Aleksi Laurila


Basic Information
Aleksi Laurila
Sunflower, Halfling
Birth Date:
27th Gifts, 8269 (Lucernae the Lantern Bearer)
Half Elf
Iridus' Favour
Crabs - Stories - People - Fun Things
Expectations - Assumptions - Boring Things
Polite | Friendly | Distant | Mischievous | Insincere | Fickle | Unscrupulous
Raised in Amedra, he sports a perpetual smile and a polite demeanor to mask his true intentions. As a traveling storyteller, he wanders throughout the land, putting on modest illusionary shows as he goes from town to town.
At first glance, Aleksi is a polite and friendly individual, with a winning smile and mild-mannered personality. For many, this is the only impression they will ever have of him. Despite his charismatic exterior, he is a distant person at heart, and allows few people, if any, to see beyond the facade he shows to the world. His friendly guise hides a mischievous streak; though not so malicious as to do any real damage to innocent passerby, he takes delight in getting a rise out of others. To those he is less fond of, he will happily play a trick or two; childish ruses such as illusory bugs or creating an extra (fake) step on the staircase-- He sees others as a source of entertainment more than anything, and is fascinated by their means and motivations. What do they believe? What do they abhor? What will bring them joy, what will earn their ire?
Free-spirited and aimless, he has no real goals or ambitions in life other than to enjoy each day to the fullest. He has an appreciation for beauty and craft, though he is fickle and childish; things that he once enjoyed could very easily bore him to tears the following day. He lives his life on a whim, and is quite irresponsible. He does, however, have a competitive vein- while admittedly a rather lazy man, he's not one to ignore provocation, and will quickly stoop to less than honest means to come out on top. He tends to be passive aggressive when irritated. Self-centered, he is a man with a grey morality, deeming things as being "good" or "bad" on the simple criteria of whether he likes them or not.
Truthfully, he is a jaded individual, and creates the persona of a confident, self-assured performer as a means to protect himself from the scrutiny of others. Having been raised among the charm and glamor of Amedra all his life, he is good at putting on a show. Such a living environment was truly a double-edged sword, as he slowly became disillusioned and distrustful of others' true intentions after years of seeing first hand the cunning and deception of Amedran life. Since then, throughout all his travels, he has seen little to prove this belief wrong. He has few close connections, and beyond superficial relations, prefers to keep to himself.
Born to two half elf parents, Aleksi spent his childhood roaming the streets of Amedra. His parents, though not abusive, could perhaps be described as neglectful, and it's more accurate to say he was raised by the town itself than two people. As a child, he was fascinated by the various traveling performers who often passed through Amedra, and picked up illusionary magic from an early age, self teaching himself through careful and frequent observation. On occasion, he could charm a performer with his childish wiles into teaching him a more advanced trick or two. Through his adolescent years, he became skilled enough with simple illusions to start doing his own roadside shows. A childhood in Amedra coupled with his parents' lack of attention cultivated a gilded tongue, as he frequently charmed many a shopkeep into providing his daily needs. He soon came to be a charismatic individual and a gifted storyteller. This was how Aleksi lived his days, all the while continuing to refine his craft, chasing after every Enchanter he came across to expand his knowledge of illusions and trickery.
At 18 years of age, Aleksi decided to depart from Amedra, rather bored with the ever-constant Amedran hustle and bustle that he'd come to see as mundane. At this point he was a talented storyteller and was easily able to buy passage on a ship to Belport. Upon his arrival in the city, he was surprised to find a lively recreational culture, and discovered his own performing ability to be somewhat inferior to the practiced entertainers residing there. Frustrated, he competed with the local entertainers for the better part of a year, until eventually joining the Belport Performing Arts Society to further improve his own ability as both a storyteller and illusionist.
After spending two years in the guild, he became a more experienced storyteller and Illusionist, fascinating his audiences with his lyrical charms and fantastical mirages. Though a talented performer, he remained a rather minor guildmember, as his fickle and irresponsible nature led him to turn down more elaborate (troublesome) tasks. Though he once called Belport his home of sorts, he nevertheless frequently traveled throughout Miras, performing in various towns across the land.
Current Story
- Ignition
- Storming of the North -
The uneasy peace that Belport had regained was swiftly shattered by the Empire's renewed onslaught. As the townspeople fled in the night, Aleksi vented his frustrations on the intruders from the rooftops, inky night made darker with the clinging fog of his illusions.
- After the Fall -
As refugees poured into Amedra, Aleksi was confronted with his hometown once again. Though time away had lent the city a nostalgic tint that he was unaccustomed to, he quickly recalled why it was he had left in the first place. At least the sight of Northerners crammed within its overcrowded walls was an interesting thing, for a time.
- Trouble in Paradise -
Judgement in the form of Delvan righteousness fell upon Amedra. As the city roiled with suspicions and accusations, Aleksi left behind his hometown once again, thoroughly reminded of why he'd left in the first place.
- Forest's Deep
- Harvest Eve
- Emerald Masquerade
- Vivat Rex
- New Dawn
- Retribution -
As the Kingdom under Silvan's rule prepared for a bloody fight to reclaim the North, Aleksi smuggled himself aboard an Agate vessel, with nothing more than fickle curiosity as motivation. For this he was rewarded with a front row seat to the carnage, and permanent injury from the battle.
- Wolves Come Home -
After the reclamation of Belport, Aleksi began the process of mending his wounds, and retraining himself in illusory magic after the loss of his eye during the battle for the North.
- Razzle Dazzle -
Donning a new mask after his convalescence, Aleksi took part with the Guild in the festivities celebrating Belport's revival.
- Ambition -
Once again fit to travel, Aleksi returned to the mainland upon hearing of another expedition into the depths of the Leywood. What sort of unknown things could be lurking in its verdant depths? (A lot of beetles, apparently. And mushrooms.) His party's leisurely adventure was rudely interrupted as the Kingdom party failed, spectacularly, to accomplish the goal they had set out to achieve: the protection of the Ley Elk, the forest's guardian. In its dying throes, the Elk flung all trespassers out of the Leywood. Quite abruptly, Aleksi found himself an ocean away, in the city of Linhythe.
- Unraveling -
Taking to his predicament in stride, Aleksi equipped himself with a glamour to disguise his light elf blood, and set about doing as he always did: making trouble and peddling tales to all who cared to listen.
- Storm Tide -
A rare phenomenon offered the rarer chance in these times of turmoil, to sneak himself back across Kingdom lines. Linhythe teemed with subdued activities; smuggling deals and trafficking galore (that he delighted in disrupting). In the end, he elected to remain in the city and observe the weather on more solid, if not equally as treacherous, ground. (And not at all because he was traumatized by the last boat he had snuck himself on to, most certainly not.)
- Shatter -
Aleksi was quickly rewarded for his patience, as the drama of the century deigned to occur within arms' reach-- The Crown Prince had been kidnapped by a band of pirates, and a daring rescue was to be conducted. Eager to watch the excitement unfold, Aleksi hitched a ride to the islands. Shooed away by his irate chauffeur, he wandered alone and came across the pirates' communication hub. Never one to turn down a bit of mischief, he stole the scrying crystals, and sent the villains into confused disarray.
- World's Wrath -
With the emergence of new (or old) soil, the fantastic nature of its origins draw adventurers and plunderers alike from all corners of the land... A frantic scramble of reverence and ambition converge on the citadel of fairy tale repute. Aleksi, aimless as always, simply wanders through the citadel alluded to in the stories that he knows nearly as well as his own. Halls of floating chandeliers! Libraries of crystal shelves! Kitchens with ludicrous spoons! Larders with hanging rib cages?
- War of Ancients -
Interested less in the actual search for a missing Goddess and more with taking up the offer of a ride on an experimental Wissen airship shaped charmingly like a windstitch (In theory at least) (Because we're definitely here to find a flock of windstitches--oh we're not? Well.) Aleksi has an entirely fantastic ride through stormy skies, while the call of Iridus whispers to him softly and surely...
When the intrepid researches do in fact discover Something in the sky, they are rewarded mightily with a pulse so strong as to knock every flying being from the air. Cursing wildly in the name of Iridus' questionable hairdo, Aleksi learns quite alarmingly of the nature of Her favour as his prayer (?) to Her gives him a safe (if soggy) landing into the sea below.
- Interval 01 -
- Sin and Sacrifice -
Currently, Aleksi has returned from a harrowing trip to the otherworlds... a place that had felt more like home than anywhere in Alva ever had. Truly, he had always ever preferred the company of stories. With the Six Circles and Gwen, one of the few people he had ever found interesting to be with, gone, the world appears all the more dull in his eyes...
Additional Info
As a half-elf raised in Amedra, he identifies more with his human heritage. He has little to no regard for his elvish blood unless he can use his fae looks as a means for mischief.
Uses a staff and various jewelry to amplify his magic.
Though he has some basic reading skills, he is otherwise nearly illiterate. (He can however, commit almost anything to memory after hearing it once)
Currently wearing a glamour to disguise his light elf heritage while in the empire.
His Mark of the Citadel is on his left arm. He has a cataract on his right eye, and diamond scarring on his body courtesy of Dunor's curse.
A firefighter met in Linhythe. The most benevolent of citizens, eternally willing to come to his rescue despite his continuous mischief in the Empire city. He enjoys her short fuse and fiery temper. The extent of her goodwill is something of a mystery to Aleksi, and her rough demeanor is reminiscent to company he’d previously kept in his childhood.