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Resident City
Home City


Basic Information





Birth Date:


6'4" (193 cm)




Water Oriad







Ochi Simera Therras


Frogs | Wind | Swords | Aggressive greetings | Magic users | Heavy Swords


Artichokes | Remembering without understanding | Clothing touching her cattails and grasses | Playing music


Stoic | Blunt | Concise | Literalistic Thinker | Curious | Trusting | Loyal | Easily Frustrated | Restless | Protective

While she doesn't try to hide what little she knows about herself, Fen can still be a hard person to read. A very forthright sort, she is bluntly honest and rarely cynical. Her straight-forward nature seems to come from a need to confirm her thoughts aloud. However, they are still an oriad of few words. Facial expressions and body language tend towards subtlety and slight adjustments to convey massive changes in emotion. People who have been around her for longer find it easier to tell what might be on Fen's mind through the slight nuances, and know to be wary of a slightly furrowed brow.

Her own honest tendencies have led her to believe that most other people are honest- or at least, not malacious. So far, her experiences have been proven true, and her trust can be easily earned. One of the quickest ways is to offer Fen new knowledge. Often, she can be found lurking over a shoulder to observe something new with a quiet, intensely analytical curiousity. Though she has trouble saying it sometimes, or fully grasping a new experience, this gathering of new information is important to her. This can make her singularly focused at times, and very restless to learn. To understand.

Her own thoughts can only take her so far, and one emotion that she has no difficulty expressing is frustration. It bubbles up quickly when she feels stuck or her few words fail to properly convey her internal emotions. When that happens, Fen feels the need to release the tension physically, that she's learned to only break things that are hers or no one's. Once the initial frustration is spent, her body full of adrenaline, she comes back down to her typical hard to read state.

For a select few, Fen's heart burns with fierce loyalty. There is a lot of danger in the world, and she finds it her personal duty to protect them from what she can.


The marshland was a strange comfort, and a slow place to wake up. Crickets sing amongst the still morning lake, calling to her. As the oriad started to emerge from the brackish, algae ridden waters, frogs and birds took up the chorus. Ribbets and croaks. A variety of chirps. Then, suddenly, the sounds of voices. Whispers. For the first time in a long time, she opened her eyes. Above her stood two half-elf children, staring back at her. 

The kids took turns visiting her for a few days as she finished coming out of the water. When she was finally free of the cattails and lily pad roots, they brought her to a small fishing shack on the outskirts of the marsh. An older, grandmotherly elf awaited them. The cabin, full of strange magics and materials, become her temporary home as they tried to determine who- or what- she was. 

The old woman, who kept repeating her name as Ethel as if trying to drum it into her, took to calling the oriad Fen. It fit well. The communication barrier was a difficult hurdle in the early days, and though Fen learned at a steady pace, the frustration that came with it led to multiple early outbursts and a few damaged sections of wall. Another lesson came soon after- things that you break must be fixed. Eventually, Fen learned enough to be able to communicate fluently with Ethel and the children- her grandchildren, as the oriad soon understood. With them, Fen became an intense learner, spending her waking hours pouring over every nook and cranny of the small house, exploring the marsh with the children, and learning, learning, learning. 

As time passed, her hunger to learn outgrew the humble offerings of the shack. Fen became restless. The inherent comfort of the marsh felt more and more antagonizing. She tried to let them go elsewhere, but Ethel would find any number of reasons for her to stay. Charlotte, the elder of the grandchildren, was easier to convince. When a particularly lovely sunset had fallen over the marsh, she draped one of their grandmother's shawls over Fen, and together they began the hours long trek towards the nearest town.

The town was small, but to Fen it was as though the world had opened up. She slowly started making her way around, finding nex experiences with the carefully guided hand of Charlotte. There were whispers, and some people even tried approaching to get a better look. Not more than a few hours after arriving, they were surrounded by some of the more keen town members and escorted to a sidehouse, where they were peppered with questions. Charlotte did a majority of the talking, with Fen chiming in where she could. 

Slowly, the town acclimated to her presence, and Fen followed different members of town to better learn and grow. The marsh was no longer confining, and she returned often to hear the quiet comfort. The restlessness never truly left, but it was abated... for now.

Current Story


After a chance encounter with one Gwen in the marsh, Fen decided to dedicate her duty to this newfound font of wisdom. Together, they leave the town, and Fen learns much. 

Telurea and the Ghosts Therein

Wrong place, wrong time- Fen joins Gwen into the depths of Telurea. She joins expeditions, and gains new memories, but misses her swamp. Much happens down there, including a sad artichoke, among other strangely melancholy memories that leave her feeling more confused. 

Sin and Sacrifice: Absconding with Fishing Mama

After the journey to Soloros, fighting statues, and all sorts of other hooliganery, the portal doors provide Gwen an escape. Another key lesson for Fen, who follows close behind to join the fishing crew in Nisalvini. Another memory is had, and a chance encounter with someone who reminds Fen of a water oriad but isn't. They're yeeted away before too much thought can be had. 

Sin and Sacrifice: Tempest, Titan's Hunt

Fighting, now that she can get behind. Fen joins the ranks of battlers in the fight against the generals, but doesn't fall to the curse Dunor inflicted on people who were there before she arrived. 

It's all very strange, of course, but nothing so strange as the journey that follows. 

Sin and Sacrifice: Where I End

Pain. There is pain that goes through Fen as Iridus claims Gwen as a mouthpiece, for lack of better word. She cannot protect her like this. And so, it is better to make the journey as quickly as possible, for fear of what might happen otherwise. 

They journey to the edge of space, and push forward into the great unknown, stepping through dream puddles of half formed memories and god knows what else.

Additional Info

Memory shards:

Whilst exploring the ancient ruins of Telurea, Fen comes across an old smithy littered with blades of all kinds. On a whim, she picks up a large, double-handed sword - and without thinking, her hands and body shift to hold it in a proper fighting stance. She recalls, fleetingly, standing in an open space with a sword like this in her hands and armoured people all around her. She had laughed, happy about something, and her heart hammers now in remembered excitement. When she gives the sword a few experimental swings, her movements are powerful, deliberate and feel very good. 

Fen is a master of heavy weapons.

A restless tension fills Fen as reconnaissance and battle plans for the final push into Delverne unfold. Something about this atmosphere is familiar, somehow, and between this and her recent tumult over the mysterious 'artichoke' symbol, something stirs in her mind. She recalls a voice, so stern and biting that the mere memory makes her straighten her back and feel guilty for idling. "You, over here! Don't waste my time." A flash of steel in the sun, a blade pointed towards her own. "Show me what you've got. I've heard you have talent, but do you have guts?" Fen sees a grin that is all teeth, mirthless yet electrifying. "Show me how you'd kill a lady." Fen, hefting her sword in both hands, had spoken only one sentence in reply. 

"It would be my honour, Master Liletu."

⟡ From the Fishing Mama roleplay

There is cold air on her face, fresh and soothing. The bed beneath her is firm and more functional than luxurious, but it's comforting in its familiarity. She feels unwell, but not intolerably so. She is recovering.

An equally familiar figure is seated next to her and looks up as she stirs. “Welcome back, my friend! I’m sorry the ritual pushed you to the brink. But, because of this gift, we’ll achieve our greatest dreams someday.” These words shine as brightly in her memory as the person's smile. This was important, somehow. This made her feel good, validated, worthy.

“You needn’t worry about your duties, just rest," the person goes on. "Though, Liletu insists you get better quickly, as ‘training is quite dull without you’. She’s fond of you, in her own way.” A deep, gentle laugh washes over Fen as she fades back into sleep.

Beneath the starless sky, Fen sits alone. Her campfire crackles and summer insects sing, but the world feels very silent tonight. As she stares into nothing, her mind clouds in that way just before sleep and an absent thought surfaces from nowhere: maybe she should go home…?

Home… Fen’s footsteps echo through rock-carved corridors, her path leading her ever downwards. As she finally approaches the familiar painted door of her own chambers, the world ripples and sighs around her. The door melts away and the corridor splits instead into a mess of spiralling staircases, all descending into a vast cavern of obsidian stone below. A groan escapes her lips. “Come on! I’m done for the day, just let me in.” Resigned, she steps forward again–

Fen blinks awake. The dream of strange corridors and stairs and an elusive room that is hers slips away.


  • She has adopted a pet frog, eloquently named Jimothy, who accompanies her and Gwen on their travels.

  • In Genny's shop, she took a mysterious frog shaped golem toy- it is appropriately named Jomithy.

  • She hasn't found a good way to keep her lily pad out of her eyes, so while she can see perfectly fine out of both eyes, often it will leave her with a blindspot.

  • Often eats three meals a day, in an attempt to perform normalcy and mimic those around her. 

  • A first indicator of her frustration can be found the cattails and grasses that grow on her arms and shoulders. They tend to bristle when on the verge of an outburst.

  • Her toes are webbed, and she prefers to go barefoot. 



Arlengwyn Aethril

Two peas in a murky, mud-colored pond, Fen would do anything for the person who showed her the world. Where Gwen's chaos gets them into danger, or trouble, or both, Fen is there to take what heat she can. Her excitement for life is infectious, and Fen is determined to learn all she can from her.


A fellow traveler of the watery sort! Fen counts her as a lucky comrade, and will happily suplex her in greeting any day. Glad to stand by her in combat.

Lorelei Glaisyer

An ally from the deep below, whose warmth healed her from the brink. While their paths separate, Fen knows she, too, must be protected.

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