Leo Binici


Basic Information
Leo Binici
Birth Date:
25th Sun, 8273
185 cm / 6'1
Half Elf (Light)
Bounty Hunter/Street Performer
Elves' Mindspeak
Sunny days, hands-on practice, wind chimes, nature.
Aurea, lectures, scholars, hypocrites.
Unscrupulous Hero | Determinator | Black and Gray Morality | Stepford Smiler | He Who Fights Monsters
A cheerful and kind young man with a strong code of honor, Leo has matured a bit after spending some time away from home. He still firmly believes in heroes and their importance to society, works hard to be worthy of the title himself. Leo will gladly offer his help to those in need whenever possible, although he now refrains from forcing it upon others as he used to.
This growth, however, brought with it doubts. After witnessing the betrayal of people he considered friends and taking the help of those he deemed enemies, he is unsure of what to make of the world's current situation. Having seen Koben up close and lived through the split of the Miras Kingdom, Leo was left with his beliefs shattered and uncertain of who their true enemies are. He feels alienated, but often pushes the thought aside, choosing to focus on his good deeds instead of thinking about complicated matters.
Leo was, as his parents told him once, the happiest accident in their lives.
Born to a human father and an elf mother with no romantic involvement, the young boy had all the odds against him, but his parents decided that they would not allow him to have an unhappy life. The two joined in as friends and raised the child to the best of their abilities, giving Leo a fulfilling childhood full of happy memories, though not everything was perfect.
Pre-war tensions were high and, despite never seeing them directly, Leo could feel it around himself. The world was changing and the days when his father couldn't return home due to his work or injuries weren't few. The young Leo grew to worry that someday he might not return at all, but the old man was quick to address it. He told the young Leo that all was well, that as long as there were heroes fighting, the world would return to peace and all would be good. He was well aware that his words were too idealistic and meant only to calm the fears of a child, but he wasn't aware of just how much Leo took them to heart. It was then that the boy decided that he, like his father, would become a true hero when the time came.
With those words said, never again did Leo worry about the war. He focused on practicing his magic with the help of his parents, aiming to become a famous adventurer once he grew up. As he became older though, the idea of adventuring for the sake of it became less realistic; after all, how would he get the chance to act heroic when just seeking a thrill? With that thought in mind, Leo became a bounty hunter, giving himself a reason to go out and seek the adventures he wanted while still making enough money to continue on his travels.
Current Story
After surviving the exploration of Riag and successfully infiltrating Delverne, Leo finally saw his quest of ressurrecting Tharoneos come to an end. Though happy at its success, Leo can't help but feel shaken at the time spent in Delverne and the many losses witnessed, but there's no time to think about it now - Triss must be stopped.
Additional Info
Voice: KENN
Like his dad, he has an affinity for animals.
Performs mostly because he loves to dance, partially because it gives him some pocket money...
Though he has some burn scars from his first days dealing with fire.
Doesn't hide his tattoo anymore and makes it a statement that he will not be hiding himself, no matter how unpleasant he may look.
Lyan Binici
Leo's father and the single person Leo has looked up the most his entire life. Leo loves Lyan and understands that he did what he could to ensure his son's future, but adulthood made him realize that a lot of times someone's best just isn't enough; Lyan was a good father, when he was around. Leo put some distance between the two while learning how to deal with his newfound bitterness towards his father, but he does still love him.

Lirian Malaios
Leo's mother and the one who took care of him until he was old enough to watch himself. A delvan scholar, she taught Leo most of what he knew about magic in his childhood, much to his delight. He loved and adored Lirian even after she returned to Delverne, but years without contact and Delverne's recent actions have made him resentful of her, as he fully believes she's involved in their expansion attempts.
Sarifee Laemiril
A gloomy woman met during his travels years ago, Leo thought Sari was interesting for how different she was from him. Now that they've met again, Leo believes he's become quite similar to her; he appreciates her honesty and willingness to beat reality into him. Despite everything, Sarifee reminds Leo of a time when he was younger and naïve, but he prefers keeping it to himself.
Tilia Belaire
A former underling of his father, Tilly is possibly the closest thing to an older sister he has at the moment. He knows she worries a lot about his wellbeing and he regrets causing her so much grief during their time underground - she didn't deserve it. Still, he's glad she's still around to keep him grounded.
Hyacinth Elestae
A Cardinal met during Delverne's infiltration. Though Leo originally meant to extract as much information he could and never think about them again, his conversation with Hyacinth and their honest worries forced him to face his own prejudice towards delvans. While he knows lying to them was necessary, Leo hopes to meet them again, this time as himself.
The Eisler Children
Though at first glad to be the one tasked with taking care of Albie's and Agnes's children, Leo quickly realized just how ill-fitted to the task he is, leaving for another world-saving adventure. He cares deeply for the three and hopes they're being taken good care of, but at the same time is scared to be acting exactly like his father did with him.