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Flag of Valsk
Flag of Valsk

Valsk is the northern-most city of the Kingdom and accordingly, only the hardiest people survive and somehow flourish in the harsh and snowy peaks. The culture of this stronghold against the elements therefore greatly values strength, bravery and loyalty; the men and women alike are tough, honour-bound and give no quarter to rubbish or bossy foreigners. Valski pride themselves on three things; their mead, their military and their smithing.

Valsk’s isolation from the mainland has left it unchanged by time and deeply traditional, causing its culture and language to diverge from the rest of the Kingdom. Old superstition is deeply embedded in the minds of the locals, and greatly influences their lifestyle. As a historically and still predominantly human city, this attitude extends to all elves in the form of mistrust and even discrimination in some cases. Utterance of the name Atros is considered a grave sin.


The Helvarg
Open (no base classes)

Valsk’s highest military elite, only the worthiest are admitted to the Helvarg - with the expectation of utmost dedication. They carry out the most dangerous expeditions; protecting the borders and hunting wyverns in peacetime, and leading the counterattack should the city be assaulted. It is comprised of three divisions - a flying corps on perytons, a fierce assault division, and finally a small medical unit.

Misc. Info

Miscellaneous info links related to the city. Anyone can submit to this list. Starred links are accepted by a mod as canon, accurate or otherwise good info.

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A timeline of all city-relevant events and prompts:


Sin and Sacrifice

Sin and Sacrifice

8 Sep 2021 - 30 Nov 2022

Beginning of the End

Beginning of the End

20 Apr - 27 Sep 2020

Year of Paths

8 Feb 2018 - 20 Apr 2019 (Hiatus)

War of Ancients

War of Ancients

18 Oct - 1 Dec 2018

Fire and Fury

10 Sep - 29 Sep 2018

Waking Spirits

20 May - 9 Jun 2018

World's Wrath

World's Wrath

11 Apr - 19 May 2018

Year of Coins

11 Feb - 3 Mar 2018


27 Aug - 9 Sep 2017

Day of Blossoming

18 Jun - 1 Jul 2017

Deal with Devils

21 May - 3 Jun 2017

Clarion Call

11 Apr - 22 Apr 2017

Year of Beginnings

1 Jan - 28 Jan 2017

And Night Did Fall

18 Dec - 31 Dec 2016

Daggers in the Dark

5 Dec - 17 Dec 2016

Wolves Come Home

9 Nov - 20 Nov 2016

The Harvest

22 Oct - 5 Nov 2016



11 Oct - 5 Nov 2016



19 Jun - 16 Jul 2016

Vivat Rex

Vivat Rex

10 Apr - 7 May 2016

Restless Days

27 Mar - 9 Apr 2016

Spectres and Omens

29 Feb - 12 Mar 2016

Year of Souls

3 Jan - 30 Jan 2016

Prayer and Starfall

20 Dec 2015 - 2 Jan 2016

Week of Kin

7 Nov - 22 Nov 2015

Harvest Eve

26 Oct - 7 Nov 2015

After the Fall

20 Jul - 1 Aug 2015

Storming of the North

Storming of the North

21 Jun - 18 Jul 2015

Northern Courage

10 May - 23 May 2015

Fire Alit

13 Apr - 25 Apr 2015


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