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Esme Ó Súileabháin

Esme Ó Súileabháin
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Esme Ó Súileabháin





Birth Date:

28th Fire, 8267 (Duabus the Double Tree)






Dark Elf




Shepherd / Militia


Tìr Torclann



Sheep - Napping - Sunny Days


Snow - Goodbyes


Easygoing | Friendly | Romanticist | Unambitious | Passive | Frivolous | Avoidant

A friendly, lighthearted young man, Esme paints an entirely different picture than his strict and stoic knightly mother; he very much takes after his quiet, gentle father instead. Raised in a household of knights, he grew up with the pressure of future greatness, but found solace in recreational activities such as writing and painting. Though he is currently training to be a knight, he'd much rather skip practice to read a book on a grassy hill somewhere, or chat with the townsfolk on the goings-on in their lives.

Still young and naive (and spoiled despite his mother's best attempts), Esme has an unrealistic, and at times rather thoughtless outlook on the workings of the world. He is a peacemaker, and prefers to resolve conflicts through discussion and compromise. However, he is far more likely to back off from a potential confrontation than stand firm on his beliefs. Though some might consider him spineless or cowardly, it might be more accurate to say he lacks convictions that are strong enough to fight for.

Meandering and wishy-washy, there are few things to which he will devote his true and undivided attention. It isn't that Esme is a lazy child, but perhaps that he's not yet found something of meaning in his life.

With his mother's passing, his usual amiable nature has given way to depression and bouts of irritation. The harsh realities of the world have just made themselves known to him in the rudest way possible...


The Ó Súileabháin family is one with a long and proud history of knighthood, and it was with these expectations upon his shoulders that Esme lived his childhood years. His mother, head of the household and a knight herself, sought to educate her son as appropriate for a future knight from a very early age. Though he took well to extracurriculars such as reading and the arts, he never found a taste for battle, and would frequently skip or flee from his sword training sessions.

After such bouts, he would often seek refuge with his kindly father, also a connoisseur of the arts. It was with his father's support and encouragement that he would eventually come to terms with his mother's stern ways-- it was her misguided way of showing care and affection, in the end. She, in turn, relented with her heavy handed approach until Esme was of proper age.

When he was 16 years old, Esme formally became his mother's squire, and his training for knighthood began in earnest. Unfortunately, the years had not improved his aptitude for swordsmanship much, and the road ahead looked to be long and difficult. Though smart and agile, Esme's waifish figure did not lend itself well to combat. Still, his mother trained him with unending persistence (the same could not be said for her patience--) in firm belief that he would make a splendid knight one day.

Esme's peaceful childhood didn't do much to instill a sense of urgency or necessity to his training, but recent events and political turmoil lent his blade a keener edge as the conflict began to strike closer to home.

Current Story

- Possession -
Still, nothing could quite prepare him for the shock of his mother's death during the war for Possession of Iadlain-- With her passing he is now free from the future of a knight that he'd never really wanted, but can he really turn his back on the legacy that his mother had tried so hard to protect?

- Wisps in the Woods -
After the tragic loss their family suffered, his father sent him to stay with his mother's former squire, to give him space to think. Several months with the man helped him to reconcile with his feelings of regret and remorse, and after spending St. Beitris' Feast with Mar and Lissa, he was able to look towards the future with shaky optimism. That was rudely interrupted by a headless behemoth but oh well.

- Ambition

Currently, he is slowly coming to terms with his mother's death and his own desires and aspirations without her influence to guide him.

Additional Info
  • His nickname is "Em".

  • His hairstyle is something of a family tradition.

  • Would rather be a bard, personally.

  • Plays the fiddle. 

  • Has a knack for arts and crafts.


  • Silver Charm:

  • Charity Portrait:



Lainie Baineach

Alison Mac Dhuibhinse

Marischal Maxwell

Owain Shiansach

Isobel Blarach

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