reason why he hasn't considered joining the Helvarg (because of the initiation process)
Notable Inventory:
Estran Star Map: When triggered, the gem projects above the owner, similar to an umbrella, a map of the stars in relation to where the owner is standing. This is not pinpoint accurate but it can hopefully help a weary traveller on a cloudy night. (x)
Broken Opalescent Ocarina: Given to him by an old woman in Linhythe during his time there looking for information regarding Iridus and Iryneia. He translated the runes on it, a sacred song written by the Faldrish in honour of Namalysa/Iryneia.
It was used by Iryneia during The Final Hour to help everyone escape the otherworlds, though the brunt of Their magic has split it in two. Iryneia returned it to him however and he cherishes it now more than ever. (x)
Firebomb pendant: He found several of them on a chain lying in a courtyard during his time imprisoned in Valsk. He has already used or given them all away but one. He always wears it, under his clothes. (x)
Engraved puuki: One of Seth’s engraved knives. It was laden with basic magic-warding spells by Naevys’ father during one of his visits to Delverne.
Riverstone rosary: Picked up during the Imarion Expedition of 8293.
Glamour ring: Given to him by Ben when he was a vagrant in Linhythe. Turns his hair red, skin olive and eyes a deep blue. (x)
Bag of assorted papers: Inside this bag is whatever Seth managed to salvage from a library in Nisalvini before it sank: his translation reference materials, as well as an assortment of related reading material.
Silkberry salve/antidote: Created from his silkberry plant, it causes mild internal poisoning. He also has the antidote, just in case some mishap occurs with the former.
Mirrordance Daggers: Nabbed from an underground auction in Linhythe, supposedly of Faldrish origin. They are twin knives akin to a case of swords and are magically linked. Movement with one dagger creates movement in the other.
They usually look like regular knives with wooden handles, when activated they give off a pearlescent sheen and glow (pictured).
Nia-Nia Shrimp: Given to him by Gwen at Hangman’s Cross. It’s just a little guy, but honestly Seth has been so spooked by Gwen regarding its healing properties (by way of just being comedically cryptic about it) but he figured it out on his own, eventually.
Kairi Xin
Older sister. He presumed her deceased until they reunited at the Emerald Masquerade several years ago. He had hoped it would be the beginnings of being in contact with her again, but the war has kept them apart. He frequently prays for her safety and is determined to stay alive long enough to seek her out again.
Naevys Aeraviel
An elf he goes way back with. They had a chance reunion after he escaped the North and is indebted to her as she took him under her wing for several months after that. Since having to attack her during the Imarion Expedition, he has held bitterness towards Delverne as a whole. He cannot forgive himself for hurting her, but is slowly warming up to forgiving her for her actions back then as he starts to understand that things were just so much bigger than them.
Ryanna Geist
Seth’s employee while he was living as a refugee in Cantor. Their friendship was rather ordinary and jovial, until their deeper sides were revealed after she successfully foiled an attempt on his life. He is eternally indebted to her and their friendship has only deepened with this newfound ability to fully confide in her.
An elf Seth met during the Imarion expedition. She was a significant part of the events of that time and afterwards their paths and goals would continue to cross. Since discovering Ceras’ family had promised protection to his forefathers, he has found comfort in her presence, despite her blunt and blase moments.
Spencer Stroud
A Helvarg member who took him on his coming-of-age hunt and Seth sees him as an older brother. They’ve had their differences but not to the point of burning bridges. They fell out of touch until the expeditions to Hangman’s Cross. Despite Spencer being far milder and more reserved from experiences untold, Seth feels there still remains a bond between them, underneath all those things.
Caleb Lir Nereus
A teammate from both Leywood expeditions. They don’t always see eye to eye but they watch each other’s backs despite that. Seth finds nothing in common with him on the surface, but peering deeper they might be more similar than he thought. One could describe them as rivals, but in the end that’s just a different kind of friendship, isn’t it?
Someone he met at a fighting ring when he was teleported to Linhythe. He finds her abrasive but honest and well meaning deep down. Since he’s always imposing on her he can’t find fault in the way she treats him. She was incredibly helpful and accommodating to him during his time there and continues to be, when he needs it.
Sarifee Laemiril
He accidentally interrupted one of her street performances in Belport once, but had two unexpected reunions later. Once in dreams, and another at Hangman’s Cross. Seth finds her stern, but having seen a version of her with less reservation in dreams, he is able to see through her exterior just a little bit.