Restless Days
27 Mar - 9 Apr 2016
As the Day of Keys, and the anniversary of Koben's declaration of war, approaches, restlessness rises in the hearts of many Kingdomers - especially those of displaced Northerners in Cantor. The Day of Mourning has come and gone, bringing with it fresh rememberances of their terrible losses. Dissatisfaction at Miras's inaction simmers. Lost Valski and Belporters are increasingly carrying one shared question on their minds - why are we waiting like beaten dogs?
The epicentre of this restlessness is Valevo - the 'New Valsk' of the Kingdom. What used to be a small town on the mouth of Cantor's Veron River is growing rapidly with new construction and a swelling Northern community. Here a grassroots movement is stirring; their goal - to take back the North themselves, with or without Miras's help. It's early days and pipe dreams yet, but words of action are snaking their way through pubs, forges and gatherings of all kinds. Quietly spearheaded by Valevo's overseer, the former Regent of Belport Gideon Eaves, those who know of it can only see it gaining steam as more and more pledge their commitment, and long-nursed discontent coalesces into something tangible.
Features: Small shows of Northern patriotism, rumblings in pubs and gatherings, general heightened emotion
Colours: Valsk/Belport colours as a subtle declaration of support