Lars Siegel


Basic Information
Lars Siegel
Birth Date:
1st May, 8271. (True Horse/Secret Cormorant, Year of the Lambent Crystal Raven)
5'8" | 172
Imperial Guard, Noble
Koben Imperial Court, Koben Imperial Guard
Horses | Tea Time | Farming | Training | Sweets | Hair Accessories | Books
Gossip | Koben Court | Parties | Dressing Up | Cooking | Cleaning | Horse Racing
Straight-forward | Hard-Working | Patient | Sincere | Humble | Serious | Slow | Imperceptive | Awkward | Blunt |
By default Lars’ expressions often settle into frowns and furrowed brows, giving off the impression that he is always dissatisfied or unhappy. Though he is an incredibly serious individual with a lacking sense of humor, and though he does tend to always take things too literally, he is by no means hard to please. Lars is a man of simple tastes who prefers to be straightforward with both words and actions, and appreciates those who return the favor. He is honest, and sincere-- finding it hard to lie about things even when it would be more prudent to do so. And being neither smart nor readily perceptive, Lars has always been unsuited to understanding subtle cues except with the select few he's closest to. To most, if not everyone, he comes off as blunt and awkward in mannerism and disposition. He’s stepped on toes more often than he can count due to sharp words and sincere honesty without realizing he’s done it until weeks later— but he rarely has ill-intentions. A genuinely good heart and desire to make those around him happy are often thwarted by being unused to social interaction, and Lars is especially eager to recognize his failings and improve on this front. Though he often struggles to identify these problems on his own, with the proper guidance from others he is fully capable of reform and reflection.
Lars’ freshly minted self-confidence is quite resilient after being battered for so many years by thoughtless remarks— he hardly blinks an eyelash at gossip or unkind remarks directed his way. Instead, he works hard to rise above and beyond what is expected of him, preferring to demonstrate rather than argue his way through proving people wrong. Despite his efforts however, his naturally slow uptake on things in general makes him a poor learner, often frustrating those around him with his somewhat bumbling ways. But while even he grows frustrated with himself on occasion, he is quite aware of his own capabilities and is usually very patient— not only with his stilted progress, but with others as well. As a result, Lars has an even temper and very rarely loses it— even with the most trying of people.
With time and exposure to a greater variety of people than the small circle he'd known as a noble sequestered on the family estate, he's improved in expressing himself when the opportunity arises, and has better judgment on when to hold his tongue and say nothing at all. Though he's still awkward around strangers, he's beginning to enjoy meeting new people and being among them in a way that used to grip him with anxiety and nerves. Though he still can't be called friendly, he's somewhat better at fulfilling his responsibilities than anyone had ever expected.
As the second son of the ambitious Earl of Heldar, Lars was a celebrated arrival for all the wrong reasons. The Earl and his wife were enthused with the spare only until it was clear that his disposition was very different from that of his sweet-talking, charismatic elder brother. Lars was an awkward child, stammering over words and slow to learn new things. His faults were glaringly embarrassing for his flashy parents, and while he was not neglected nor unloved, the favoritism heaped upon his brother very distinctly affected Lars and everyone else on the estate. His only solace from a gnawing sense of loneliness was the very older brother in whose shadow he stood, and the friends his brother had gathered around him. Yet these friends were Balthazar’s friends, not his. And his brother, impatient with Lars’ dim-wittedness, pitied more than liked him. But Lars’ accidental discovery of one of his brother’s most fiercely guarded secrets was enough to dry up what little pity Balthazar had felt for him, and a wall was firmly erected between them. Though Lars, truly admiring his brother after years of hearing his praises sung by everyone around them, endeavored to overcome the gulf between them, his efforts were in vain.
The blow of losing his only lifeline was softened however, by the arrival of a younger sister. He adored Gabrielle, partially because she adored him. While their parents had little patience to play with a toddler and Balthazar had too much pride to sit through tea parties or let her put bow ties in his hair, Lars was happy to do anything she wished. For the first time, he was number one. Lars was second to nobody in the eyes of his sister, and that recognition changed him deeply. Though he appeared ever serious and quiet, he grew to understand that it was by no fault of his own that he had always been second best, but rather the silliness of his parents that had eyes for no one but their beloved eldest. He recognized that it was the failings of his brother that had thwarted Lars’ attempts to mend their relationship— not his own. As his eyes opened to the reality of his situation, his confidence grew— and Gabrielle bolstered it. As she grew older, she became equally aware, and so it was that Lars and Gabrielle were thick as thieves.
A desire to be worthy of his sister’s love and admiration made Lars feel that he wished, for once, to be something more than his brother’s spare. But he was blocked at every angle by his mother’s stubborn refusal to let her second son join the military— for now that war was looming on the horizon, she could not be prevailed upon to willingly let one of her children risk his life. No matter how less preferred Lars was amongst his siblings, she wished for him to stay near, and Lars did not wish to lose the little favor he had with his parents for being the best behaved of the three. Most of all, he could not bear to leave his sister, who he knew at the time secretly did not want him to leave and possibly never return. He sat at home and stewed throughout the war, his hopes to join the military and make a way for himself in the world seeming all but a pipe dream until months later, their mother’s bloodline came to the fore. At last, his time to shine had come, and he was eager to join the Ostzepter expedition and prove his mettle. But bad luck was ever upon him, and a riding accident made the trek an impossible task. Once again, Lars was left behind while his brother basked in glory that was entirely undesirable to him.
The loss of such an opportunity translated into Lars finally reaching his tipping point. He was at last able to let go of his admiration for Balthazar, something he had always held onto in the hopes of someday repairing their relationship. But he was beginning to recognize now that his brother was not somebody to be idolized. The final nail in the coffin came with the dragon fire that swept Koben City, impressing upon him the consequences of his choices thus far. He was unable to act, unable to protect-- truly and honestly useless to those dearest to him. Lars was determined that he would not live with eyes and ears closed to the world anymore, and no longer would he allow his parents to decide what he could and could not do. Machinations aided by the more clever mind of his sister were put in order, and he determined that he would join the military as soon as their plans could be set into motion. With the rumors of conscription looming over the Whelcliffe incident, he bit the bullet and announced to his family that whether the draft came or not, he intended to enlist- and make his own decisions from now on.
Current Story
After enlisting in the Koben Heavy Infantry, he's begun to grow into his potential and participated in the quest to save the kidnapped royals, the Citadel exploration, and the search for Iridus. Though he thinks his contributions were rather limited, they seemed enough to clear a request from the new Crown Princess Luciana that he join her personal guard -- an invitation that both flattered and troubled him. Having sympathized more with her than the prince after the fallout of their relationship, Lars was happy to continue offering his support to her. But he feels keenly that he's unqualified for the job of being the protector of either her person or her vulnerable heart.
Additional Info
He grew his hair long at his sister’s request, so that she could braid and play with it when she was younger. He grew accustomed to it and keeps it long now out of habit. He once wore it in an elaborate style, but has preferred a ponytail since it grew out and his schedule grew tighter.
He has dyslexia-- which has never been identified nor addressed. The anxiety caused by his inability to connect phonetic sounds with written words resulted in a stress-induced stammer, which only exacerbated the idea that he was slow or stupid as a child. Over time he's overcome the stammer, but he still reads and processes information slower than others-- and struggles with anything that requires him to read aloud. He does however, enjoy a good printed book when not under pressure to do so quickly. He struggles with handwritten letters and often has someone read them aloud to him. Before she was Crown Princess, Luciana would occasionally do this favor for him.
Lars is an excellent baritone, having had much practice accompanying his younger sister in duets. He sings well, but cannot read music and so must memorize any song he is to perform. He is not bashful of performing when asked, as long as he has a proper accompaniment.
His hobbies include tending to all manner of animals, but he particularly likes peryton, horses, and pegasi. He also likes farming and gardening, and used to lend a helping hand to the wheat harvest in Heldar every year.
He was in Koben City during Firefall with Gabrielle and their uncle. They were in middle Koben, and while they witnessed the attack first hand, they escaped mostly unharmed (physically).
Balthazar Siegel
In Lars' childhood he idolized his brother, influenced by his parents' and the servants' great fondness for him and everything he did. However Balthazar never took the same shine to Lars, and while he played the role of an older brother for a few years, Lars' accidental discovery of a number of Balthazar's secrets ruined their relationship. Much to Lars' surprise, Balthazar was incredibly supportive of his desire to join the military, and it was ultimately him who convinced their parents to let Lars enlist. After the death of the prince, Lars is determined to take this opportunity to mend their relationship, and has taken over Balto's duties as Earl temporarily while he grieves and waits for the political fall out to blow over.
Gabrielle Siegel
His most beloved family member, while at home Lars opens his heart only to his sister. Whatever time is spent indoors is almost entirely spent glued to her side despite being 7 years older. Where her parents display a very clear preference for Balthazar, she is not at all subtle about her bias for Lars- and in turn, he is always thinking of how to be a better brother to her. Her recent interest in medicine and the war effort has encouraged him to act on long dormant aspirations, and his emotional stability is almost entirely reliant on her. Her ability in piano, harp, and singing has made him exceptionally fond of music. She now resides primarily in Linhythe, which causes Lars endless worry because he's not there to directly see to her happiness and safety.
Luciana Kaspar
An unexpected friend made during visits to the Siegel Estate, Lars was very grateful that she was sensible and non-judgmental. He, in return, lent a listening ear and objective eye to her troubles. Her family's power and influence intimidated him however, and he rarely approached her of his own volition. Now that she is the Crown Princess, he feels even more unworthy of being in her company than before, but endeavors to ignore his discomfort in favor of being a loyal friend.
Clotaire Lever
A former noble he knew as a child. He remembers only that he tended to be jerked around by Clotaire at playdates, but that he suddenly stopped appearing at their parents' parties one day. They met again when rescuing the Prince and Princess, but didn't get much opportunity to speak in all the chaos.
Vienna Zimmermann
An acquaintance that he admired from afar. He thinks very highly of her as she was the first to ever profess to prefer his company to his brother's. He is fearful of her changing her mind on this front, and so shies away from interacting with her as often as he would like-- her marriage with his friend Daelan was a bit of a blow, but has since been softened with time. He still scratches his head a little over the pair when he sees them together, but it's none of his business anymore.
Anders Saltvic
Though he met Anders met by chance, Lars had come to see him as indispensable company. Anders read to him regularly, and was always patient with explaining difficult concepts. Admittedly, Anders' nervous disposition made Lars feel secure as well-- as when he was with Anders he was, for once, not the one who was most afraid of blundering. It was through their friendship and observing Anders' blunders that Lars most improved his ability to converse.

Rolf Siegel
His uncle on his father's side. He suffered from Rolf's careless comments about his appearance and intellect when he was younger, though they've since reconciled and are now on better terms.

Nadine Siegel
His aunt. She was and still is highly critical of him and finds fault in almost everything he does. She simply doesn't like Lars, and Lars frankly doesn't like her either.