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Roi Calzola

Roi Calzola
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Roi Calzola





Birth Date:

18th Rains, 8268


162 cm | 5’4"








Noble (Heir of Alacci)


Mirian Royal Court



Strawberries | High heels | Birds of prey | Sparring | High places | Roses | Feeling tough and cool™ | Being right


Shellfish | Stuffy rooms | Donkeys | Feeling small | Being treated delicately | Mermaids | Bossy people | Conformity


Aggressive | Honest | Loud | Abrasive | Quick-tempered | Sensitive | Thoughtful | Loyal | Passionate | Judgemental

Roi exudes the air of someone who perpetually wants to pick a fight. From the way they walk to the way they talk, they radiate belligerence, contempt and a burning desire to challenge anything that stands in their way - be it a person or a log that has fallen inconveniently in their path. Their lack of tolerance for even the mildest of offences is frankly a little ridiculous, and is only further exacerbated by the fact that they are both naturally and deliberately difficult - they want to come across as unapproachable and intimidating, so they double down on their angry behaviour and end up acting unnecessarily abrasive all the time.

Despite being so quick to snap, Roi can also be - somewhat jarringly - equally quick to back down. Their anger, while prolific, ultimately stems from insecurity and pessimism rather than any real hate towards the world, so they simply read the worst into everything and overreact defensively. Once they realise a situation is actually benign, all the wind tends to go out of their sails and they can become surprisingly amenable to nice things. Thus, although their anger is always genuine, Roi is much more bark than bite.

This leads to the little-shown but key truth that Roi is, honestly, a pretty nice and normal person deep down. Underneath their layers of defensive aggression, they are considerate and care enough about others to quash their own anger when they think someone doesn't deserve it. They are very susceptible to a guilty conscience and unforgiving about their own mistakes, and so have a strong sense of honour, righteousness and atonement. This inner lawfulness, of course, clashes terribly with their outer rebellion and makes them ping-pong endlessly between bouts of rage and remorseful kindness. But for all their confusing volatility, in the end, Roi is a simple case of someone with a prickly exterior, squishy interior and catastrophic inability to hide either side.


Roi was born to a small but loving noble family in the countryside of Miras, alongside their younger twin, Gauchier. As fortune would have it, the twins were born with a linked condition known as dysmeridia, which essentially gave Roi improved health at the expense of Gauchier’s. All of Roi’s ills - from scraped knees to colds - would end up affecting Gauchier instead, and so Roi spent their earliest years feeling invincible yet baffled why their parents kept telling them to be more careful.

What their young brain did understand was that Gauchier received more attention than they did. Between this and their excess energy, Roi was a fussy and unruly child who constantly badgered everyone for more love. Fortunately Gauchier was only too happy to give Roi love in spades, so the petty seed of resentment Roi held towards their twin never went much further than bossing them around.

These cosy and simple days ended abruptly when Roi was 10. On a routine family trip to visit relatives in Belport, a freak storm overturned their ship and drowned many passengers. While Gauchier found a safe nook to cling to, Roi rushed recklessly to look for their parents - only to be struck by falling debris. Thanks to their dymeridia, it left barely a scratch on them and instead knocked Gauchier out cold, dropping them into the water.

Roi barely managed to save Gauchier from drowning, but this would become a defining moment where they realised their own carelessness could - and nearly did - kill their twin. Eventually rescuers retrieved the ship’s survivors, but their parents were not among them. After being rushed back home, the twins found themselves locked in a room by their grandfather instead of at an infirmary. Alone with their ailing sibling, bereaved of their parents and unable to understand why their grandfather wouldn’t help them, Roi became near-rabid with grief and helplessness. Days later, their aunts arrived to slap some sense into their grandfather and take care of the twins properly, but the damage was done - Roi would never forgive their grandfather nor their own inadequacy.

Under the care of their aunts, the twins slowly recovered. The next few years were spent split between their home estate and their aunts’ various residences in Miras city. Roi loved the excitement of the city and familiarity of the countryside, but they couldn’t help resenting their grandfather’s strict and distant upbringing every time they were home. He barely even looked at them now; what could he possibly care for them?

Part of this strict upbringing was a meticulous tutoring schedule. As the heir, Roi was taught politics and etiquette while Gauchier was trained for military service. Irked at how out-of-touch this was with the twins’ actual personalities and itching to rebel against their grandfather’s wishes, Roi convinced Gauchier to secretly swap places for their lessons. This indulgent ploy quickly snowballed as both twins discovered they really were better suited for the other’s role - but the more they excelled, the harder it became to swap back. As adulthood approached, Roi finally asked whether Gauchier would entertain a longer-term switch - that is, whether Gauchier would stay to masquerade as Roi in court, while Roi went to the military under Gauchier’s name.

With all the short-sightedness of youth, they agreed. The twins thus debuted to society with the other’s identity. In the military, Roi quickly established a new nickname for themselves - ‘Rouge’ - to make things less awkward, and from there it was smooth sailing. ‘Rouge’ was a talented fighter, diligent soldier and likeable firecracker who went on to earn a Royal Guard nomination at a commendably young age. Roi spent these years high on success, savouring their freedom and convinced they’d done right for Gauchier by giving them the safer role.

Roi was still officially the heir though, and since neither twin wanted to change this, the reality began to loom that they were simply living temporary lives. In their regular letters to each other, Roi started to realise Gauchier was tiring under the facade, and it finally hit them that maybe this whole ruse was more of a burden than a blessing. The two made preparations for coming clean on their lie, yet before they could, a new crisis arrived at their doorstep. The twins’ Belporter cousin had been arrested for allegedly hiding half-dark-elves from the Kingdom’s crackdown on spies and it turned out to be true: he’d sent said half-elves secretly to the Calzolas to beg for help. Shocked but too soft-hearted to turn the desperate fugitives away, the twins agreed that Gauchier would personally smuggle the half-elves to the Empire while Roi held the fort at home.

Gauchier’s trip went awry in Koben, however, trapping them there, and so rather than dragging things out, Roi decided to simply pull the plug on their ruse. They hosted a luncheon, invited every friend of theirs and Gauchier’s they knew, and dropped the truth about their identities like a bomb. Sorry, I’m the real Roi. Hi.

The subsequent uproar was a little catastrophic, but Roi weathered it out. For better or worse, the ruse had gone on for so long that there was actually little to correct except their names and inheritance; their history and friendships were still very much their own. For the next two years, Roi put out proverbial fires, learned their noble responsibilities in earnest, stayed in touch with their military friends, and held the fort as promised while waiting for Gauchier’s return.

With both twins now back in Miras, their lives are finally, in a way, whole and as they should be. There’s a lot Roi can and does regret, but that simply means they need to put in more work to make up for it.

Current Story

Roi has mostly gotten into the swing of their noble duties now, though there are still many details that lack polish (such as their sense of tact). Perhaps fortunately, the Calzolas have had a reputation of both eccentricity and insignificance for a while now, and Roi's accolades from the military are a redeeming point, so their stumbles around court have been mostly brushed off.

While outwardly they have stepped back from the military, quietly they are still very much involved with it. Sometimes the Royal Guard has reasons to want a comrade who isn't overtly one of them anymore, and so Roi continues to do off-the-record and perhaps not-quite-legal favours for them. The most notable of these was helping the expelled Adamas of the Royal Guard, Sunan, escape from palace imprisonment. While Roi doesn't really want to do anything that risky again, they can't deny they get more of a kick out of these secret missions than tracking the price of wheat...

Additional Info
  • Right-handed.

  • Abnormally good vision in their left eye due to a congenital defect, dysmeridia.

  • Their style of martial arts utilises shockwaves and heavy-hitting, rock-shattering techniques (so they can create Yamcha craters).

  • They favour polearms and staff-type weapons, but can fight hand-to-hand too.

  • Always wears stupidly high shoes in an effort to be taller and Not Looked Down Upon. Arguably, this only makes people take them less seriously.

  • Fond of avant-garde fashion but a basic bitch when it comes to food. Vanilla is the finest of the flavours

  • Enjoys getting tattoos as mementos of special people or occasions.

Dysmeridia is a rare but well-documented condition that only affects identical  twins. It essentially causes a maldistribution of humours between the affected people; in Roi’s case, their left eye continuously receives vitality from Gauchier’s right eye, meaning their vision is improved while Gauchier’s is worsened. Dysmeridia is lifelong and dynamic, so Roi regularly suppresses their eye in order to return some vision to Gauchier’s. The condition was worse in the twins’ youth but they mostly grew out of it during adolescence. 

Alacci used to be a very valuable land due to the gold in its rivers, but this dried up generations ago. Without natural bounties to rely on, the Calzolas turned to artisan labour and luxury goods. Currently Alacci  produces damask, brocade and goldwork embroidery. Since these are non-essential and subject to the whims of the fashion cycle, their finances tend to be unstable. The Calzolas are thus considered a subpar alliance to most nobles, but a great one for rich commoners who are seeking a title.



Gauchier Calzola

Younger twin. Roi has an infinite supply of acceptance and double-standards for Gauchier, playing along with their mushy eccentricities no matter how it clashes with their Aesthetic. Having meddled so much with Gauchier's life, they now try to give them freedom and rein in their burning need to overprotect them. It's a work in progress.

Dimitris Umbrius

(Dumbrius) A good friend, once you get past all of Roi's dudeful bravado and emotionally constipated ribbing. Roi is comfortable around Dmi - perhaps a little too comfortable - to the point they don't bother hiding their pettiest peeves or desire to body him into the countertop. It's reassuring to know Dmi can suplex them right back.

Anastasia Umbrius

The angle to Dmi's devil. Anya has managed to procure near-Gauchier levels of acceptance from Roi - they can't bring themselves to be (too much of) a gremlin towards her, and so will 180-flip from (YOU DONKEY) to (oh dear, gorgeous) when addressing her. They understand Dmi's need to kill anyone who looks at Anya wrong on sight.

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