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Interval 3

Happily Ever After

29 Jul, 2023 - 15 Mar, 2025



After so long, so much turmoil and so many trials... Alva is safe. The warring gods Aurea and Atros are gone, broken. Their pieces have vanished along with Their Heavenly Armies. The trinity of Therras, Mareus and Iridus are awake and aware, now connected to the mortal realm with their revived and restored God Children. The terrible cataclysms that shook the very fabric of reality are now under their control. The world mends.

And the people of Alva, after seeing so much, rest. The brave souls who embarked on the long quests to raise Therras, Mareus and Iridus return home. Some are welcomed with pride and loud celebration; others must hide their contributions before disapproving rulers. And those who lost their old lives in the process build themselves something new in the ruins, however they can. This is not the same Alva as it was before... but it is an Alva at peace, and it is for many a well-deserved happy ever after.

The crisis has ended and the world is saved. It's now time to embrace the well-earned peace... and for some, to navigate a new changed Alva.
All Alva
All Alva
Happily Ever After


West Miras

Julibation reigns in the kingdom of West Miras. The war with Delverne is over, won through the valour of people and the blessings of gods. The survivors of Cantor have returned, reuniting countless families and bringing a wealth of wisdom from underground. The trinity gods Themselves now lend Their aid, mending the shattered south and paving a way to underwater Nisalvini. Despite the long recovery that lies ahead, the West Kingdom is filled with hope, energy and optimism. Life is more peaceful than it has been in a long time. 

In the countryside of Miras, the Cantish settle and rebuild on lands gifted to them by the crown. With the help of neighbouring towns and the royal military, their new home quickly takes shape. Although its fields and buildings are still rudimentary, the budding village of Carmena soon feels like a piece of Cantor brought back to life. At last, the displaced Cantish have somewhere to belong. 

The survivors who don't settle in Carmena seek new lives in other parts of the West Kingdom, often joining existing friends or relatives. With so many cities damaged by the divine upheavals, there is no shortage of work for anyone - thus from Belport to Nisalvini, the kingdom bustles with new faces and helping hands. 

The capital of Miras, while unscathed by the cataclysms, teems with stories, inspiration and goodwill. Citizens pool their efforts to support the questers who saved the world - gathering donations to aid Cantish resettlement, writing songs to remember their bravery, and so on. The palace itself announces a nation-wide holiday in the coming weeks to honour the heroes of their kingdom. Festivities and memorials alike are swiftly planned, and the community comes together to prepare the city for what will be the greatest celebration since King Silvan's coronation.

New Frontiers

East Miras

In the East Miras Kingdom, Amedra welcomes its heroes home warmly, but celebrations are subdued compared to their western counterpart. Victory is not so simple here - although the questers have achieved an undeniable triumph for Alva, the subsequent world is less kind to the East Kingdom. The new empress of Koben has withdrawn the previous regime's alliance and protection. The quest for Iridus is unrecognised in the Empire, leaving all their efforts in Hangman's Cross unrewarded. The emergency truce between the East and West Kingdoms has ended now that the divine crisis is resolved. And with Delverne gone, Silvan can now focus his military attention on the rogue East. All in all, the East Kingdom has achieved much for the world but little for itself, and is now at real risk of subjugation by the West. 

There is thus little room for festivities when the questers return. Moving from the divine threat to a human one, Amedra refocuses its efforts on fortifying itself for a likely invasion. Without support from another nation, it must make the most of its own limited resources and build a self-sufficient defence. Aided by the many brilliant Arcanists who fled to the East, Amedra repurposes its shipyards to construct a new fleet of skyships, stockpiles food and supplies, and trains civilians to fight and flee. 

The lack of pomp and ceremony for the questers isn't so bad in practice, at least. Instead of scrutiny, they are given space to rest and find their own feet again. A few private celebrations are held for them in thanks, among them a pleasantly informal lunch hosted by Vinicio himself. With the Duchess busy handling the wider strategies of the East Kingdom, Vinicio ensures the questers are provided for as they return to their normal lives - and so, each one searches for peace again in their own way.



The Iridus questers from the West Kingdom (e.g. Valskis from the Mareus quest) will be detained upon arrival in Amedra. Those who switch allegiances to the East Kingdom will be released and allowed to stay in Amedra. Those who want to go home to the West Kingdom will be (comfortably) imprisoned while the East and West governments negotiate. After 3 weeks, a 'prisoner swap' deal is struck and all West Kingdomers will be transported back to either Belport (by sea ship) or Miras (by train). They can choose which.

Please note that this prisoner swap does not involve all East Kingdomers who are imprisoned in Miras. Player OCs should remain jailed until further notice.

Lost in the Dark


Trapped in the belly of the earth, the survivors of Delverne learn to live with their new situation. For a culture that values light and the sun, being in the dark so far underground is an unsettling experience. A mood of quiet fear runs through the people here.

However, they are alive - and once the most badly injured are treated and the population is mostly settled, there is plenty to do.

A new leadership forms, led by Curator of State Lumis Dormona and the Cardinals who survived. With the disappearance of the Templar head Solenie, a new Grand Master is chosen and a recruitment drive begins. After all, if they are to return to the sun and wrest back their place on Alva, they will need the manpower to do that. Combat training is offered to everyone who's the slightest bit interested, with an end goal of enlisting as many willing fighters as possible.

Yet 'towards the sun' is not the only direction they can look... The silver lining of their situation is that the ruins around them hold things - possibly powerful, amazing things - that were plundered from their people long ago. As the legends have it, Telurea rose to power by stealing knowledge, heirlooms, culture and identities that belonged to the light elves. Now they have a chance to take it back. Expeditions into the dark rubble begin as soon as enough explorers can be spared - reconnecting with their past, and perhaps finding their salvation in it.

Good News Story


After the red daytime skies clear and the nighttime sky changes from starry to iridescent, Empress Renata appears to the public to address the worrying happenings. Everything, she announces, is a result of Reluir's Machiavellian attempts to destroy the world and the former Emperor Artur's ambitions entangled with it. She points to Artur's mysterious 'projects' and his strange behaviour beforehand, like he knew what was happening but wouldn't say. She points to his harbouring of the Relan princess Lorna - and the Relan infiltration this was surely part of. But, she declares, everything is now under control. She has enlisted the help of Estraude to set the world right, and their special Inquisitor task force has apprehended the fiends orchestrating everything in Reluir. Everything is ok and will become normal again.

Koben's relationship with the Southern Federation surges. New caravans or airships to Tusa and Estraude open their services. Trade booms. The Tusars have not lost their suspicion towards Koben, but there is optimism from both sides that the relationship is on track to mend. Empress Renata organises a great fair to celebrate this new friendship - inviting Tusars and Estrans in to put their pride and culture on full display.

Her hand extends towards Song-Lu as well. She earmarks a run-down district in lower Koben, straddling the river, to house Songluan refugees. An influx of displaced people pours in to lay down new roots and help construct what will become the city's largest Songlutown.

Meanwhile, having proven their willingness to oppose her, Renata takes hold of the Wissen Fellowship. Their freedom is curtailed and their funds are dried for everything she doesn't approve of. A division forms - the Fellows who are willing to do what Renata wants are rewarded and thrive; those who won't are squeezed out and eventually leave in disgrace or disgust. Though on the surface the organisation is still as great as ever, the Wissen Fellowship becomes little more than a propaganda machine. The former Wissen folk retreat to their universities or sponsors. They keep contact in secret and protect the truths that Renata doesn't want to acknowledge.

Waterfront View


It was a terrifying and amazing sight to see the 'green dragon of Linhythe' erupt from the harbour where legend said it lay asleep... but after the wonder Linhians are again left with their port in tatters.

But this time, there is help in the wings. The new Empress Renata seizes this chance to show the benefit of her reign and appeal to the locals. Money pours in from the imperial coffers for an exciting upgrade of the old and shabby docks. The Wissen Fellowship and other technology leaders in Koben are enlisted to turn the shipping hub into a marvel of the cutting edge. The project promises wonder and better living - but most importantly for the locals, it promises work and money and livelihoods restored.

Not everyone is happy with this transformation - in ratty pubs and old streets, some lament about losing Linhian culture to the shiny newness. Others grumble that this is just another exercise in nepotism - the developers and suppliers who win the valuable contracts are often those with connections to the Governor or the Empress. However their complaints are mostly shrugged aside with the classic Linhian pragmatism that accepts corruption as a rule of life.

Path of Beasts Festival


As the weeks and months pass in Estraude, whispers of the crystalline monsters fade into distant memory. Questions about the strange incident are met with only persistent silence, so they gradually peter away. Life in Estraude returns to an almost strange normality - markets still bustle, students trail to and from school, and the Chamber of Aediles returns to work without a single mention of Kasem. The Estran Church becomes a new centre of activity, with Inquisitors now publicly known and lauded for their work in saving Koben, and the empty seat of the Therras Apostle attracting prelates who tentatively offer themselves to be the next one. The election process for the Apostle position is long and held in careful secrecy, but its start is well-timed with the rest of Estraude’s calendar. A most auspicious event approaches.

The arrival of brightly decorated boats along the waterways, each carved with an animal figurehead, signals the beginning. A flurry of activity erupts - shrines are cleaned and decorated, artisans craft charms and masks, and the local kitchens grow more hectic than ever. All start preparing for the rare Path of Beasts Festival, a colourful 60-day pilgrimage through Estraude’s waterways which is only held once every ten years. Following the story of Estraude’s sacred animals, people from all walks of life race to visit around 40 shrines throughout the rainforest, in a bid to prove themselves to the gods and earn exceptional luck for the next decade. Excited Estrans descend on the city’s bay and floating platforms to share food, stories and laughter before the start of the pilgrimage and its chaotic main attraction: the boat race.

New Order


As the explorations progress and the Delvans slowly build themselves a liveable home in the ruins of Riag, the panic of day-to-day survival makes way for more long-term concerns - society, culture, spirituality and a future return to the surface.

The shift is signaled by the first big ceremony since fleeing here - a great Mass held in the Red Tower central to their makeshift settlement. Now more than ever it bursts with soothing familiarity - the home-made decorations like a mother's patchwork blanket, the hymns woven from the voices of many, the uplifting sermons, the togetherness of shared prayer... And at the end, the return of structure with the swearing in of a new order of Cardinals led by Dominus-Exigent Lumis Dormona.

Yet it isn't the same kind of order as before. The Cardinals and the Templars are now merged - half the posts are mostly civilian, half are mostly military, and all the new leaders are skilled elite ready for battle. The message Lumis delivers is that they are entering a time of fighting for survival in a hostile world - and that means the leadership must be more ready than ever to fight for the Delvan people. The new Templar Grand Master also issues a rousing call to arms: In the darkest hour, the tiniest embers can become a bright beacon. All are equally capable of protecting, and so the traditional limitation of upper ranks to noble blood is no more - anyone may become a Templar Knight and lead their salvation regardless of birth. The declaration sets in stone something many nobles have feared coming... The first Delvan Barons were warlords, and now they must return to their warlord origins if they want to keep their relevance.

But military contribution isn't all there is. Though it comes with far less glory or promise of reward, there's plenty of important civil work to do as well. All the Cardinals have new condensed responsibilities, all areas of society are in need of more hands... and whether it be for purely altruistic reasons for more personal ambitions, none can deny that it's a truly impactful time in Delverne's uncertain future.

Delvan Cardinals

Whisper Season


Many things big and small have been changing in Koben as the patterns of Renata's rule begin to solidify...

  • The Wissen Fellowship, now barely a quarter of its previous size, continues to dwindle with her closing fist. Support for universities is drying up too as the money gets diverted to other pet interests - leaving the once-lauded scientists of Koben in a state of gloom. It's becoming clear that their futures will now depend on what private sponsors are willing to pay for.

  • The only governmental R&D projects really taking off now are military projects thanks to a huge boost to funding for the army. Recruitment is at an all-time high with shiny promises of glory and a bright future on the back of it's new prosperity.

  • The arts too are booming. Renata eagerly commissions plays, music, sculptures, paintings and more to glorify the Kaspars and Droste - leading to a surge in Drostian romanticism. The influx of money and new fashion for spending on the arts brings energy and vibrance to the scene.

  • Meanwhile sentiments among traders is mixed. Kobeners aligned with Tusa and Estraude are basking in a bright future - but Linhians begin to feel the sting of narrowing trade with Amedra. It becomes increasingly clear that the sea trade with Estraude can't make up for what they lost with Amedra, as their economies were never that connected to begin with... and the current crutch of reconstruction won't last forever. Anyway, the longer that goes on the clearer it becomes that the real winners there are Kobener moguls close to Renata.

  • It doesn't escape notice either that a flurry of new royal baronetcies has been handed out in quick succession to Renata's civilian supporters. For those aspiring to win a baronetcy or more themselves, it's a tantalising signal that the door is open.

For Renata, all is not as well as she'd like. Despite the intial excitement - and confusion - of her coup, she soon finds that not everyone who she thought was on her side is really as loyal as she first believed. Alarming whispers reach her ears that new challengers from the Roenach line are emerging in the shadows. It's still unclear exactly who these challengers are and who's backing them. What's more, stubborn rumours have been spreading that she brought about the old prince's demise through foul play. Not everyone takes them seriously or even cares, but enough do that she can't help but worry.

Her solution to all this is typically Renata - she decides to start the new social season with a grand dance party to show how generous and wonderful of an Empress she is to everyone. All are welcome from nobles to commonfolk, but she has a carefully crafted list of special invitees she's determined to win over - including fence-sitters, foreign nobles and important community figures. Starting from this party, the social games are on. The prize: true command of the Empire's political future.

Koben Courtiers

Game of Survival


Nothing has been normal in Iadlain since the forest awakened with Atros. For months now, Wispwood has been a strange and relentless nightmare, even for the most horror-hardened of locals. Spells and safeguards that once worked against the forest’s monsters no longer have the effect they used to, leaving residents to defend themselves with only tenacity, instinct and a bloody game of trial-and-error. For a people who has always relied on their knowledge to survive, this new ignorance is both terrifying and costly.

Iadlain’s capital, despite everything, holds on. Its remaining populace slowly and painstakingly builds areas of safety around the four pillar libraries, and warily attempts to reclaim - or at least scout and scavenge - the ruined parts of the city. Aid from the Imperial military continues to trickle in through the battered airship route, lending much-needed resources and allowing the more vulnerable residents to flee. Perhaps fortunately, the instability in the rest of the Empire is slow to reach the distant region. News of Renata’s coronation and the calamity in Linhythe arrive weeks after the fact. But when it does, the question weighs: what does this new Empress and world order mean for Iadlain’s future? Can she help them? Does Iadlain even have a future, if this is how the forest will always be now?

It’s a question that must be answered sooner rather than later. The mild days of summer offer a welcome reprieve for now, but come winter - and Harvest Eve, the most haunted time of year - Iadlain will need more than just tenacity to outlive the cold, starvation and countless things that wish them dead.


SLice of Strife RP

RPs to explore daily life in Iadlain were run from 1 September - 31 October 2024, with a final scene about Harvest Eve.


As the sky darkens on the first day of Harvest Eve, the abrupt toll of a bell splits the silence. It's a high and unnatural sound, ringing seven times before stopping, and heralds the arrival of a soft, eerie mist from the woods. It is the ceósuain, the numbing haze that sends all it touches to sleep, and for it to come tonight of all nights means that the whole town will be left unconscious and helpless to slaughter.

Yet three days later, when everyone finally awakens again, they find not a single person dead. Instead, dirty, haphazard footprints cover the streets around each Ward, along with wilted leaves and animal carcasses, and flour is missing from the Old Keep's storage. It's evidence enough that Wispwood's monsters did indeed visit the town, but instead of a bloodbath, it seems they left only an incomprehensible mess. It makes absolutely no sense, yet it's undeniably preferrable to a massacre, so the Iadlish doggedly take it in stride. The question thus lingers without answer: what actually happened on Harvest Eve?

New Horizons

All Alva

Ever since the return of Iridus, the sky has been changed. The night is devoid of stars yet filled with colourful auroras, and the day shimmers with fleeting, flashing shapes across the firmament that did not previously exist. With each passing day, the oddities in the sky seem to grow clearer, until enough people are seeing bizarre things that they can no longer be brushed off as just daydreams. Here, a child saw a swarm of orange fish in the sky. There, an old man saw a silver ladder dangling from the clouds. Each sighting is too brief to say anything for sure, but they pique curiosity and alarm alike.

At least they seem mostly harmless, so people learn to take them in stride. Compared to the blood-red skies and storms of midsummer, this is nothing. And yet, it isn’t nothing - as time goes by and the sky phenomena only grow bolder, perhaps the people of Alva must learn how to live with the whims of their new world.

Memento Vivere

Miras Kingdom

As the weeks and months pass, both sides of the divided Miras Kingdom settle into peaceful days of routine - but true peace remains elusive. With the threat of Delverne now vanquished, the West Kingdom inevitably turns its attention towards the lingering problem that is the East. Whispers of a new war abound, yet are held at bay by equal murmurs of ongoing talks between the two sides. After the East and West opened negotiations to swap their questers, it seems their leaders continued discussions - this time, on the possibility of a permanent truce.

The talks are fragile at best. The East clearly lacks the military might of the West to back itself up and neither King Silvan nor Duchess Celestina show any trust towards each other. But the one driving the talks is Prince - or to the East, King - Vinicio, who holds just enough goodwill from both sides to keep them afloat. A tenuous back-and-forth thus unfolds over the months, as diplomats work and civilians hope for the best.

Against this backdrop of uncertain politics, the people of both kingdoms continue their lives. In the West, Carmena flourishes and its heroes are honoured with festivities and memorials. The Charity Fair in Miras becomes a regular weekend market where the now-famed The Quest of Cantor play is retold upon the Grand Stage for all. New knowledge and depictions of Telurea sweep the populace, from academia to the arts, and a Telurean renaissance of sorts burgeons. King Silvan pardons the Arcanists who helped save the Cantish and, in recognition of their honorable deeds, pledges to reopen the Academy of the Arcane and support their research into Telurean artifacts. Good news abounds - yet not all are happy, as loose ends and doubts linger about the remaining Delvans and Silvan’s policies.

In the East, good news is more sparse but there is assurance in the way the people come together to defend their home. Supplies and skyships are efficiently assembled and new recruitments to the military soar, ensuring that the region will not go down without a fight. Something seems to be afoot with the Duchess as well, as scruffy mercenaries and magical artificers alike gather at her manor. Her continued confidence, despite the dire situation Amedra seems to be in, sparks rumours of a secret card she must have up her sleeve. And so both the East and West stand ready and unyielding, awaiting whatever the future may bring.


In the Month of Rains, the Ley Elk Memorial is unveiled in the heart of Miras city. Many gather that day to pay respects to Tharoneos and all that was sacrificed in the Delvan war - yet, despite having made plans to attend, King Silvan is not present. Instead it is the shy Queen Amarys, rarely ever seen alone, who attends the ceremony on Silvan's behalf. The King is not the only one missing - several highly-ranked nobles and military heads also pull out unexpectedly, sending others in their stead to still show their respect.

Word trickles out later of a diplomatic emergency that occupied them that day. The talks with the East had, apparently, deteriorated in the weeks prior, which prompted the Duchess to lay a new card on the table: she and Amedra have obtained an ancient weapon from the Citadel of Crowns, capable of wringing great destruction. Should the West dare to invade the East, she will not hesitate to use it.

The power balance between the East and West thus shifts. Threats bared but neither side truly wishing for mutual destruction, an uneasy stalemate unfolds. Negotiations doggedly pick back up and people can only hope an agreement is reached before the first stone is cast.

Post-Skip Timeline



Interval Activity

Art Prompts

In the fiery light of Aurea, Cantor burned and Valsk's mountains crumbled. In the icy shadow of Atros, Reluir shattered and cursed forests ate Bratkowice and Iadlain alive. Song-Lu fell to madness and Estraude to mystery. The ancient empires of Telurea and Faldor lived again. Delverne crumbled, the sky bled, the stars fell, the gods breathed - and you, against all odds, lived to see it through.

Time passes but the past lingers. Although Alva now enjoys its hard-won peace, many still feel the echoes of everything they went through to achieve it. For some, scars still leave painful marks on body and mind alike. For others, new knowledge and relationships have shifted their view of the world - be it inspiring or disillusioning. And for many more still, there is simply no way to go back to the way things once were, as much as they might like to, so the question shadows them: just who are they now, and what is their place in this newly salvaged world?

Lest You Forget

Depict and explore the negative or difficult personal repercussions left upon your character by the god quests (the story from Playing Gods through to Sin and Sacrifice). For example, the trauma of battle, death, displacement and injury, or the realisation of unfair realities. These repercussions can range from physical (scars, disability, etc.) to psychological (nightmares, coping methods, etc.). Submissions will receive a 10 EXP bonus or 20 MP

The Way Forward

Depict and explore the positive or motivating personal impacts left upon your character by the god quests (the story from Playing Gods through to Sin and Sacrifice). For example, a new drive to achieve something (to become stronger, to preserve knowledge, etc.), closure and moving on from old ghosts, or renewed faith in a god or cause. Submissions will receive a 10 EXP bonus or 20 MP

Happily Ever After

Depict your character's participation in any of the story parts for this interval. Submissions will receive a 10 EXP bonus or 20 MP

Interval Activity

Quest Board

Participate in small dice-guided RP quests to help rebuilding society, and choose what to rebuild from a list. Available for West Miras, East Miras, Koben and Linhythe.

Mini-Quest Game


Explore Riag surrounding the Delvan camp, and collect important supplies for your peoples' survival. A dice-guided RP game with a map to explore, available for Delvans in Riag.

Riag Explorers Game


Follow the path of the sacred animals and visit a place of power dedicated to each god through writing, drawing or roleplay. Available for Estraude.

Path of Beasts pilgrimage


Live your daily life in Iadlain and experience its new norms with two mod-hosted roleplay activities. Available for Iadlain.

Slice of Strife

Interval Activity

Enchanting! Heart Chart

Schmooze, smarm and charm your way into the hearts of selected mod characters and NPCs. The aim is to establish relationships with these notable characters and the game is Heart Chart activity. Available for Koben and Delverne.

Enchanting! Heart Chart

Interval Activity

Pies in the Skies

Explore the new skies - and deal with what they throw at you - through art and roleplay. Depending on how much exploration is done, new resources about the sky phenomena may be unlocked. This activity is available for all of Alva where the sky is visible and will run until 16 February.

See the #Pies in the Skies thread in the Discord roleplay forum

Arcem Alva on deviantArt
Arcem Alva Discord Server
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