Gabrielle Siegel

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Gabrielle Siegel
Gabi (Close friends)
Noble, Volunteer Nurse
Koben Imperial Court
Music | Art | Eccentric People | Cooking | Fruit tarts | Dancing | Dogs | Daydreaming | Love Stories
Reading | Coffee | Politics | Rules | Hunting | Meringue | Large Birds | Physical Exertion
Sociable | Perceptive | Clever | Compassionate | Confident
Willful | Naive | Gullible | High-Handed | Busybody |
With a naturally sweet and easy disposition, Gabrielle has all the mannerisms of the picture perfect young society lady. She chooses her words carefully and minds her manners, while also being sure to facilitate pleasant conversation with a skillfully measured degree of curiousity and interest in whatever topic is at hand. A relatively keen understanding for subtle cues and endless patience that is surprising for her age enables her to be an ideal candidate for navigating tricky topics or smoothing over rocky situations.
Sheltered from the worst of the world, Gabrielle has only recently begun to see outside of the glass cage she grew up in. Though she is clever with her words, there is an undeniable sense of naivety to her as she tends to assume the best of people regardless of their circumstance in life, and she lacks the common sense of those who have grown up without a silver spoon in their mouths. This sometimes misguided ability to see the best in people has the consequence of her being rather incapable of sensing danger, and the happy result of her always being eager to help the less fortunate.
As she begins to enter her later teens, a more headstrong attitude has begun to take hold. Though still somewhat hidden under saccharine politeness, as someone who has always had her way, she is unaccustomed to taking ‘no’ for an answer. When she sets her mind to something, she does so with an expectation that everyone around her will acquiesce to it. And with all her skill at wheedling and niceties, she has a veritable arsenal of tools to convince others to bend to her will. While she has enough morals not to do anything purposefully malicious, she can be a bit heavy handed in her machinations and can inadvertently jerk people around, a habit that tends to rear it's head strongest when dealing with those of lower social status.
Gabrielle is an excellent actress, as successful nobles should be-- and she's not above using a crocodile tear or a cleverly worded remark against people who she feels have wronged either herself or the people she cares about. This skill is something that she's learned from watching her mother, though Gabrielle has rather improved upon it's execution in subtlety. Neither is she above gossip; On the contrary, she loves it, both for wanting to stay abreast of any social situation, and for sheer curiousity of just wanting to know who fancies who, or what scandal has recently gripped the minds of the masses. However, she tends to believe what she is told from her close friends and family, or whichever source seems the most deserving of compassion, rather than from real facts.
She excels with ease at things that she either naturally enjoys or chooses on her own will to apply herself to. For anything she feels forced into, she struggles to overcome her base unwillingness and often makes little to no progress. At the moment she is luckily still curious about most unfamiliar things, but historically she has put her foot down on things such as studying foreign languages, politics, and a variety of other academic subjects that put her right to sleep.
Born the youngest daughter of the Siegel Family, Gabrielle wanted for nothing as a child. Everything from her dresses to her home were the best of the best, and her doting parents would go any lengths to fulfill the wants of their only daughter. It seemed a recipe for disaster, but as luck would have it, Gabrielle decided very early on that her middle brother Lars was dearest to her. Following his example, she was terribly shy and found the lavish excess heaped upon her burdensome and embarrassing. Unlike her parents and eldest brother, she preferred interacting exclusively with family and close servants— but very few had the patience or spare time to give to a young toddler, and so she spent much of her childhood monopolizing Lars’ attention and company.
As she grew older and more capable of having intelligent conversation, her eldest brother, previously a distant figure who afforded her little space in his life beyond a kind afterthought, began to treat her more warmly. The death of the crown prince saw him confined to the home, and having already carefully navigated Lars’ melancholic moods and their mother’s tendency for hysterics, she was an excellent listener who had a penchant for saying all the right things. Through stories of his travels, she gleaned three things: First, she picked up on his easy charisma and was a quick study on his skill in conversation— an ability that served to increase her ability to juggle the ever-shifting moods of her family members. Second, an interest in the world outside of their countryside estate for herself, rather than to simply hear it all second hand. And the last and most important lesson was the understanding that while her brother no longer had any choice regarding the trajectory of his life, she did— and if she didn’t excercise it, someone else would do it for her.
Gabrielle by now was in her early teens, growing quickly into a headstrong young woman who was used to having her way. But it was impossible for her, still young and sheltered, to strike out on her own. A precedent needed to be set. Sensing the chance to accomplish two of her goals in one fell swoop, she began to encourage Lars to act on his dream to join the military— to help him survive in society without her, and to make it so that the two younger Siegels would be able to live in ways contrary to their parents’ wishes.
Conspiring with her eldest brother and sister-in-law, their combined efforts allowed Lars to enlist— and while she desired to put space between them for his own good, an entire empire worth of distance had never been in the cards. She declared that she would accompany Lars to his new post, and while their parents protested, even they understood that Lars and Gabrielle were an inseparable pair. She stayed under the rather neglectful watch of her eldest brother in Koben, before convincing him to let her go to stay with their uncle in Linhythe when Lars was reposted for the quest for Iridus. Determined to be useful, she once again commanded the influence of her brothers to gain reluctant permission to volunteer as a nurse for the war effort.
Current Story
She is currently elbow deep in learning medicine, using her talents in music as a soothing balm in the healing wards, and finding her place in a world very different from the one she grew up in.
Additional Info
Gabrielle is an excellent soprano and is proficient with the piano and harp. She’s always happy to play a tune at the hospital, or sing a duet with another.
Most of her hobbies are sedentary and so she doesn’t have a very strong constitution. As a result, she gets tired easily. In the clinic, she tends to care for outpatients, not incoming ones, but may help in dire situations such as influxes. (And also her skill in medicine is still very much a work in progress, so she can only do so much.
Balthazar Siegel
Her eldest brother. Though he's too old to have been close with her when she was growing up, she recognizes the sacrifices he made for her and Lars. While she doesn't necessarily like how he goes about things sometimes, she respects him and his decisions, and tries her best to please him.
Lars Siegel
Her elder brother. They were attached at the hip when she was growing up, despite the fact that he was rather significantly older than her. It's due to his influence that she's accustomed to having her way in almost everything. But he also taught her patience, and necessitated her rapid development in socializing due to his own lack of ability. Though sometimes finds his overprotectiveness tiresome as she seeks adolescent freedom, she loves him best out of her all her family.

Rolf Siegel
Her uncle on her father's side. She's currently staying at his residence while in Linhythe-- but their paths don't cross very often due to their very different lifestyles. She finds his business ventures in Linhythe somewhat interesting, but he doesn't have the patience to explain them to her.

Nadine Siegel
Her aunt, who is mostly indifferent to Gabrielle's presence in her house due to their very different lifestyles. Gabrielle finds her difficult, and especially wishes she would be kinder to Lars. It was through her connections that Gabrielle secured her position at a clinic.