Tale of Two Courts
4 Mar - 7 Apr 2018
The Month of Thawing marks, coincidentally, two big birthdays - Prince Sigmund's on the 10th and Princess Marise's on the 22nd. This year it's a shining opportunity as well - Koben and East Miras take advantage of the occasion to celebrate and cement their new alliance.
From the 9th to the 15th, Marise will visit Koben for Sigmund's 17th birthday. The festivities begin soon - on the 10th and Sigmund's day, the Imperial Gardens will come alive with a pet and mount show for the two young royals to judge. Owners of pegasi, dogs and other fancy creatures all over the Empire sign up to display, and curious citizens all over travel in to see. It's not a rigorous contest, but it promises to be a good time and is a rare chance to meet royalty. Come afternoon it will become a lavish open garden party, provided with cakes, pastries and pretzels by Koben's premier bakeries. Come evening the palace will begin a week of nightly balls with a birthday bash.
For the rest of the week, Marise will be taken on a tour - guided by Sigmund and his entourage - of Koben's most interesting landmarks, from historic places to Wissen workshops and even a ride on a retired proto-dreadnought. Everywhere the royals are expected to visit, locals deck out to show off Koben's quirks and traditions. Vendors offer themed products and decorate with holly and bear motifs. Dirndls and lederhosen come out. Marzipans, a sweet Sigmund is reputedly fond of, are made in droves.
The visit will end with a naval display and cannon salute, as the young royals move on to Amedra for Marise's part of the party.
From the 16th to the 22nd, Sigmund will visit Marise's home of Amedra for her 13th birthday. They will travel from the Empire together by sea, escorted by the Armada.
Celestina's court will welcome them with an extravagant ball, followed by days of lively festivities all over the city. On the streets, people from all walks of life form colourful parades of dancers, musicians and fantastically decorated mounts or carriages. Hearty communal feasts are held, with giant pans of paella and fried breads shaped like almond blossoms, in tribute to Marise. Magical paper balloons filled with sweets are floated playfully above rooftops for anyone to try cut down. Everyone is invited to the fun, especially the young royals, and for the week Amedra turns into one huge birthday fiesta.
On the 22nd, an aerial display of pegasi is held for Marise in the morning, after which she is allowed the rare freedom of roaming wherever she pleases for the day, accompanied by her pegasus entourage. At dusk, there is a stunning light show in Amedra's main bay, held directly upon the water via boats and magic. Performers re-enact Marise's favourite, swashbuckling folk tales. Then, as evening sets in, a final, most lavish ball takes place at the Rojas mansion.