Anastasia Umbrius


Basic Information
Anastasia Umbrius
Birth Date:
28th Harvest, 8237
5'3" (160 cm)
Light Elf
Mirian Royal Court, The Arcanists
Light Blossoming
Therras' Favour
Animals, even if they don't like her
Most literature
Aesthetic compositions, organization
Downy fabrics
Sweet iced teas
Ultimatums (the specialization)
Her naivete
Going against the grain, having her opinions undermined
The underhanded plays of court
Cruelty for the sake of it
✓ : genuine, gentle, compassionate, steadfast
x : sheltered, over-righteous, unassertive, hesitant
A diligent practitioner of noble grace, Anya is earnest and mild-mannered. What she lacks in charisma is compensated for with heart, and though she will try to disguise it in unsympathetic company, Anya is a hopeless sentimentalist who wants to find a soul in everything. She's careful (maybe too careful) with others and tries always to be attentive, present, and a willing shoulder when called. Friendly faces can trust that she is sincerely interested in their lives, joys, and loves - all of which will be committed to memory.
All said, she's remained this way due to her privileged upbringing. Wealth has afforded Anya the ability to prize kindness, and it's also encouraged a narrow litmus for justice and goodness. She believes it her moral duty to help others and right wrongs, but her attempts to supplement rationale for experience come across naive at best and ignorant at worst. And since she realizes this objective inexperience, Anya retreats onto the fence when it comes to grander stages. She is more adept at overthinking than she is at taking command, and defers to powerful personalities to champion her ideals. Without the sheer confidence to dig herself (much less anyone else) out of unexpected consequences, she's inoffensive to a fault and often too afraid to have an opinion until it has already costed her.
Born to a union of Delvan and Mirian nobility, Anya’s childhood was comfortable on the surface. Privately, her parents were grappling with her mother's declining health, which had always been fragile but worsened considerably after her second pregnancy. The timetable of medical visits grew until there was scarcely a moment when Elene Umbrius was not accompanied by a nurse, at which point Anya began ask questions. They would never receive proper answers until her mother passed away in the autumn of Anya's seventh year. She was 134.
The loss consumed Anya's father Augustus in a fog, and in the months following he rarely interacted with his children. As the Umbriuses grew brittle with mourning, Elene's Delvan family asserted themselves and ushered the children back to the motherland, where they could be properly reared. And so, for a handful of years Anya and her older brother Dimitris were raised in Delverne. There they developed a steady affection for their family and friends, but yearned always for home - and though he still grieved, August eventually regained custody of his children. Life ventured on in her father's willingness to amend his failings, and eventually normalcy found them like a shy bloom, slow but sure.
But much like during Anya's earlier years, this sleepy peace was not perfect. Owing to wanderlust, a restlessness that came with age, and deeper (spiteful) considerations, her brother began resisting his responsibilities as heir before long. Their father, dreading another rift between himself and his son, allowed Dimitris to dawdle and somewhat disappoint the family's expectations for their next-in-line.
Those shoes - encompassing diligence, propriety, and a robust academic background - would instead be filled by Anya, who had grown into herself as both a lady and a budding scholar. Affinity was not her only motivation for enrolling at the Academy of the Arcane; she had naturally become the family mediator and took it upon herself to smooth conflicts between father and son. If she couldn't condemn Dimitris's free spirit, she could at least make sure that he had less to apologize for. With those considerations, she dove headfirst into her studies and honed her craft, graduating early to return as a researcher.
Current Story
Then came 8291 and looming war. Anya maintained hope that peace was inevitable, but as new royal decrees transformed Miras while Delverne began to march in earnest, she found that she no longer wanted to wait for its arrival. When the second Leywood expedition came, Anya signed aboard eagerly - only to be met with the betrayal and the Ley Elk's murder. The palace swarmed the Academy soon after, and though Anya chose to aid the rebellion, she could not follow her peers out of the newly delineated West Miras.
On the homefront, her family denied all accusations of treason by weaponizing her well-associated soft-spoken (meek, weak-willed) nature. In all that followed, Dimitris was willingly (haha) interned at the Royal Palace while Anya used Nisalvini's evacuation and the Citadel exploration to affirm her loyalties and, in some miniscule way, continue her own rebellion. Of course, when the call was raised to venture into Soloros once more, Anya answered without hesitation. However, this expedition would end just as unexpectedly as her first - in the golden groves of Delverne, alongside a living memory.
It wasn't a happy reunion. A choice arrived with great heartache: her beliefs, her justice, at the expense of her second home.
The price for it was steeper than she could have ever dreamed.
Additional Info
Blossoming: gold flecks in iris, glowing underlayer
Her casting mediums are the tattoos located on her chest and shoulder-line. Thanks to a specialized ink, they are invisible at rest and appear (glow) during the cast. ie theyre annoying to put on every draw but i dont want to design new casting mediums
Anya is a family nickname! (it's the name she would have had if i weren't pretentious)
Her middle name is Ophélie, honoring her maternal grandfather's aunt (from whom he inherited his title). Her mother wanted to make it clear that though Anya is titled in Miras, she will always be a daughter of Delverne.
Though she was young at the time, it's still thanks to Delverne that she didn't carry her father's heartbreak into adulthood. It's clear in retrospect that, despite the circumstances, she and her brother were loved by all parties involved. The depth of that fortune is difficult to fully comprehend, but it's why she tries to make kindness in the world. It also contributed to her idyllic appreciation of Love - in this instance, it really did make the world go round.
She takes after her father, and her brother their mother. Apparently Elene had been upset (only half-jokingly) that neither of her children had her blond hair or rosy eyes.
Anya loves stories, and particularly the romantic sort. She is currently enamored with a dashing character named Mr. Barney from the uh hit title Dignity and Disdain (or something).
Her sensibilities align more with Delverne's overall, but she, alongside the rest of the Umbrius clan, considers Miras their home turf.
Elene left her wardrobe to her daughter, but Anya has always felt unfit (unworthy) to wear any of it. (elene thinks she should just do it (whyd u inherit all of ur fathers sensitivity but not mine

Liam Maël Zelder
:ilu and :crai

Leith Aurélien Zelder
:ilu and :uwa
Gauchier Calzola
Friend, peer, and neighbor. They are among the few who participate in her academic and mundane misadventures, so she regards them dearly. She'd hesitate to say it for fear of sounding silly or overbearing, but becoming friends with them has helped her grow into her own. Recently, their increasing age has been causing her distress.

Sava Alegrías