Brother's Bounty
12 Feb - 25 Feb 2017
The bells of Delverne ring out to signal an announcement, and the next day every Delverne paper carries the same headline: "Delverne pledges aid for Cantor". A long winter has lead to dwindling stockpiles of food throughout the Cantish countryside. Although the problem is not as severe as a famine (a common refrain among grandparents chiding grandchildren), peasants are finding themselves less comfortable than in previous years. Affected communities appeal to their leaders and ultimately their King, recalling the benevolence of King Giovan, only to receive excuses about food being diverted to the military for the good of the Kingdom. The capital encourages the peasants to tighten their belts and humbly accept their lot.
Fortunately, Cantor has a close and long-time ally in Delverne. The elvish state is happy to share supplies. In addition to pledging the surplus from public storehouses, they have organized a food drive among the Delvan citizens. Missionaries and aid workers are gathering to deliver the bounty to Cantor, hoping to support the rural populace in these trying times.
Features: Food drives, cute hampers, volunteers to deliver supplies for Cantor, existing missionaries travelling back to collect food, a new crop of missionaries being hastily readied and dispatched to the Cantish countryside.