Lyan Binici

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Lyan Binici
3rd Flowers, 8252
190 cm / 6'3
East Miras Royal Guard
Gold accessories, traditional dances, gemstones, dragons, spicy food.
Unnecessary violence, know-it-alls, milk, silence.
The Anti-Nihilist | Papa Wolf | Pragmatic Hero | Beware the Nice Ones | I Did What I Had to Do
Once a wild and impulsive young man, Lyan's experiences with war turned him into a battle-hardened old man, muddling his understanding of what is right and wrong. Still, that never made him any less of a good person.
The Binici senior is as kind and helpful as one could be, willing to do what he can to make the life of those around him better. He strongly believes that people can be good despite of their alliances, refusing to hold a grudge against Koben, its citizens or soldiers, much to his son's displeasure. However, it absolutely does not mean that he would yield to enemy forces in battle. Inside the army's Flight Regiment, Lyan is known for being a father figure to his underlings but a fierce and ruthless force against those who cross them, fighting with tooth and nail to protect his land and those he loves.
Such a need to protect, however, has its bad sides. Lyan cares little about his own life now that his son is old enough to feign for himself, willing to recklessly put his life on the line if it means that he can protect his people. This is not the only point where the man is selfish, either. Despite his wish to protect all the people of Miras, Lyan would not hesitate in protecting those close to him over strangers if faced with such a choice, following his own code rather than the army's. With the years, the Binici has also learned not to rely on others - even friends - for his personal issues, keeping them to himself and dealing with those when no one is looking. This unwillingness to share his feelings affects him greatly in the battlefield, making Lyan much more likely to act stubborn and not listen to most of his underlings or even some of his superiors, if he believes that they are unfit to give orders.
The only son of Kobener merchants, Lyan Demir was born and raised in Tusa, following his parents' relocation to the city thanks to their business. A bright and energetic child, he soon began exploring the streets on his own, eager for adventure and for anything interesting he could discover while out and about. Despite the rising problems in his city, Lyan's childhood and teenage years were generally uneventful, spent between having fun, dating and unwillingly learning about his family's trade, which he didn't care about or want to take part in. There is, however, one thing he specifically deems as a turning point in his life during those years, and that's when he realized his magic aptitude at age 9.
His parents were less than happy about it. A stern couple, the two were quick to shut Lyan off, distrustful of anything that went against their merchant traditions, especially something as volatile as magic. Lyan practiced in secret, but it didn't take long for his secret to be out. Repression was quick and severe, creating a big rift between the boy and his parents. Lyan, however, didn't give up. He practiced outside, away from their watchful eyes, but the streets were narrow and people talked, their words reaching the Demir's ears and causing even more conflict. Years went by with heated fights and dissatisfaction as Lyan grew further and further away from his family. At age 16, he announced that he was leaving. Not caring for the family trade or their old-fashioned traditions, he would study magic in Miras, where he believed he wouldn't be ostracized like he was at home. Enraged, his father announced that from that point on, Lyan was no longer a Demir.
Taking up a new surname for himself, Lyan made his way to Miras, settling in the capital. It was a little hard to blend in and find work at first, but the change of atmosphere made the young man try his hardest, working in odd jobs here and there to make ends meet while practicing with his magic, asking for tutelage from whatever other mages he met. In love with his new homeland and looking for a way to contribute to it, Lyan ended up joining the military as soon as he reached adulthood. Being a soldier wasn't easy but it gave him a salary, a way to help and a reason to try his best everyday. It was a very fulfilling job for someone eager and hardworking as Lyan.
Three years later, while drinking at a tavern, Lyan caught glimpse of a beautiful woman, a Light Elf scholar named Leirian, looking for directions to reach her destination. Eager to help and maybe score a few points with her, Lyan guided the lady to where she wanted to go. Their talks were fun, she seemed interested in him, one thing led to another and the two ended up spending a few nights together but never engaged in a true relationship. To their surprise, however, Leirian soon realized that she was pregnant. The two sat down to have a talk and agreed that they would raise the child with all the love and care in the world, even if their family wasn't a "normal" one. When the boy was born, they named him Leo and decided that they would all live together for a while, until Leo was old enough to stay by himself, as Lyan was away frequently thanks to his work.
Lyan made sure to be everything his own father wasn't in the moments he did manage to spend with his son. He was patient, loving and open, giving his best to show Leo that he loved him even when far away. He watched the boy grow and become his own person even after Leirian left, managing to spend a little more time with him as he raised in ranks through the years, though in the end he always had to leave for another mission. Despite the many tribulations, Lyan became a Centurion in the Flight Regiment, vowing to protect the lives of his son and his underlings with everything he had.
Current Story
Dissatisfied with the way king Silvan dealt with the Academy and fearing for his son's safety, Lyan made his way to Amedra, where he's currently serving in king Vinicio's army.
Additional Info
Voice: Tomokazu Seki (JP) / Felipe Grinnan (PT-BR)
He also has a playlist! some songs are about young Lyan, some about old Lyan.
Loves animals and tends to get along with them very well! Same for children.
Specializes in fire magic. Can use other elements too, but they're way less effective than his fire.
Has a tattoo on his face and one on his left arm, from the neck to the elbow.

Lirian Malaios
An interesting woman met in a bar, Lyan never really expected Lirian to be anything beyond a casual partner and possibly a friend, but the strings of fate tied them together with a son... and he wouldn't have it any other way. Though he doesn't love her romantically, Lyan admires her determination and is happy to call her a friend. Though he hasn't had contact with her in years, he chooses to believe she's not involved in Delverne's quest for conquest - he wouldn't want to have to fight her someday.
The Eisler Children
Rebounds by taking care of other people's children

Vinicio Lucilius
Tatiana Valerius
Though the two dated in a time long past, Lyan doesn't consider Tatiana someone he's close to. He respects the wizard and her abilities and will act as cordially as possible to her, but their clashing beliefs make her someone to be wary of. While he does think fondly of their past together, Lyan will not hesitate to fight her to the death if necessary.