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Spring Festival

24 May - 6 Jun 2015

Starting on the 30th Seeds each year, the rural reaches of Alva stop to celebrate one of the most important festivals on their calendar - the Spring Festival, a week of games and feasting to welcome the end of the sowing season. In spite of the times, this year is no exception.


In Cantor, keen citizens prepare well in advance for an extravaganza of food and folksy festivities. Entertainers are invited in from all around Kingdom; even those just visiting are greeted with free board and plenty of party spirit. Every available inch - on buildings, carts, prize animals - is liberally decked out with flowers, ribbons and white drapes in the spirit of spring, and anyone not wearing something themed is almost sure to be jumped by locals determined that nobody should escape the fun. Alongside fairs loaded with homemade Cantish specialties, a multitude of games ensures there's no time to get bored. All are welcomed to participate in pet shows, bake-offs, food and wine tasting, cheese-rolling races, impromptu group dances and - perhaps most notably - all manner of romantic games. As a big event in the season of young love, many local youths take the opportunity to seek romance or make their affections known - while the older ones cheerfully indulge with a twinkle in the eye.

Features: Flowers, spring-themed attire, ribbons and streamers, lace, fancied-up pets/mounts, maypoles, dancing, bells, gratuitous cake
Colours: White, colourful pastels, Cantor indigo


In Bratkowice, the spring festival is a chance to show off your skill, whether it's at baking, steam-tractor pulling or jousting. Each high noble family arranges a festival for their domain; the higher the family, the grander the festival. Naturally, the Serdar's festival in Bratkowice is the largest, drawing the most tourists as well as competitors from all across Bratkowice for the grand jousting tournament at the end of the festival. Lesser nobility often compete in the jousts to prove their worth against their betters, while commoners cheer on their favorites. Some competitions are open to everyone, including tourists, while others - like the bull judging or sheep-shearing contest - are strictly for the locals to compete in. In addition to the contests, which range from friendly to the downright dangerous, one can sample dishes from all corners of the country, accompanied by copious amounts of vodka. Florists sell fresh flowers which one can weave into a crown and give to a special someone, and it is very common to see people walking around with a flower crown or at the very least a flower on their lapel.

Features: Knights in ceremonial plate, streamers, belts and pennants for noble houses or Bratkowice itself, flower crowns, heirloom weapons
Colours: Light greens with simple flower embroideries. Yellow and red accents - often embroidery of wheat and rosehip, sometimes pennants or belts instead.

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