

Basic Information
Birth Date:
26th Stars, 8154 Coins [Day 9 Month of Cat, Year of Lambent Pearl Owl]
Light Elf
The Arcanists
Mareus' Favour
new experiences, rain, outdoors, heights, creativity, boyish clothing, snacks, bread, nuts and raw produce
emotional labour, moral grandstanding, rigidity, over familiarity, sugary pastries, gifts (she will tolerate 1 or 2)
Adaptive | Sociable | Self-reliant | Spontaneous | Facetious | Placid | Unscrupulous| Duplicitous | Unapologetic | Detached | Repressed af
Ceras endeavours for an amusing life, entertaining her whims at her convenience. She seeks out change to keep her life from feeling too stagnant - though it may be that she would rather run from stability than lose it.
She thinks herself free-spirited and values independence. While it can be an admirable and useful quality, it also hurts her. She fails or overcomplicates situations that could be resolved if she’d just ask for help. Her experiences have conditioned her to think relying on others is not an option she has.
Instead of preparing for results, she prepares to adapt and improvise. Unexpected outcomes are surprises worth looking forward to. When a problem is solved, it’s behind her. A lack of reflection makes Ceras mostly shameless over her actions. Even if she recognizes her mistake, the damage is done and there’s no point in fixating on what cannot be changed. If she feels anything, it’s to be swallowed down.
Ceras believes in moral relativism and that ‘truth’ is subjective for everyone. Despite finding interest in the perspectives of others, whether or not someone is lying is of no consequence. She finds it understandable for people to lie, so she does the same without guilt. Ceras finds it particularly amusing to tell obvious but extraordinary lies, especially as the fun way to avoid real answers. It’s in her best interest to only tell the most convenient or entertaining versions of a story - and ‘stories’ are usually all she is interested in sharing about herself.
She avoids conflict with others when it isn’t worth the energy or the trouble, but will otherwise welcome it as a spice of life. Situations often stressful for others are regarded with unusual passivity. She will often play the devil’s advocate and act contrarian to stir the pot, and she welcomes others’ opinions regardless of whether they’re agreeable, as long as they’re willing to discuss their perspectives rather than enforce them.
Ceras can seem amiable, willing to engage with anyone with disregard for any hostility; and doesn’t seem to bear grudges, ever composed as if she has infinite patience. This and all other behaviours are rooted in overall detachment. She seeks company, but avoids connections. She denies herself attachment to spare herself from loss.
Being around open vulnerability makes her uncomfortable. Others’ strong emotions can touch on unacknowledged issues of hers, and she’ll overcompensate by doubling down on her sense of independence and stoicism. She can put others down for ‘caring too much’.
It’s easy for her to act with little regard to anything because she doesn’t feel like a person. Others live out their childhoods together, they grow together, and they pursue their passions as they find their ways in the world. If that’s what living is, she feels she’s never done it. With no ambitions nor lasting ties, she feels an observer to the world, watching time, waiting for death. Even if she feels discontent, she doesn’t know how to live any other way at this point.
Ceras was unexpected, and her young parents weren’t prepared for the responsibilities of parenthood. As a merchant in a traveling convoy and an accompanying mercenary, her parents had a lifestyle lacking the stability a child might need in early developmental stages. Even if they recognized this, her parents’ backgrounds were filled with adventurous spirit and self-determination, and their biggest priority was to raise Ceras without the stifling tactics of the generations before them.
Being completely inexperienced put them off to a rough start and resulted in Ceras spending some of her earliest years in Estraude with her mother’s sister and their family. When they regained their footing, Ceras moved with her parents to Nisalvini, and they took time to be with her more - but they couldn’t put their lifestyle on hold forever, and they also couldn’t take Ceras with them on every sea voyage.
Raising her to be able to take care of herself, they decided she was old enough to be left alone for extended periods of time at an earlier age than most parents would allow. They trusted local connections, wherever they moved their residence around, to help occasionally check on her while they were away doing what Ceras could only interpret as ‘living their lives’.
There was a time when she would wonder if they were disappointed by her; if she failed their expectations to be like them, or if she failed to become easier for them to manage… But she grew to become indifferent about it. She didn’t expect anything from them anymore, and she didn’t try to understand them either. It couldn’t be helped if their life didn’t really include her in it.; after all, no one’s did.
What else could she feel after decades moving from place to place, mingling with people she always had to leave? Even when she stuck around long enough, so many of her friends grew up and moved on without her. She thought it was a human thing, since they aged so quickly, but even her elven friends would find passions that demanded their pursuit, drawing them away from Ceras to other chapters of their lives. Even if she kept in touch, people aged to unrecognizability. Mortality caught up to them. And of course, there were the untimely tragedies.
In her 20s, Ceras had reached an age that was still just the beginning for her, while others her age were getting married and getting jobs. It was at this point when it truly sank in that humans and half-elves were very different from her. It was as if they didn't even live in the same world. When the closest friend she had, a human, finally passed away of old age, Ceras swore off friendships with humans and half-elves. She never wanted to watch someone close to her die like that again.
Before she died, Ceras's friend said she was content with her life, and believed she'd lived to the fullest. Somewhere underneath all of Ceras's grief was jealousy. Ceras, who had all the time in the world, should have it so much better, and yet... her friend somehow found the secret to true happiness. That woman managed to live a fulfilling life, while Ceras felt she had nothing, especially now that her closest friend was gone... What was she doing wrong? Was there actually a set way to live one's life that only Ceras didn't know about? Everyone around her seemed to have something they cared about, or some kind of dream to chase. Was life really incomplete without it?
Everywhere humans mingled, the area would not maintain consistency over the decades. The world had become a different place before she even had the chance to grow with it. The places she thought she knew would be full of people and things she’d never seen before, and all traces of the past would slowly disappear along with all of its people. Everyone but her. Who was she if there was no longer anyone who remembered her, any place she fully recognized? There was never enough time to find her footing, and in the end she refused to set her feet down long enough to do so. If time would keep moving, then so would she, without stopping to get attached to things she was only going to lose. If her friend had really found the way to live one’s life, Ceras thought she must have missed that chance for herself. Time would not wait for her, so she wouldn’t try to find something to last anymore. It was enough to just enjoy the present as it came, and it was the best she felt she could do for herself.
Her parents eventually noticed a rift had grown despite the affection her parents felt for her, and they felt unable to understand or communicate with Ceras. Others saw her lack of expression as the temperament of a calm and obedient child. After all, kids who lacked attention usually lashed out and rebelled. Perhaps they had taught her to be too independent. Despite being treated with hospitality,...no because of that. What was this feeling, as though they were guests in their own houses? Where did they go wrong? They had given her no lack of love whenever they could.
However late for Ceras, they tried harder to connect with her by staying around her longer. They worried for her disaffected and passionless attitude, and tried to encourage her to pursue her magical affinities in a more official capacity. If she could find her passion, she would have something to look forward to, and she could make some much needed friends at the Academy of the Arcane.
Ceras saw no reason to refuse, and to be honest, her parents’ recent behaviour towards her had been making her feel awkward. It was better to be apart, after all, and let them have an excuse to return to their comfortable habits. Thus, she moved to Miras to start something new and interesting…
Current Story
10 years later…
Souls, 8292
Vivat Rex - Ceras attends the funeral procession for the late King Giovan. The new oracles leave her with a gnawing sense of unease.
New Dawn; Midsummer; Salvation - the kingdom upscales its military strength under the rule of its new king, and the Ley relics have been found. unease continues with the events of Midsummer.
Fragments of Future - The prophetic visions of tortured Oracles are reported in Month of Harvest. In all her years, Ceras cannot recall something like this occurring. It’s intriguing - and disturbing.
Restoration; Pride, Honour, Glory - As the plague is quelled, Ceras participates in crafting care packages for the survivors.
Retribution - From within the Academy’s halls, it feels surreal to hear of events so close by. It is then that she feels the whole continent will eventually become embroiled in this strife one way or another… Everything is going to change. The world, more than ever, will soon become unrecognizable.
The Harvest - Harvest Eve rolls around, and Ceras travels to Amedra to visit her (parents') residence. To her surprise, her parents are actually there for the festivities. Due to the developing world situation, many of their trade routes have been compromised and they’re taking a break to review their options. They assure Ceras they returned sooner than necessary in order to spend time with her - and that everything will be fine. They make an effort to connect with Ceras more in this time, but despite the positive conversation and pleasant time together, they bid her farewell feeling more lost than a ship stranded at sea.
Daggers in the Dark; And Night Did Fall - RIP Akiela, this can’t be good. Sussy business, but Ceras supposes that’s always the case with politics. Somewhere over everyone’s heads is an invisible and tangled web, but there’s nothing that she or any other regular person could do about it - even when her own parents could be among the victims in the resulting backlash against wood elves and Estran churches. For her part, she took mostly after her father, and could reliably pass as a light elf. She didn’t bother to change her hair colour, and she stuck by her longtime classmate Heaven in this time to guard her back.
Beginnings, 8293
Little Wizard Academia; Firefall - Ceras participates in the festivities as a vendor. She is solely responsible for all of the children running around in chirping baby chick shoes and quacking duck shoes. ; Silvan ruins dragons for Ceras.
Holy War; Clarion Call - Delverne’s annexation of Cantor strikes a bit personal for Ceras. The very place her grandmother tried so hard to get away from will not even let her be free in her final resting place. Everything is changing. It’s time to rise with the tide. The unease can no longer be ignored, and neither can the feeling that was always by its side - fascination. She is at once unsettled and enchanted by the world spiraling out of control. Somehow, she can’t explain it - she feels drawn to the Leywood expedition in a way she’s never felt. If the whole world is to unravel, she wants to be at the seams. While she missed the first expedition, she will not pass up the chance for this. She expects to find many things of greater interest than would ever be found elsewhere. Perhaps there will also be something related to the oracles or the prophecy… Hopefully, she can preserve what remains of Cantor - her memories - in the process.
Razzle Dazzle - Ceras’s parents see Belport’s revival as the perfect opportunity to breathe some life back into their trading business, and leave once more.
Wise Words - Preparing for the expedition, Ceras revisits her most nostalgic childhood home of Nisalvini, to participate in the Summit of Great Minds and find useful research material. After a vitriolic first meeting, Ceras develops a pleasantly adversarial relationship with Evin, who soon recruits her into the Ley Lines Syndicate.
Rampage - A dragon! I saw a dragon! It'll kill us all and then you'll believe me
Ambition; Unravelling - As a member of the second team, Ceras is optimistic about what could be her last time alive, and enjoys her experience with the other expeditioners. She is happy to share her soggy nuts (which Seth and Caleb seem particularly fond of). After a deadly encounter with Delvan expeditioners, things take a turn for the worse. Seth is left with a very personal struggle from having to hurt someone dear to him. Ceras is heavily injured but a teammate saves her from death. She is not as discontent with death escaping her as she thought she would be. Rather, her death wish seems to have been passed on to Seth…
In Soloros, Ceras receives a chilling vision from Tharoneos, and in the moment of their death, finds herself transported to her grandparents’ long abandoned house in a now annexed part of Cantor. Haunted by the vision and the ghosts of her past, Ceras begins to feel things she locked away fester inside. Before they can reach her, she will do as she always does, and autopilot forward. She is on her feet once more and preparing to move. Well aware of her grandfather’s career path, she finds his hidden cache of supplies after some effort, thanks in part to the ruined state of the house. While packing, she notices something that wasn’t there before - a relic fragment from Tharoneos. She had thought the expedition had failed, but as usual, things are more complicated than they appear…
With supplies and a disguise, she spares a last moment at her family’s grave and is on her way without looking back. Thankfully, the confusion set on by the forest’s overnight expansion is advantageous for crossing the Cantor border. To avoid being searched by border control, Ceras sneaks through both sections of Cantor into Miras, where she stashes the fragment away. Since someone took the trouble to list her among the missing expeditioners, she makes her way back to allied Cantor to leave an official record of crossing the border. With Gwen and Roz in her company, the process goes well thanks to the assistance of Naevys, who was just days ago her enemy. Ceras tells no one of the fragment.
Shatter; Dominion - Ceras returns to the Academy of the Arcane with the relic fragment, hoping to research it there. Those plans are quickly laid to waste as the academy falls under attack. Ceras joins the defense effort, and had she nothing at stake, she would have stayed until the end and joined the newborn Anarcanist movement - but with the fragment in her possession, she decides to flee East with other academics. She returns to her house in Amedra rather than take the free boarding, knowing it will be empty for her. Ceras has now lost contact with many familiar faces - including Heaven. Once again, she has failed to preserve the last marks of her life anywhere.
Cut & Cauterise - Ceras participates in the Royals Rescue fiasco, though she is injured early on and cannot proceed further. She’s left to wait near the cave entrances. She manages to escape attacking pirates with Rayne, though they go their separate ways at the end.
Linhythe Advent Auction - Ceras takes advantage of the new alliance between the East Kingdom and the Empire to attend the Linhythe auction with Caleb, who, perhaps from a lapse in judgement, invited her to go with him! While there she chats with a beautiful bara man and meets yet another emotionally constipated one-eyed half elf. She starts a fight with him and gets them both kicked out while Caleb isn’t looking (or perhaps pretending not to be associated).
Having lost contact with Caleb, she ends up stuck in Linhythe. To her luck(?) she runs into a familiar face - that shin-tastic half elf storyteller. Naturally, she follows him around to pester him, and he finds her a place to stay. She becomes acquainted with Xander’s house and Jin’s fists in the process. For the remainder of her stay, she has misadventures with Aleksi and commits arson. She feels refreshed in a way she didn’t know she needed. Having blossomed an attachment to Aleksi, she tries to leave those feelings behind in the form of a gift.
After her return to Amedra, Ceras weighs her options. She continues to talk to a child acquaintance of hers, and, out of exasperation and apathy, ends up confessing some of her woes. The child turns out to be Princess Marise, and she takes Ceras to meet Vinicio and Celestina. Ceras reveals the fragment to be in possession and makes a proposal, promising to share the results of her research. Her personal opinions on Vinicio as a ruler notwithstanding, she believes this to be the most pragmatic choice. She does not want to fail again. She makes plans to move to Nisalvini.
Coins, 8294
Tale of Two Courts - Ceras travels to the empire to see the pet show and other festivities for a few days. Clotaire has the misfortune of making Ceras’s acquaintance. A reunion with Aleksi allows her to discover the girl of her dreams (Chewchew!) and she steals cat food.
She returns to Amedra to celebrate Marise’s birthday with her before finally setting off on her journey, making a quick stop in Cantor before settling into Nisalvini for the indefinite future.
Her first order of business is to recruit people for her research: Evin of course, and then Seth, who seems very preoccupied with something else. Seeing they have shared interests and goals, she agrees to assist Seth with his efforts in exchange for assistance with the Ley Fragment.
World’s Wrath - Nisalvini sinks. The last fully surviving place of importance to her - the last place she wanted to protect - and it’s simply gone. She and her team saw the signs while studying the local flora, but they didn’t truly understand - not until it was already too late. She managed to secure the fragment and some research material. She remembers Evin’s back. She remembers searching aimlessly for Seth… She could not make enough ice floats. There were so many screams. Then there were none.
She is facing heaven on a boat. She doesn’t really hear what Heaven says, or what she says in reply. Heaven’s gaze is unbearable. She looks out at a horizon as empty as her heart.
Ceras touches base with her contacts in the Cantish Abbey, and takes up a disguise for her extended stay in Cantor by the alias Liria Alphard. Thanks to Aleksi, her ears still appear human. She finds Evin and Seth alive, and continues to assist Seth while lending her hand to Elentiya and the Arcanists.
[II, Jewel Sea] The world keeps moving. Ceras keeps moving. That's all there is to life; that's all one can do. She travels to the Citadel mostly out of the motivation to simply witness it. She takes nothing. There is no point in keeping pieces of the past. It will all disappear again.
[III Mysterious Awakening]; Waking Spirits; Miracle - Nothing makes sense anymore, but if there is anything Ceras is certain of, it’s that nothing’s ever as it seems. She’ll be the last person to believe any of the news of alleged miracles and supposed elf ascendence and so-called oracles. It’s all too theatrical to be anything but an elaborate political scheme. After all, there is never a spectacle without an audience.
Playing Gods - In a race against time, Ceras and the other Arcanists seek out the ancient Telurean totems as a last measure against Delverne’s advancement under a false prophet. There is no hesitation in Ceras to mess with a power she doesn’t understand. The world is already beyond messed with. However, on 19th Harvest, it seems to be all in vain as Cantor sets ablaze across the horizon, flames as vast as the open sea. There is no Cantor anymore. Pulled into darkness by one of the many golems, Ceras felt as if it failed to grab all of her. As if she split into two people, she watched herself disappear in the flames. Perhaps it's better this way. Now, there is nothing to lose. Nothing matters anymore. She is free at last.
Underworld - Now in the remains of the lost Telurean empire, Ceras is found and regrouped with other survivors. Several familiar faces are still alive, and yet, Ceras only regards this with simple acknowledgement. She explores around with the other survivors, but seems to offer no real contributions or commentary. As a former expedition teammate, Evin notices something is different.
War of Ancients - From 19th Fire, Ceras spirals further into a distant haze. She begins sleep walking, and seems to dissociate often; behaviours shared with all of the light and dark elves amidst the survivors. There is a sickening light that beckons her. There is nothing to hold her back. There is a promise that there could be nothing left of her. There is a dream of belonging somewhere, and being nowhere. She thought she was free - but the Call is one that whispers of a true freedom at its destination. Yes…She could never feel again. She could be weightless. Ceras spends her days lost somewhere, never sure what is in front of her or whether she is awake anymore. It is the other Therras questers around her who keep her from wandering off, who watch over her.
8294 –> Paths, 8295
Beginning of the End - Evin has been communicating with Ceras, in reality and in dream walks, to keep her tethered to reality. She agrees to assist him in experiments against the Call. Despite all temptations, she has resisted the Call - for the only arbiter of her destiny, her agency, is to be herself. Feeling she’s been stuck in fever dreams, Ceras had a lot of time to think between lucidity, and it’s time to wake up. Above the Telurean survivors, the world further inverts itself, and time twists away from Rains 8294 to Arrival, 8295. After touching part of the tree of Soloros, Ceras notices her ley fragment change its form…
Sin and Sacrifice -
[II, Scions of Mareus] With Mareus’s divine aid, the deepest parts of Telurea become available to the Therras questers. Ceras presses on into Soloros, now with the addition of Mareus questers.
[III, Telurea’s End] Ceras’s fragment blooms into a pinecone hedgehog. She names it Sprout. At the end of a long journey with many insights into the past and the very nature of Alva, the party crosses through one of the portals into the outskirts…of Delverne. The general sentiment among everyone is clear: what happens next lies down a path of no return.
[VIII, Heartland] Ceras and the other questers infiltrate Delverne in disguise amidst the Oathbound festivities. The goal is to get to the Heart Sanctum of the Delverne Cathedral and revive Tharoneos… But all involved parties get more than they bargained for. Triss reveals her true nature, which makes a lot more sense than her false image she’d been hiding behind. Delverne is destroyed, and reclaimed as the divine domain of Therras - the scale of which is beyond all expectations of the Therras questers. Countless innocents are killed as a direct result of their actions. The Miran army had also anticipated this time to strike, and contributed to the total devastation. After contributing to search and rescue efforts, the Therras questers depart in Miran skyships. Ceras exchanges parting words with Sprout. Though she is steeped in blood, she does not regret - for to do so would be hypocritical to her. Her hands were stained with blood a long time ago. Instead, she rekindles her resolution to live on and carry the people she lost with her, thanks to the experience with Sprout, Tharoneos and the Ley Fawns.
[X, The Final Hour] In progress.
Additional Info
Seemingly impossible to anger
Likes to hang out in high places, scaling roofs and treetops
She doesn't hate her parents. Rather, things would be a lot easier if she did
Not in contact with any living relative's on father's side in Delverne (grandma eloped w/commoner)
Does not actually care about gender, finds it completely meaningless
closest voice claim feat. character song
Select character songs
(playlist is still wip)
Event Items
Returning Rope [Miras marketplace, second Leywood expedition preparation. c. 8293]
Riverstone Accessory [Lirisdel, Soloros, second Leywood expedition. c. 8293] Various accessories made from river stones. The stones are smooth and always cool to touch.
Fallen Fadewood [Forests around split Cantor borders, post Leywood expedition. c. 8293] During Ceras' secret trip to hide her fragment, she comes across a marvellous and eerie sight: a completely uprooted fadewood tree, its insubstantial body sunken right through the neighbouring trees. Normally, the fadewood cannot be touched - all things pass through it as if it was made of air - but upon death, there is a small window in which parts of it become tangible. If touched by a mage, these parts will remain tangible to that mage. Otherwise, within a few days, they disintegrate into vapour. There is a variety of long, straight branches that Ceras could pick up, ranging from pencil-sized to staff-sized. Perhaps she might know that fadewood is an exquisite conductor of air and water ether and is highly sought after for that, but difficult to obtain. Or perhaps these branches just look like good hiking sticks for the journey home. They're kind of pretty anyway, with their shimmery, purplish wood.
Scrying Crystal [Linhythe, c. 8293/4] Aleksi just kinda gave it to her
Goldentail [Cantish Mystery Seeds, Advent festivities , c. 8293]
Eyeglass [Estran Magical Trinkets, Advent festivities, c. 8293. Did she lie about being from West Miras to get this?]
Stormglass Stone [Amedra, Pera'lan festivities. c. 8294]
Vault Regalia [Riag, Lost Telurea, Therras quest. c. 8295] Among the dust and faded trinkets, Ceras notices a small cedar box, weary and worn from the years, with the lock rusted through. It's easy to open, the lock falling away. Inside, wrapped in protective layers of cloth is a bound leather book. At first it appears to be a book of detailed illustrations, but upon closer inspection there are lyrics included on the pages. The colours haven't aged well, despite the protection it received. A reckless hand could easily tear the ripened parchment. An inscription is carved into the underside of the box's lid: <My song lives in the wind > What a great idea for a
tramp stamptattoo
Atticus Leland
{ Sentimental fool. He's likely to die horribly or recklessly, and not even the fun way. }
She is indifferent to Attie, but his strong sense of empathy and passionate sincerity with which he carries himself makes her feel uncomfortable and put off sometimes... And yet, it is because of his very nature that Ceras cannot dislike him either.
Caleb Lir Nereus
Classmate at the former Academy of the Arcane and fellow teammate from the second Leywood expedition, Ceras acompanied Caleb with his invitation to Linhythe to infiltrate an auction - but her behaviour there indicates there is a reason he hasn't sought her company in a public establishment again.
Evellinestu Lex Coreum
{ "What...reason could you have for a death wish!?" Evin asked, nearly laughing at the thought as he spoke.
"What reason do I have to live?" she grinned. }
Evin and Ceras have a unique relationship of mutually appreciated company while often simultaneously thinking of how best to torture the other. They respect each other intellectually, although they have some opposing core ideologies that cause them to clash.
Having met by pure chance of a misplaced book to the face, the two began working together under a more official capacity when Evin inducted Ceras into the Ley Lines Syndicate, and later researched ley fragments together. During their time in Telurea, she helped him with other research.
Arlengwyn Aethril
Encountered in the wild, in the chaotic aftermath of the second Leywood Expedition while trying to get across the border back into allied territory. While Ceras is a successfully repressed person, Gwen was a reassuring presence to help ease the tensions and find amusement in such a situation; but being a successfully repressed person, Ceras will never admit this, nor is she fully aware of it.
Beatrice Cielos [Heaven]
{What is it Heaven sees in Ceras that makes her irreplaceable? Ceras..doesn't understand...she doesn't know what to do. Heaven is so honest in a way that Ceras could never be - not even with herself.}
Ceras and Heaven spent many years at the Academy of the Arcane together. After the Kingdom split and the Academy fell, they lost contact until sometime later with a mutual vested interest in the fate of Cantor during Delverne's annexation efforts. They both aided each other where they could. When Nisalvini sank, Heaven was there to save Ceras and seek refuge in Cantor until its falling. Heaven was also pulled underground with the rest of the current Therras search party.
Ceras had sworn to herself not to form lasting attachments and connections to others ever again, and refused to acknowledge Heaven's consistent presence in her life and place in her heart as anything more than two passing ships. After hurting Heaven, recent developments forced her to reflect inward for once and admit she still had losses to fear.
While she doubts Jin wants to see her again, she owes her a favour in return for Jin providing a temporary shelter (Xan's house) in Linhythe. Well, unless Jin found out about the arson. Then she'll just quietly pretend that favour doesn't exist
Ceras became acquainted with Jins fists through Aleksi during her stay in Linhythe. She has reservations about returning there, should Jin find out about her and Aleksi's rather conspicuous arson of public property.
Kamon Intira
Ceras recognizes Kamon holds goodwill towards her, but she keeps her distance all the same, or more so because of that. Familial bonds are something she hesitates to make, especially with parental figures. It's complicated but something she deems unworth her thoughts. Or is she just avoiding her feelings...?
Marise Lucilius
{ "Whose birthday celebration is this again? I'm just kidding happy birthday
I didn't get you anything and I'm mostly here for the food" }
Ceras initially knew Marise as a sassy, lost child, but now fondly remembers her as Parkour Princess - a title not inherited, but earned by most admirable wall scaling, of course. The last time they were ever in touch were the celebrations right before Marise's engagement, after which Ceras departed for Nisalvini.
Ceras isn't entirely caught up with what is going on with Marise, as other matters have taken precident (being trapped underground and then destroying Delverne will do that) but she does wish the best for her, as marise is trapped in a life not to be envied... If she ever needs anything, Ceras still owes her a favour.
Seth Karlsson
{ "Then knock me out for all I care-- I'd sleep if my mind let me, alright?"
"Woah, Seth. That's actually a great idea." Ceras says in genuine appreciation. "How do I knock you out?" }
Met through their assignment to the same team during the second Leywood expedition. Ceras finds him passively amusing, and though she finds him excessively soft, it may have rubbed off on her as she supposes in the end it isn't always a bad thing. Something about his convictions and his company is slightly endearing enough to enjoy being around him.
With time, Ceras came to know of his relation to his birth family and recalled one side of her family was oathbound to offer protection. She takes up to honouring this promise only for Seth, 'just because' - it's not a sentimental thing, definitely not - she is above the concept of friendship!
Karan Avasarala
{ "Are you in such a position to make judgements? I choose not to look backwards or forwards. You do not because the path has already been chosen for you." }
Ceras's cousin through her mother's side. She spent some of her earliest years in Estraude, and has visited back more than once growing up. The two have a rather strained relationship, and the more Karan tries to reach out to connect with her, the more Ceras finds him offputting.
Ceras's Family
{ "How do you feel about that old abandoned house you were sent to, Ceras?" ...
" 'Feel'...?" she repeats after a beat. She answers with a statement. "It is my late grandparents' house," she says, tilting her head ... }
Zaria Sirisena - Ceras's mother and Karan's aunt through his mother's side. Zaria was always a rebellious spirit, overflowing with confidence and pluck. She could never be contained by the traditions of the wood elf Sirisena family or even by land itself. She will take on any challenge with a grin.
Aquila Renatus - Ceras's light elf father. Aquila is easygoing and tries to add the spirit of fun to things. He is optimistic, and believes he can use his face and honeyed words to get out of many situations - because he has. He and Zaria became best friends while working together, and their romance could be said to be the ideal relationship.
Lucretia Aurelia - Ceras's late grandmother. In a star crossed romance, the noblewoman fled her life in Delverne to elope with a man of many secrets. The two settled down in Cantor under the surname Renatus for the rest of their days. Unlike her husband, she lived a long life, and her mental decline in her later years coupled with his absence often resulted in violent or panicked episodes where she thought she was still trapped in her family home in Delverne. She seemed to have lived a troubled life, but she never talked about her life before Cantor. Ceras and her father could only make out details that slipped in those later unstable years, and the rest when sorting the house after her passing.
Saiph - Ceras's late grandfather. Not even Aquila ever knew much about him, let alone his real name or where he came from. Lucretia would never answer questions about him either. Though she certainly knew things she wasn't telling, it seemed she too didn't know many details others would consider critical, but she was clearly the happiest person in the world with him. Saiph was a stoic man of few words. He spoke the most to his wife. Though he was without sternness, he managed to be intimidating all the same. He was, in particular, too skilled with knives. Nevertheless, his devotion to his family was never in question. He passed away before Lucretia.