Day of Blossoming
18 Jun - 1 Jul 2017
Summer solstice has special meaning in the far north. This is the realm of midnight sun, and for Valsk the Day of Blossoming marks Aurea's ultimate victory - the complete banishment of Atros' night. As the first Day of Blossoming since the North's liberation, it is more important than ever this year.
Valsk bustles with activity in the light hours before dawn. A member of each household prepares for the two hour hike or one hour flight to an old, sacred mountain church. There they will greet the sun as it aligns for one day with Valsk’s highest eastern peak, Solorsedd or 'Aurea’s Throne', and illuminates the church and valley below. A service of worship, traditional songs and remembrance is held in the sunlight. Thanks and offerings are made to honour Aurea's victory and win her protection through the long winter when Atros is strongest.
After the services, the celebration begins. Wreaths of alpine hawkweed are strung everywhere. Lanterns and garlands of mirrors or reflective metals are hung in trees, to reflect Aurea's light into the shade and so drive Atros from hiding. The valley comes alive with music, picnics and folk dancing, while peryton races entertain the more adventurous crowds. Mead flows freely. Laughter echoes through the meadows. The party lasts long into the would-be night now under Aurea's power.
Features: Midnight sun, pilgrimage to a mountain church, yellow, flower crowns, mead, mirror garlands, picnics, folk dress and dancing, peryton races.
In Bratkowice, the Day of Blossoming is celebrated not by the domains, but by the free cities nestled where the great domains intersect. Each free city hosts a tournament, offering a special prize for its winner. Prizes vary from a special crafted item, to knighting or even being named the next Bantshuvar, depending which domain the free city is courting. Audiences and competitors come from all the neighboring domains, dressed in their finest and adorned with flower crowns or necklaces made from yellow flowers.
The tournaments range from guessing competitions to song improvisation contests, although a few traditionalist mayors put on a jousting tournament every year. In Bratkowice city, this year's festival has both a jousting tournament and a song improvisation contest, as well as the traditional vodka-drinking contest (which you have to find, since it's not advertised). Word is that the Serdar is expecting to compete in all three, and that it's a sight not to be missed.
Features: Knights knocking each other off horses with big sticks, yellow flowers - especially dandelions - being braided into anything possible, friendly competition, song, dance and people in their finest clothes.