Levi Heeren


Basic Information
Levi Heeren
Many variations of "bastard" (ex: The Heeren Bastard)
Birth Date:
24th Arrival, 8262
182 cm / 6'
The Birch Nest
Books, taking naps, hot baths, making others uncomfortable, Iadlain.
His father's family, being called a bastard, being responsible, most people who aren't from Iadlain.
Brilliant, but Lazy | Deadpan Snarker | Dismotivation | Perpetual Frowner | Jerk with a Heart of Gold
A brilliant man with a sharp mind, Levi would have been a force to behold... had it not been his terrible, terrible personality. Levi is known around Iadlain for his endless complaining, his blunt comments and his general unwillingness to be nice, which often earns him the comparison to a grumpy old man. Levi is a serial slacker, doing just about anything he can to avoid work or any other responsibility bestowed upon him, preferring to take a nap or simply sit still and complain that he's bored.
He behaves in a similar way to his (understandably few) friends, though he does seem to amuse himself with making comments to rile them up, even when he denies the fact. Despite not showing it much, Levi has a sense of duty with the people he likes, often denying their requests only to do exactly as they asked later, according to him, on his own volition. Truth to be told, Levi is quite the doormat with his friends and will easily be dragged around wherever they take him, despite complaining all the way that this wasn't what he wanted.
Despite his general awfulness, Levi is not an easy person to anger. He gets severely annoyed often, yes, but often relieves it with snarky remarks. His "true" anger, however, unleashes a whole new demon: the lectures. An angry Levi will yell a lecture to whoever dared aggravate him, which can be quite entertaining to watch if you're not the one being lectured.
It's hard to get the man to work hard, but once Levi decides to take something seriously, he can easily prove himself to be intelligent, resourceful and quick-thinking. Despite his lack of physical prowess, Levi is a good strategist, managing to come up with remarkable plans while on a pinch. While he has great potential and abilities, Levi's lack of ambition prevents him from doing much more than the bare minimum. He's satisfied in living a simple life, not ever dreaming of being rich, having adventures or anything of the kind.
Under it all, Levi has a deep problem with compromising. Having things taken from him all his life has made him paranoid of losing what he has in the present, be it his friends, his job or just his simple lifestyle. To him, things are "troublesome" because he could end up caring too much about them, which is an absolute no-no. That, together with his ever-running mouth, makes him a hard person to approach and even harder to befriend, but once he accepts someone in his life, he'll be loyal to the core.
The child of a young and hardworking mother, Levi was happy for the first years of his life. His family situation wasn't good and his mother often struggled to make ends meet, but she never once let him in need, always keeping a smile on her face. However, Levi discovered that one thing did seem to make her unhappy: when he did magic. The first time he showed her his newly discovered magical abilities, she immediately told him to keep it to himself. The words left him confused and hurt, forcing the boy to practice outside. He soon came to find out why his mother was so adamant that he keep his magic a secret.
It was a rainy day and Levi was four years old when a tall and angry-looking man came to their house. Through the man's heated up argument with his mother, the little Levi learned that the man - Amos Heeren - was actually his father... and a powerful wizard. Gossip about the young boy practicing magic had soon reached Amos. As it turned out, he was long married and the father of three other children from his wife, but, to his absolute displeasure, not a single one of them were born with any magical skill. Seeing the news about his bastard soon as his last hope when it came to passing down his legacy, Amos decided that he'd collect the boy to raise in the ways of magic. Not listening to the pleas of either Levi or his mother, the man took him away, bringing him to his own house. Unbeknownst to Levi, Amos pressured his mother into moving away from Iadlain, from her son. Without much of a choice, she made her way to Song-Lu to start a new life, hoping she'd see Levi again someday.
There wasn't much the young boy could do to escape, so he soon came to accept his new life... though it didn't make it any easier. It was clear from day one that he was never meant to be there at all: Amos treated his son with disdain, seeing him only as a mean to an end. Amos' wife and children barely acknowledged Levi at all and when they did, it was only to insult him or voice their contempt, though they never hurt him out of fear of Amos' reaction. Teachers often complained that the boy was less intelligent than his half-siblings, suggesting that it might have something to do with his mother's bloodline. Levi took all the mistreatment silently, but grew up with the resolve of never becoming his father's successor.
Lessons were hard to understand and Levi often had trouble doing what Amos wanted, giving mixed results. It was only when the man caught Levi healing a small scrape on himself that he understood what was going wrong: the boy was a healer, not a mage. Enraged, Amos scolded Levi heavily, claiming that he wouldn't give up until the boy was a full-fledged wizard. Levi, however, saw their discovery as a chance to rebel; he'd become a full-fledged healer just to make his father fail. Time went by with Amos insisting on giving magical lessons to his son and Levi taking every chance he could to learn healing arts from tutors, hiding them from his father as he practiced. Life in the Heeren household was tense and the two fought almost everyday, but Levi was determined to succeed on his plan, eager to get revenge on the man who terrorized him for so many years... but his plan was cut short when the family discovered that their youngest - born while Levi was being trained - had true magical aptitude. Delighted by the news, Amos promptly kicked a fifteen year old Levi out of their house, announcing that he was done with him.
Left without a place to live or even a purpose, Levi hopped around inns for a while, working in odd jobs to pay his stay while he figured out what to do. It was in one of those inns that he met Feichín Ó Gríofa, an Exorcist, and Cináed, his son. A party sent into the Wispwood returned with grave injuries, being tended by the inn's staff until a healer could come. Being one of the few people in the vicinity who knew anything about healing, Levi helped Cinéad heal the party's minor wounds, watching as the elven Exorcist immediately took on the worse ones. Through their joint efforts (and a bit of competitiveness) Levi and Cináed soon finished their task and, as father and son were about to leave, Levi approached Feichín, asking if he would tutor him to become an Exorcist as well. As much as he wasn't the generous kind or even like healing so much to begin with... Levi's magic was all he had left. After pondering about it for a while, Feichín decided to take him in, seeing it as a good encouragement for his son as well.
Through his master's unorthodox ways and his ever-growing friendly rivalry with Cináed, Levi thrived. As much as he complained about them, Levi came to see Feichín, Cináed and the rest of the Ó Gríofas as the closest thing he had to a family, becoming rather invested in their affairs. It was through them that he learned about Atlas, a guild dedicated to venturing into the Wispwood to take clients through it - the same guild Feichín and the injured party in the inn belonged to. Although the job sounded less than ideal, (going into the Wispwood was not something Levi had ever imagined himself doing) he saw himself slowly being drawn to it. Atlas needed skilled healers, the Ó Gríofa family was largely related to Atlas, Levi felt indebted to them... One thing led to another and soon Levi joined the guild, having just finished his training as an Acolyte.
That was seven years ago. Nowadays, Levi has grown used to his job and his somewhat surrogate family, by this point. He spends his everyday accompanying his colleagues in seeking missions or just staying at the base if he's not feeling too well.
Current Story
Additional Info
Voice: Koki Uchiyama (JP) / Christiano Torreão (PT-BR)
Not so sure what he thinks about Atros anymore considering everything that's going on. Does still pray a lot, but by now his prayers are to no god in particular.
His fighting style was always a little reckless, but his recent encounters with death have made it much more so. He is not afraid of injuring himself to amplify his own powers, despite knowing how dangerous it can be.
Wasn't all that interested in growing his hair, it just happened. He tells himself he'll cut it back to how it was once the situation calms down.
Switched earrings with Lance a while back and now carries them like a treasure.
His iadlish birthname is Labhrás Ó Cathluain. He doesn't remember it at all.
The Atlas Guild
The guild Levi was part of, the people of Atlas are the closest thing he's ever had to a real family. Though they don't always see eye to eye, Levi sincerely loves each and every member of Atlas and will do anything in his power to protect them.
Moriel Merilindes
Levi's childhood friend and the closest person to him aside from Lance, Moriel is one of the few people allowed to see the exorcist at his most vulnerable. He's long given up trying to act distant and fully embraces his love and care for her, going out of his way to protect her whenever necessary.
Rowan Haide
One of the people Levi respects the most, Rowan is, at the same time, a friend and a mentor. He sincerely appreciates their frankness and usually takes their advice (with a bit of whining, yes, but that's beside the point.) Away from home, Levi hopes he can return and put into words how much Rowan means to him.