After the Fall
20 Jul - 1 Aug 2015
The North has been taken by the Empire, and with this shock loss comes a new challenge - the huge numbers of refugees. Immediately after the battle, they congregate in Delverne and Amedra - however they cannot stay. Delverne's agreement was only for temporary shelter, and while it accepts what it can, Amedra's capacity is limited. It is a crowded city whose resources must be kept for its own rebuild, and its countryside is rocky and not easily liveable. Those who stay on in Amedra often do so only if they can offer labour, subject to the frustrations of the locals. Miras and Nisalvini are similar - they can take some but Miras also has a high, affluent population whose interests it must protect, while Nisalvini simply has too little free land.
The majority of refugees are instead relocated to Cantor, which has much more space and willingness to take them. Yet even there, not all goes smoothly. Cantor lacks existing infrastructure and its people, while willing, are less used to Northern culture; petty clashes and misunderstandings colour the resettlement. The attitudes of the Northerners are also still affected by their loss - their impulse is to drink heavily and brawl, neither of which Cantish culture approves of.
Still, all try to do what they can. A spectacular Valski mass burial - with the full ceremonials of waterborne coffins set alight by arrow - is set to inaugurate the resettlement on Cantor town's lake, in a show of mutual respect. Grassroots charity efforts spring up everywhere, and despite the clashes most - both locals and refugees - do their best to adjust.
Features: Northerners resettling and grieving, construction (esp. in Cantor for housing), charity efforts and soup kitchens, (sometimes quite silly) culture clashes, Valski mass water burial with boat coffins and candles for mourners