

Flag of Reluir
As the proud homeland of the dark elves, Reluir sits hidden deep within the Reign Mountains. This rather secluded queendom is marked firstly by the bioluminescent fungi and plant life that occasionally dot the mountainside, and secondly by the grand cathedrals, castles, and estates that have been carved into the rock. Sometimes these carvings will reveal hints of the great treasure of the Reluir queendom; the mana crystals and ores that supplement magic all across Alva.
Yet despite all its riches and grandeur, Reluir has a strict social hierarchy: the majority of Relan elves are poor peasants within a feudal system ruled over by a minority of richly-born elves, all governed closely by the ideals and laws of their queen. The purity of the dark elf race is extremely important in Reluir and as a whole it does not welcome people of other races. However, dark elves are more than welcome to visit and learn about the rich culture they were born from, as well as the superior skills of magic and stealth that have been cultivated here.

Tìr Torclann
Amongst the ruins of Reluir, fragments of the peasant rebellion gather again - this time not to overthrow, but to rebuild. Armed with the organisation and ideals of the Red Torcs, they salvage a farmstead, till the earth, share food and search for survivors. All are welcomed to this small village regardless of background, and so they grow into a motley clan and safe haven for the lost.
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