Lumis Dormona


Basic Information
Lumis Dormona
Birth Date:
9th Arrival, 7961
Light Elf
Cardinal Vertolle, Curator of State
Work, nostalgia, doting on loved ones, the smell of books, long conversations, very strong cheeses
Laziness, mean-spirited jokes and actions, irresponsibility, impatience, moonless nights
Serious | Spiritual | Strict | Gentle | Sentimental | Grudge-bearing
Lumis carries himself with a certain gravity of bearing that makes it clear he takes himself, you and the world at large very seriously. A lifetime in law, making judgements across the breadth of mortal folly and moral uncertainties, has given him a habit of watching people and a slow, deliberate meticulousness in making decisions. While he takes his time to consider what’s real and meaningful justice, once he makes a decision he doesn’t bend in either the call or the consequences.
As a bishop though, he sees his role as guide and protector of society. He treats people with a gentle, doting kindness, even if on the flip side he is stern about correct behaviour and what it means to be a morally upstanding person. He likes to be a mentor figure and easily offers any advice sought, whether that be for matters of spirituality, law or any other facet of life.
If there’s one thing that clouds his vision, it’s sentimentality. He is, at heart, someone who believes in good intentions, kindness and second chances. As a judge he’s known to give judgments that are arduous in their requirements, but merciful in terms of allowing a repenter to rebuild their life. He treasures the proven bonds and the precious memories in his life… as well as the lessons of those who have crossed him. He is slow to anger but once it’s engaged, it’s implacable and forever.
His investment in his job as a judge and bishop is so strong that he has in many ways lost his life outside of it. He always seems to be thinking about its betterment whether on or off the clock, and doesn’t really have any hobbies that aren’t somehow related to his life’s work. He is perfectly happy this way and well-adjusted enough to not throw his authority around outside of the workplace - however, while it’s not intentional on his part, he can be intimidating to interact with as one still gets the sense that the judge inside him is always watching and taking notes.
Lumis came late in his father Taris’ life. His mother died soon after, but Taris did his best to be a good parent for his only son. As someone who’d put his life on hold for too long for his Templar Master career, he was keen to make up for lost time and raised him with a lot of love.
When Lumis was in his teens, an order Taris made resulted in an accident that killed a servant with two children - Cleya and Orichar. Dismayed at his hand in the tragedy, he offered to take them into his household and provide for them. Orichar couldn’t stomach living with his parent’s killer and ran away, but Cleya stayed. She and Lumis grew close and came to treat each other like actual siblings.
In time, they parted to pursue their careers - Lumis at law school and Cleya with the Templars as Taris’ squire. In this time Taris adopted another friend’s orphaned daughter, Calliste, and died soon after of old age. Lumis took over the Magistre title and duties - which he was prepared for but kept him perpetually busy alongside his legal career. Life passed more or less normally until, when Cleya was a Templar Knight and Lumis had just become a judge, she suddenly disappeared from his life. He found out second hand that she’d become pregnant through an impulsive affair with the heir of a high-ranking noble - who had subsequently found out and had her banished from the Templars. He tried for many years to find where she’d gone, without success.
Then a few decades later, he heard of her again in the worst possible way - through rumours that a disgraced Templar Knight was on death row for treason. The reunion in jail was an emotional one. He demanded to know what had happened, and after some reluctance she told him everything. It was her fault he’d never found her - she’d deliberately avoided him out of shame and just lived as a nameless mercenary. The affair was real and the child was at an orphanage. The treason charge… was a grand coincidence - that she was caught up in it, and that the archbishop targeted was a retired Templar Master who’d rubber stamped her banishment. The perpetrators were really driven by resentment for his cruel rule, but as soon as the connection came to light she was found guilty by a judge under the archbishop’s thumb. Lumis declared his readiness to help her fight the unjust charges but Cleya, afraid for him to get involved in the political mess this had become, told him to instead look after her brother and daughter. She felt this was all karma for abandoning them, even if it came through unrelated means. Lumis was distraught, but reluctantly agreed in the face of her passionate insistence and the hard truth that there was little he could do but lose his own life trying.
After her execution a few days later, Lumis found Orichar drinking in town - gutted that he hadn’t even known his sister was in trouble until she was dead - and explained everything. At first Orichar was furious that Lumis hadn’t tried to get her out anyway, but a blow-up later he accepted his offer of a Templar career to continue her legacy. Though he was just a town guard at that moment, he had experience leading a noble’s personal army and was soon able to make a mark. The search for Triss took longer but he eventually found her too, living an ordinary village life with a farming family. She seemed safe and happy, so he decided to just keep an eye on her via the local pastor. And for himself, Lumis set his sights on the post of Curator of Tribunals. Despite Cleya’s feelings, he couldn’t quell his own dissatisfaction at the judge who’d sentenced her to appease the archbishop - so he poured himself into this new ambition aiming to be in a position to do something if this ever happened.
Years later, the pastor came to him with the news that Triss’ family had perished in a freak landslide, though she had thankfully survived. Lumis travelled out intending to adopt her - but when he got there, he was surprised to hear the villagers talking about how Triss had been saved by Aurea Herself. And when he met her, he also felt some strange preternatural foresight from her. So he sent her to Saint Cyndril’s Abbey instead of home, where they might be able to handle this divine touch if it was real. While watching over her as her adoptive father, Lumis slowly became convinced - along with more and more people around her - that she was really blessed by Aurea. It was just as well that he’d aimed to become a Cardinal all this time, because when he achieved it Triss had come to display prophetic powers and became involved with the Curator of State, Leandre Elestae, as an advisor.
Meanwhile Orichar and Calliste ended up both competing for the position of Templar Grand Master. Lumis stepped in once it started escalating but Orichar, who had never let go of the resentment about Cleya’s execution, refused to let him mediate. It finally ended with a fight that resulted in his death after his duel with Calliste. Lumis kept a composed face for Calliste’s sake, but was shaken that everything had ended this way. He doubled down on supporting Triss, now the last remnant of his sister and her legacy.
For a long time things were stable so he focused on his work. It was only when Triss’ prophecies started getting more and more dramatic that he began to pay her greater attention, only when Leandre Ascended without warning that he started to really worry… and only when Triss showed her true colours at the Heroes’ Feast that he fully realised her long deception.
Current Story
Lumis fled to underground Telurea after the fall of Delverne. As the Curator of State, even if the old Delverne is destroyed, he acts as the leader of the survivors. He spends his time seeing to the needs of the underground community and working towards their survival and escape.
Additional Info
Despite the troubles of his personal life, his career climb was very smooth and he’s very well-respected as a judge. What happened with Cleya motivated him to be thorough, merciful and avoid death sentences wherever possible.
The judge who sentenced Cleya retired before he could get anywhere near him in rank, but Lumis did manage to clear Cleya’s record in the end.
Taris Dormona
His father, a good man with a very kind and generous personality. Lumis’ belief in kindness came from him.
Cleya Feyon
His sister in everything but name. They were very close as they were similar ages and kept regular contact until her sudden disappearance. She was a good deal more rash and adventurous than he was, which they’d tease each other about, but they really treasured their differences. His grief over being unable to do anything for her when she needed it has stayed with him until now.
Orichar Feyon
His brother by association. Even though he reunited and started corresponding with Cleya again when he’d settled down enough to miss her, he never wanted to talk to Lumis until her execution. They were always tense with each other, but respected Cleya’s wishes enough to get along. Towards the end they were fighting more and more, because their viewpoints were different on many topics and because Orichar was by then comfortable enough in his own position to decide he didn’t need Lumis’ cooperation any more. (The ch is pronounced as a hard ‘c’)
Triss Feloria
Cleya’s illegitimate child and his adoptive daughter. Her circumstances meant they never lived together, but he did his best to be a good guardian. He saw a lot of Cleya in her, as they had similarly impetuous personalities. After she revealed her true colours, he is left questioning how much of their relationship was projection on his part. He chose the surname ‘Feloria’ for her as a nod to her mother when she went to Saint Cyndrils’; it was her request.