Shiloh Klinge

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Shiloh Klinge
8th Arrival, 8267
6'0" (182 cm)
- Shiloh owns a cutlery shopfront with a workshop in the back, where they create, sell, and take orders for high-end cutlery. They often hand deliver finished orders.
-They’re actually an assassin
- Their cutlery business also provides a discreet way of accepting payment for their breadwinning gig because we love to launder the blood out of our money ladies
- those are some tough stains
Cutlery of all kinds | Onion water | Tailored clothing | Displays of artistry | Hot dogs
Drafty windows | Placing faith in anything | Those who would orphan an orphan | Oysters
+ Polite | + Quick-witted | + Compassionate | - Selfish | - Headstrong | - Self-Sabotaging
Shiloh is extremely skilled at being dull. Generically polite, mellow in disposition, and so unobtrusive even a camera might forget them, this is the only version of themselves most will ever meet. Even if meant to be a persona, in some ways it’s become their truest self, intentionally or not. In truth Shiloh is incredibly smart and craves the companionship of others, but like the angst vessel they are they don’t believe this is something they can have and desperately wish it was something they didn’t want.
Their most powerful trait is their faltering compassion, with indifference easier to stomach the longer they continue down this path. What used to be a burning void from needs unmet has turned into a muffled silence like cotton stuffed in one’s ears. Even if self-aware, it’s a rut that’s proved nigh impossible to get out of, due in no small part to skepticism their life could ever change for the better and fear of loss. Indeed, most of their efforts go towards retaining some sort of stability in their life- and anytime that is threatened, for better or for worse they’ll fix the situation by any means necessary. This often leads to lying, distance, whatever it takes regardless of how much it hurts. Shiloh will always act in their own best interests and remains painfully steadfast in their ways, and while it keeps them afloat it’s also contributed to their misery.
While generally risk-averse, they aren’t actually much of a planner. Equipped with a natural-born wit and impressive instinct, it keeps their actions erratic and hard to predict- if one idea does not work, they’re quick to jump to another. Shiloh is spurred along by an unknown drive to keep going- while they aren’t sure if it’s out of spite or hope they didn’t realize they had, it’s an adrenaline boost they crave nonetheless and the only time they ever really feel in control of their life. It’s just an unfortunate coincidence that it’s their second job that triggers this.
Orphan I
One rainy Linhian night, Shiloh’s mother died during childbirth, their father passing away in a tragic factory accident that very same day as he rushed to her bedside. With no known or financially stable family nearby, the midwife brought Shiloh to an orphanage.
Orphan II
After an elaborate fake pregnancy, the eldest daughter of a Burgraf family adopted Shiloh in secret to secure their future, as they were infertile and the head of the family possessed a fierce stance on blood lineage. Despite ulterior motives, she and her husband were still overjoyed to have a child of their own and Shiloh was cherished as such, given a formal education and luxuries any other highborn child might expect. Shiloh was never told the truth of their birth.
Very bright, Shiloh was taught material typically reserved for older children and had a knack for picking up foreign languages. Well-mannered and polite if not a little shy, though young these were all promising indicators of a strong heir.
And then there was the house fire.
Avid supporters of the Wissen’s latest and greatest, a kitchen equipped with experimental refrigerators and stoves had caused an adverse explosion one night, causing an uncontrollable fireball producing thick smoke that traveled throughout the house. A summer night spent in a state-of-the-art treehouse spared Shiloh, but their parents were not so lucky.
Child of Circumstances
In the wreckage of the fire, a safe had protected precious documents that the family broke open- which included Shiloh’s orphanage adoption papers and forged birth certificate. The loss of their daughter plus the reveal of her lies was too much for the Burgraf to bear, so Shiloh was sent away to another orphanage, papers destroyed and their death faked.
Back at the orphanage, still reeling from the truth of their origins and loss of their parents, Shiloh spent most of their time on the streets of Koben and was prone to acting out to deter any chances of adoption. Eventually they were found an apprenticeship with a cutler to keep them out of trouble- at least during the day. At night, Shiloh and their Orphan Comrades were a proper underground gang and engaged in petty thefts to afford additional food and other needs. Shiloh was known to be particularly useful as a Noble-Friendly decoy, using their learned speech and mannerisms to the advantage of the others.
Members of Koben’s underground quickly recognized their utility, and as a result Shiloh was doted upon with praise, coin, and promises they would return to a life of fine silver and oysters. In return, Shiloh took on jobs that were riskier and riskier- burglary, a broken arm to take out a gardener sneaking off with a Burgavina. One night, they overheard their main underground contact in a conversation with a police officer. They learned that they were a double agent for the police in exchange for money and protection, and had been informing them of Shiloh’s jobs beforehand from the very beginning, banking on their competence to rack up a higher ransom. Shiloh’s string of success and evasion caused the officer to grow suspicious, so the informant was going to set Shiloh up on their next job.
Perfect heir, charming orphan, obedient pawn.
The next day, Shiloh was given their first assassination job- some noble’s pesky bastard child. However, when the authorities arrived at the communicated location, they instead found their double agent with one beautifully crafted oyster fork lodged in their temple. Oyster shells were placed on their eye sockets, oyster meat replaced with aforementioned eyes, and a light drizzle of mignonette on top.
Though startled by themselves, it felt so good to confront their anger and send a clear message. After that, they laid low (literally- initially camped out in a sewer in fear of retaliation), eventually using their underground savings to rent a dinky storefront of the capital city to set up their cutlery shop. For a while, they carried on establishing themselves as a cutler, though anonymous letters began to arrive requesting their stabbier services- with payment upfront. Targets were often of high standing who had inevitably meddled in someone higher’s affairs, and needed to be made an example of. Going off of details provided and their own intel obtained from working with their upper crust clientele in their shopfront, Shiloh executed elaborate, showy hit jobs- where their cutlery often played a starring role.
This life continued on for a few years, flamboyantly churning through clients if they grew too cocky in order to maintain their underground reputation as someone only approached when necessary. After Prince Fabian’s assassination, work slowed down as the underground quieted. Shiloh used this downtime to focus on their shop and make an attempt at enjoying life.
An overseas job eventually rolled around, their target being a childhood friend. The only time they’ve ever spared someone, they were hidden at Shiloh’s apartment, which turned into an extended stay when the two became an item. Knowing they would have to return eventually and this happiness was seemingly temporary was enough to make Shiloh break things off- which brought them to a new low.
Current Story
Around this time was during Shatter, when Prince Sigmund was kidnapped and work picked up. In a questionable moment, they had lodged a Shiloh(™) engraved butter knife down the throat of what turned out to be one of Tao’s (former) assassins they had stuffed into a butter churner, leading to their discovery. To their dismay, they were Not murdered on the spot but instead brought to Tao and offered a job as their victim’s replacement. As much as they loathed working for others, the pay and benefits (like being alive) were an undeniable improvement. Since then, they work exclusively for Tao under the guise of a client of their cutlery business and have since relocated their shop to Koben’s high street to mingle closer with Koben’s upper echelons…
Additional Info
As a cutler, they found a market for under-the-table orders of designer silverware forgeries for families trying to save face. It is also a convenient low-level scandal to keep them written off as an opportunistic merchant.
There are also other vapid rumors that circulate every so often about their home silverware deliveries due to their age and bachelor status.
While they received a formal education up to the age of 10, it was never continued. They have enough grace to impress the average civilian, but there’s a noticeable gap in their etiquette to a noble.
Awful, awful chef.
Their jobs are often themed around the piece of cutlery they’re using, which is chosen based on symbolism, idioms, art, or other correlation to the victim’s life.
Shiloh is always careful to look their best and never let any debris get on their face while they’re working- after all, it’s the very last thing someone might see.
Their adoptive father, Auri, had been a patron of the Wissen- Shiloh upholds this tradition by making continuous donations under his name.
Keisa Seiden
Friend from a past fling. They’ve only reconnected recently, but Shiloh enjoys Keisa’s company and perspective as a fellow money-grubbing orphan.
Lars Siegel
Shiloh has always been fond of Lars, from when they were a child and now as an adult: Sweet, straightforward, and no strings attached. They think Lars is much too good for someone like them to use him as a rebound, but luckily Shiloh is emotionally unavailable enough to keep things from getting too messy.