Rhodeia Ennosid

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Rhodeia Ennosid
39 (deceased)
8th Fire, 8254
5'10 (178cm)
Half Elf (Dark)
Agate Alliance
forks, swimming, accessories
broken forks
Independent | Compliant | Skeptical | Indifferent | Selfish | Begrudging | Volatile
Rosie makes for an easily forgettable impression– decent to work with, follows orders without complaints, neither outright avoids or initiates interaction. Mostly all that can be noted of her is... mediocrity. Average efforts, average ideas, average tastes. Perhaps she could do better. Perhaps she is lazy, or perhaps it is the subtle apathy lining her behaviour that offers the dull air, but she'd rather be a bore than parade her virtues and vices for all to see.
And of vices, she has plenty. With a head more for herself and a stubborn habit of grudges, Rosie's hardly one for lasting friendship or loyalty and would sooner turn tail if it meant less trouble. She simply goes where the water flows, conscience dampened and distant to the point she has little to get out of life now. Judging situations with the matter of least to most bothersome at the forefront, Rosie's compliance is just another extension of her indifference.
Yet while the rebellion of her youth had long since simmered, there are times where the moody manner beneath paves way for a vicious temper. In the end, she still does care about some things far more than she'd admit.
From a brothel night between a Tusar human and a dark elven father, conception marked the end of the woman's trade. But rather than give up her unborn for the establishment, Arne gathered her meagre funds in a new start, for both herself and the life she carried.
Roha entered the world amidst her mother's struggles, with only the kindness of strangers to help her.
They at last found solace with a humble fisherman off the Linhian coast. Rhodeia accompanied her stepfather with glee, badgering the few magic-faring sailors to teach her the trade. Yet her mother insisted otherwise, fearing a tumultuous future for her daughter as a plain labourer, let alone a seaman in fickle waters– and urged her to safer, academic prospects of magic inland, funded by their efforts.
But bull-headed Rhodeia wanted none of that, even as a sibling was born. Or perhaps because she now had a brother, she resented the perceived responsibility. Building herself around the docks, straying in both mercantile and unlawful companies, she spent her rebellious youth at sea – out of anyone's grasp.
Finally in her 20's, her mother confronted her, unable to bear how she'd changed on the nights she did return. Rhodeia had nothing save for scars and suspicious coin, no sustainable means that Arne could understand, no semblance or love of family left–
After a vicious temper meted against spurned pleas, the half-elf stormed out for the last time.
Ten years she drifted with privateers. Not for riches, nor the company... but for the sensation, and some lingering vehemence against what she was expected to be– whatever that was. She knew the seas and ships, she hated restrictions and she couldn't care less what happened at the end of the day. Life was straightforward and she excelled at her job. Routine in thrills and strangely, slowly, gradually lacking, but was that not a way to live in itself?
By the time she met a certain youth arranging a worthy crew, Rhodeia's – or rather Rosie's – volatile and impulsive streaks had calmed with age, daubed with apathy to take the path of least resistance. Having recently departed her former ship as the crew was bound for blood, she offered her abilities to Captain Lyndoğmuş if just to stay afloat. New start, new luck. Same old lacklustre life.
Current Story
For five years, that is. With the recent tide of war in 8292, Rosie heeded their Mirian circumstances and the captain's orders with a raised brow, furthering her spells for the ship's performance. But while their new Amedran waters held little novelty, the looks her greyed skin alone garnered certainly held more. She despised them.
Yet in the end wherever the waves took the Lyra, that's where she went, regardless of whose side she cared the least for.
Come 8293, and the excitement of new sights and spells had long worn off. 'Retired pirates', 'Going straight'; the Agate Alliance their crew took protection under only held the driest and frankly insulting reputations, with no room for their old ways in any of Amedra's docks.
Rosie, like many other privateers quietly cursing under their breath, wanted no more part in playing the straight-laced merchants and do-gooders on this side of the sea, so with an eager revitalisation she took to the storm tide smuggling operations. Not long after landing at Song-Lu was the Lyra swept up in grander affairs, the main attraction: a missing person or two.
Little did she know that the tides of karma have a powerful, inescapable pull.
Cut and Cauterise
1st Stars 8293, Year of Beginnings
Additional Info
Advanced Wizard [50/50]
Water — size 6 | spd 3 | ctr 5 | pw 10 | stm 3
Wind — size 3 | spd 6 | ctr 2 | pw 6 | stm 6
Born Roha, renamed Rhodeia Ennosid, nicknamed Rosie.
Started growing her hair out after a particularly annoying ship pet took a liking towards it.
Dyed hair dark, hides ears & skin glamoured when on kingdom shores.
Collected and wore poesy rings and hair accessories looted from different raids.
Holds her own in a careless bar fight like most other pirates, but rather stick to staff magic
Her staff resembles a trident. The prongs are sharp. Of all her possessions, it's the one thing she'd blow her fuse over (don't touch it, she'll stab you with the sharp). Has a wand dagger as well but favours the former.
Dresses masculine in all circumstances. Tattoos, usually covered
Relations (family & NPCs)
Siem Ennosid [step-father], Dominic & Zeke [younger half-brothers]
Her step-father initially had a very hands-off approach to family raising and with Rhodeia once she'd begun adventuring out of reach. Realizing that his step-daughter had perhaps become a tad too independent he focused more on connecting with his boys, both of whom are unfamiliar with their half-sister now.
Arne Ennosid [mother]
Strong-willed but emotional, as a woman who was born with little and worked so hard to offer her children what she never had, she was devastated by her daughter's selfishness and her own failure as a mother figure. ( . . . )
Lyra crew:
Orion Lyndoğmuş - Current captain. Thinks he's an okay guy for lack of other things to describe him with, but no idea why he's raising a kid on the ship and why she has to deal with part of that occasionally. Believed he'd gone soft with the boring acquiescence to the Alliance.
Cookie - First Mate or something. Rosie just does whatever the brat asks since it'd be a bother otherwise.
Odilette - Old familiar face. They got along decently enough (especially when it came to Piers), but she didn't accompany them to Song-Lu.