Saint Beitris' Feast
5 Jul - 18 Jul 2015
Every year in the embrace of summer, Relans all around Alva return to their native lands for an occasion close to their hearts - Saint Beitris' Feast, a sacred four days celebrating the founder of their nation. As the legend goes, it was Saint Beitris who gifted the rich mountain lands of Reluir to the dark elves millennia ago, as a place to call their home when they had none. A people steeped in tradition, Relans continue to observe her holiday to this day.
Beginning on the 8th Sun, celebrants embark on three days of fasting, where only simple food is allowed in rememberance for their days of poverty. It is expected that one attends church, prays twice daily and contemplates one's self, religion and future. On the third night, each celebrant makes a wish on a crystal or gem and buries it in the hopes that Atros will answer. On the fourth day, the 11th Sun, the time of sobriety ends - at dawn those who can make it converge at Reluir's oldest cathedral, to break the fast together with a prayer in thanks for Beitris' guidance over the past three days. Then at sunset, a grand feast laden with rich foods and drink, glittering or glowing decorations, dancing, singing and star-gazing with loved ones begins, which lasts until dawn the next day. On the 12th follows a day of rest, when citizens plan for their future with renewed optimism.
Resources: Saint Beitris' legend
Features: Star motifs, small wish crystals, bejewelled / glittering / glowing clothes
Colours: Dark colours with bright star-like highlights